[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

"I refuse to bow to your logic"

You're all haters! I'm gonna place top 3 next tournament only using Hilde! Believe it!

Good games yesterday next session I'll play more Lizard Mang and Algol. Until then keep it real dogs!
Need to confirm whos actually interested in going to Halister's. I am leaving that friday, fairly early.
word that's fine chach. Wish more people would come what happend to JJ? Tekken should be there I'm sure.

Jon: Selll your magic cards to those nerds at Adventure comics and come with us. Seriously I mean it you'ed make a ton of cash and you'ed get more SC practice. Do it!
So far it's me, you and Matt, Juan.

I hope Hilde has something new, cuz your ass is gonna get trampled:)
Jon: Selll your magic cards to those nerds at Adventure comics and come with us. Seriously I mean it you'ed make a ton of cash and you'ed get more SC practice. Do it!
NO. anyway the money is a pretty big factor, but it's also cause if chach wants to leave early, I won't be able to get out of work early enough. It's only if cha wants to leave sometime before 3:30-4:00 then I'll be able to make it.

But anyway, whats everyone doing today?
It's possible John. G informed me he won't be home till 6:30. Soo, we can wait for you.

Besides, how can the Richest Black man ever, complain about monies?