[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Haha, yeah, I have a good friend that lives in Jacksonville that told me about it....I'm probably gonna fly down to Jax a few days before the tournament to chill then drive down w/ him and split hotel with a bunch of the Jax crew. It has the potential to be as big as Evo...5k guaranteed for SF4 plus half the entries, hot damn. I'm also gonna play in the smash melee tournament they have to see how bad I've gotten =(
reposting cuz it got bottom'd http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=212102
Wow that sounds insanely awesome...
This could really get as big as Evo! Lucky for you guys that are already gonna be in the area.

In other news, Ken (food stand guy) has some pics up of the tourney on FB. Des I'm calling you out right now pretty boy. There's this great pic of Jug and JS playing in the finals, but right in the middle of the shot is Des - he's looking right at the camera and adjusting his hat. I died laughing, I'll have to show it to you guys sometime.
Also, tourny results thread is up, thanks Cha.

Wow that sounds insanely awesome...
This could really get as big as Evo! Lucky for you guys that are already gonna be in the area.

In other news, Ken (food stand guy) has some pics up of the tourney on FB. Des I'm calling you out right now pretty boy. There's this great pic of Jug and JS playing in the finals, but right in the middle of the shot is Des - he's looking right at the camera and adjusting his hat. I died laughing, I'll have to show it to you guys sometime.
Also, tourny results thread is up, thanks Cha.


Jeff, can you link the pics that you find?

thanks for everything guys, im kinda tired, will post more later

oh yea, i posted full results on every forum, so go ahead and post propers to ppl you met in them, keep them hyped and let people know what they missed.
Wow that sounds insanely awesome...
This could really get as big as Evo! Lucky for you guys that are already gonna be in the area.

In other news, Ken (food stand guy) has some pics up of the tourney on FB. Des I'm calling you out right now pretty boy. There's this great pic of Jug and JS playing in the finals, but right in the middle of the shot is Des - he's looking right at the camera and adjusting his hat. I died laughing, I'll have to show it to you guys sometime.
Also, tourny results thread is up, thanks Cha.


Eddie Kusanagi thats my boy i knew him for years on end lol but yeah man jeff send me the link to that shit son i gotta see my lol

Is the address of the Pic, but I don't know what Ken's privacy settings are. I sent him a message asking him to send me all of the pics he took, then I can spread them to the crew.

Testing the IMG tags -

I think it works? Let me know if you guys can see the pics. He're a couple of the other good ones -


HAHA @ des adjusting his hat. yeah i saw these pics on facebook. i didn't even realize any pictures were being taken.

i think there's one of me at my 360 station doing training mode getting all frustrated right before tony p destroyed me in our match lol
HAHA @ des adjusting his hat. yeah i saw these pics on facebook. i didn't even realize any pictures were being taken.

i think there's one of me at my 360 station doing training mode getting all frustrated right before tony p destroyed me in our match lol

boom goes the dynamite
p.s you guys better step your game up, I'm JSmaster jr yo, he showed me some things that will ensure no one ever beats me again. byahhhhhhhhhhh
im seriously not happy with the way i played at all. and i didnt needed to be rubbed in when i got beat by a girl at all, that seriously pissed me off. be ready to see a lot of changing in my game and in me for a while, and a better performances from me
So after getting seriously beat down by JSMasters, im going to be maining Akuma from now on. Seriously maining him, I dont even want to look at the green machine for a while. A while as in until SSF4 and he gets his shit together. If Akuma isnt strong enough to compete with you guys by NEC however.. I'll brush the dust off Blanka and pray to god i don't run into any Rogs. That match is seriously free.

P.S. Celes, stick status?
Waiting for another order of parts to come in, so I can finish yours, mine, and crab's sticks.

is tristan's done by any chance? he's itching to play sf4 again. he stopped by the tourney but decided not to waste his time 'cause he hadn't played in a long time.
[youtube="for jug"]Hr3uoPzrQD0[/youtube]

not that you need any more help. but there might be some new things here?
is tristan's done by any chance? he's itching to play sf4 again. he stopped by the tourney but decided not to waste his time 'cause he hadn't played in a long time.

not that you need any more help. but there might be some new things here?

Not yet, his is next first chance I get this week to do it (in-fact I'll probably work on it today after classes. Let him know that when I saw him, he asked me to leave it with you when I finish it.
is tristan's done by any chance? he's itching to play sf4 again. he stopped by the tourney but decided not to waste his time 'cause he hadn't played in a long time.
[youtube="for jug"]Hr3uoPzrQD0[/youtube]

not that you need any more help. but there might be some new things here?

heh thx anyway, but alot of that stuff I already knew and/or don't see as being practical in an actual match
in most match ups. but there is 2 things In the vid I saw that feel the opposite about..... LEVEL UP! ^_^
ok so I tallied up what I am missing and it's not so bad:

-1 ps2 av cord (yes another one >.>)
-1 ps3 power cord, brought 2, left with one

what i have extra:

-1 ps3 sync cable
-1 rf adapter for ps2

let me know if you guys have anything i am missing, or are missing what i found extra

cha cha
nothing missing here. and thankfully the scratches i got from dropping my monitor in my car while going to the tourney weren't really scratches lol. <3 lcd cleaners.
First off I want to thank Brian for running such a great tournament. I appreciate and understand all the hard work and patients that goes into organizing and running something like this. I can’t even get one started up.
It was great seeing everyone even though I didn’t really get to catch up with everyone. My week was busy running around visiting teachers, friends, boxing gyms, and chilling with the girlfriend. I hope no one felt left out if I didn’t get to hang with them much. Every one has gotten exceptionally better at Street Fighter 4 it was great to see how all of you have improved some much. Next time I come up my game will be stepped up, be assured of that.
Ryan- Your Ryu had gotten so much better. You now can implement the combos and fundamentals like I never before seen you do. The problem you had was with your straight forward game play. I was able to adapt to you after a couple beats downs and it slowly became obvious what set-ups you were trying to do. My two solutions are one, have more patients. You would be giving me problems but fall in to an offensive pattern. Patterns are bad in SF as they allow your opponent to guess your next move. Two add more mind games and set-up to your offense. The more depth you have the harder it is to uncover what your next move is. I am sure it’ll all come as everything does with practice. Nevertheless you’re WAY better than before. Keep at it homie.
Jeff – Our match was a long time coming. I had a lot of fun. Your Honda is a beast. But I know I can beat it, I will be prepping for our next meeting.
Tony M – Like I told you before keep playing and learning the game, you’re a lot better player than people give your credit for. Just remember losing is part of the game too. Practice makes perfect, your should know this man cause you’re an artist. Thank for coming out with us on Tuesday. I had mad fun eating wings a goofin.
Tony (blanka) – We have to play next time. I got some money that needs to be returned.
New Tony – You’re a cool dude. I had fun talking with you. We have to get some games in next time.
Des – You’re pretty solid now, a lot better than your were before. Honestly, I will call your bison better than mine for now. A Geifs late jumping Fierce beats standing fierce, just to remind you. You know we’ll be playing online.
Kyle – When you coming back up to Schenectady/Albany son. Anyways it was good seeing you. We didn’t really get to chill, but next time I got you homie.
Jugg – Your one random ass Gouken with no potential, your too one dimensional to play this game and your will never understand the true depth that SF4 offers. Quit while you can because you only have a long road of hardship if you continue playing.
Joe - Next time I am in buffalo we will get a load of games in. Your pretty cool dude, your should of came to Wild Wings with us on tuesday.

To anyone I didn’t mention don’t feel bad, it’s only that my memory is terrible. Buffalo stay strong. Your community is growing into to something extraordinary. Pretty soon Albany will be coming up to bust that ass though. Just to let you know.
Quick note, Andy I'm sorry I didn't get in any games with you. I barely got to play with anyone until well after the BlazBlue tourney had finished. I kept checking in with Jon to make sure you were getting games in, he told me you got to play some really tough players. First tournies can be tough on anyone, I hope you had a good experience.

Everyone else you all know SF4 sucks, you guys should play more Melty with Brian and Phil lol. Because we all know that even though I enjoy the game, I'll never really practice it. =p But good shit holding it down for Buffalo, keep improving your mindgames and intangibles, your technical game is a lot more solid than you might think. Even Jug drops combos lol, it's not all about that.

Well ok this is SF4, it's MOSTLY about that haha. Oh and speaking of Melty as well, Brian, Phil, Crab and associates, start working on figuring out how to punish unsafe shit on block. I don't know exactly how to punish Nero's crab arm thingy, but I KNOW it's unsafe. If I was using Knife Bro Remix, I'd probably just 214b knife dash at him for a punish, but you may even have time to dash in and combo if you time it right. Keep that stuff in mind now, better to learn it early rather than go into NEC and start having all your shit punished all of a sudden.