Best ZWEIs?

true... of course, I dont have any other zweis to fight, so mirrors are great practice for me. Just cause I know something on paper doesnt mean I have the muscle memory down to do it. us EIN lovers are few and far between and Im used to being on the other side of the wolf. beating bad/semi-decent zweis i run into is cake, I want practice against the good ones..... that why im posting here xD

I think I fought you a while ago (but not too far back), its nice to see more action around here, mind if we have a few games? Find me whenever you get on XBL (my friends list is full I think).
My ps3 is dead atm, when Im at my buddys house we will get some matches in. Also, you need to work on your tira. just fyi JS 22B is hella good.
....what? Egg I was talking to pfiidude. And I don't use Tira.... lol?
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