BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

I mostly played Jin when I got to play BB. I wanna learn more Ragna and check out v13 when I can spend more time with it. Game's too fun ^_____^
Whats the word on Taokaka's projectile? It seems slow, like crappy version of Faust's staple projectile. I've only seen it once so I don't know if she has random items or not.
Whats the word on Taokaka's projectile? It seems slow, like crappy version of Faust's staple projectile. I've only seen it once so I don't know if she has random items or not.
Dustloop said:
Flying Cat Ball
*Projectile attack, slow on start up, depending on which button she launches her items differently
A = Diagonal Projectile, different random items
B = Forward Projectile, different random items
C = Bowling Ball, throws a Bowling Ball that travels across the floor.
Don't know how good A and B are, but I'm pretty sure bowling ball is useless.
It sounds like it's not as good as Faust's projectile...

Anyway, i know this is a BB thread but whos happy that AC+ is commng to states?
I really need to become more mobile since I really want to play BB.

To answer your question mizuiro, I definitely can't wait to pick up AC+ even though I already have US AC. That announcement was definitely a bit of a shocker. And by bit of a shocker I mean completely out of left field.
AC+ IS COMING TO US!!!! *fanboy scream*

BB is a good game, however I really wish that the main char and rival weren't ripoffs from Sol and Ky. Come on, give Ragna a scythe or something. Then we wouldn't call him Sol anymore. And it really gets annoying with the voices, because the chars say something EVERYTIME they do an action. GG did it as well, but not as often as BB.
BB is a good game, however I really wish that the main char and rival weren't ripoffs from Sol and Ky. Come on, give Ragna a scythe or something. Then we wouldn't call him Sol anymore. And it really gets annoying with the voices, because the chars say something EVERYTIME they do an action. GG did it as well, but not as often as BB.

Sorry, but when you have a command grab that pulls the opponent off the ground and GUT PUNCHES them upright to continue comboing, you've obtained awesome points. Ragna is about as awesome as Sol. As for Jin, that mofo is all kinds of crazy in comparison to Ky. His crazy obsession (hard on) for Ragna is obvious yaoi bait though. As for who's more awesome out of those two though. Ky was a pretty boring character, at least Jin is psychotic and abusive (poor Noel).

As for the talking too much thing, yeah. There is ALOT of talking in battle in BB. However, as long as it's not in english I won't care too much since I won't understand WTF they are saying.

PS: As for AC+ having online, No.
Yeah Ky was pretty much an idealistic naive white knight type of guy. Jin is a psychotic arrogant abusive asshole*leave Noel alone T_T I hope Ragna or V13 kicks his sorry ass* Anyway I keep hearing this game's gonna come out for consoles eventually.Is this true?
There will be a console version. Aksys just hasnt released any information about it yet. We don't know when its coming out or on what consoles.
This game is going to kill my SFIV playing big time when it comes out. To find out it's so soon makes me pretty hype too. Noel here I come.

Cannot wait.
4 fighting games to rule them all?

SC4 -- Full 3D.
SF4 -- 2D, 3D graphics.
BB -- 2D, 2D sprites.
STHD -- 2D, 2D sprites. It's STHD?

Wasn't expecting it until towards the end of the year.

Going to try to go down to University Pinball in the next couple weeks and play Jin
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