Big "meat head guy" raging over Soul Calibur *pics*

To be fair, the messages that were sent TO the meat head in question were not shown, who knows what kind of trolltacular shit was said to him.

But yeah, he did blow it way out of proportion, and if this catgirl(dude) is as much of a troll as people say he/she is, then I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he/she purposefully made the smallest character possible to gain advantage. it DOES make a difference. A couple of grabs whiffed that should not have in the video, and for an Asty player...that would be rage inducing, I suppose.

Again, not condoning the asty player's behavior, but you have to look at both sides of the situation.
Wow. He really fits the Astaroth persona. What a complete dumb ignorant asshole, he's got fatceps and a complete disgrace to himself and to his own hobby.

The majority of girls don't even like these type of people in real life anyway. He's probably never been laid and it's funny because it is probably true.

"omfg that midget beat me ROAAAAARRRRR"
I was interested until I saw "Cat Girl".

I almost puked reading all of the comments on his YouTube from all of these blind fanboys that don't know/refuse to believe the truth.

I honestly don't know who is more sad, though. Cat Guy, or the dude in the video who sent those messages. Or Boss Nasti.
LMFAO, this is one thing I do miss about XBL, the fuckin lulzy people you meet, no matter what kind of game you're playing, always someone you'll meet, eventually, in which hilarity ensues.
yea, what was up with the voice at the beginning? it really sounded like a girl voice...and i know this cat guy cus he's one of the douche's on the online leaderboards.
Think it was pretty obvious the guy was doing the wrong grab heights...had nothing to do with the CAS. CAS will effect hotbox sure, but only in terms of width, reach, and juggle. It will never effect standing H M L.
I joined the NY Global Colosseo lobby late last night and Cat Guy was in there. He started messaging me raging about how "some friend told him I was talking crap about him". O_o
This is too funny! I'm a sore loser, so I don't do online gaming for this reason. I'm a rage-o-holic and I would rather have fun than be angry when playing games. This guy should just quit if he's going to flip out like that. Being angry while playing games just isn't fun.

The voice in the beginning probably could be altered with some kind of voice changing program, or he probably got a girl to talk for him, or he could be prepubescent. Who knows?!
That pic needs to get a little photoshop to make it look more like Kenny Powers. I totally want some hatemail from Kenny Powers
LOL, oh man. I gotta take pics of the messages that Cat Guy guy sent me the other day. Priceless.