[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

Did cha say he couldn't host or something? I already made plans for early afternoon once I knew I had the day free, so I'd rather he hosts today, unless he said he couldn't, in which case I can, just later than normal.
I'd rather it be at the barcade, cuz I have a magic tourney in the early afternoon and don't wanna leave early to come home and prep for games night.

Besides, everyone wants to play dat BB mang. If you open late, so be it.

I'd rather barcade be every saturday.

well i wont be going, really dont feel like driving that for seeing as thats all i've been doing this week
Finally starting to feel better, so I'll definitely be at games on Thursday. Feels like I haven't played you guys in ages.
Now that it's mandatory to view the thread, plz vote for SC4 at Evo guys, it'd mean a lot to us. You don't have to live up to your defiant 'im gonna do what I want attitudes' (that's only some of you but you know who you are), for once and vote for another game, it'd mean a lot to me if SC4 were there, a lot of cool people will come to hang out with again and it's my favorite game.


ow this bored sucks. i have to veiw a thread before i'm aloud to post. not trying to be a dick but is that gonna make me a non soul caliber player want to vote for that game more? no its gonna frustrate me and not make me want to vote for it. i voted for 3s anyways cuz i actually play that game a bit and enjoy watching it a lot more then sc
SC4 get....I loved the SC4 finals last year

In other news: is the consensus that people don't want to stay in Caesar's palace? I know little about vegas but would like to do it up in style...my friend from Jacksonville will also be staying with us.
The man gives us a heart to heart about sc4, and you guys go and pick something else.
As my good friend Akuma would say, SHAMEFUL!
The man gives us a heart to heart about sc4, and you guys go and pick something else.
As my good friend Akuma would say, SHAMEFUL!

I voted for Melty, I could give a fuck less about Hilde Calibur at this point. I really do hope that they turn things around in SC5 but I wouldn't exactly call myself hopeful that it'll actually happen.

But I'm more or less done with taking any fighting game seriously until I get my degree and a good job and a woman and a 401k and a retirement plan and a good car and a good home etc. I'll still play for fun with people that can just play it for fun and not take casuals so serious, but that's all it'll be for me, just casuals.

Also not going to post this in the SRK thread, don't want to undermine any efforts there BUT
Akazukin ChaCha said:
even though these boards suck a dick.
Any new players, hit me up-

Brian I know we've already talked about this but the negative statements aren't going to help attract new players. If they're SF4 people, maybe they actually like SRK as a website? I totally agree with you that it sucks in a lot of respects but why put it out there like that? Just because I don't want to play seriously anymore doesn't mean I don't support you guys doing it and building a scene, I think that's great that you're all enjoying it. But just try and relax with some of the negativity, and you may be able to bring even more people in.
I think my opinions on the quality of the message board system will actually affect nobody, nor will it turn away any potential players. I think if a player is local, and doesn't already know us, they will be super psyched about contacting us and playing, rather than ponder about why i think the SRK MB sucks a nut sack. Again, just my opinion.

Lastly Chris, you are the last person I could care about getting a lecture from, on what to say or not say to people on the internet. Thx.
lol jug... The subtle difference between asking and telling seems to escape you. Please forgive my trespass!

haha! true dat, but its hard to tell because you bossy as all hell lol
but thats you daddy, you been that since day 1, no use in complainin now.

you still my dude though ^_^