Can I get someone to Train me?

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[13] Hero
I thought i was at least decent with NM. but last night some random dude showed up in my room and he totally killed my NM with his NM.

so i guess i need some training from the pros here...

if you main NM, please post your PSN.
thank you.
panda... you do realize... that the majority of the better players know what each character is capable of and how to get around alot of it right? so even if you were to be trained by someone here... that they could probably pick someone other than NM, or in general someone who you dont play against much, and destroy anyway right? the only real way to get better is to get experience from almost every character with NM and how to fight against each one.... which attacks/combos work best, and how to play against the player... just because you know all NM's combos doesnt mean you can win with him... it takes patience and like I said... character experience..

EDIT: of course this only really accounts for better players... if anything you should have added him and asked him to help you and give you advise...
Alright, here's the deal. Online is vastly inferior to offline, BUT I personally think if you got a one on one session on 4 or 5 bars, you can still have some good games. You have to dumb down how you play but the gist of it is still there. You can learn a bit about matchups by playing someone online, but you NEED to go double check things on training mode. Strategies only tested in online play are likely to fail in the long run.

I will play you sometime this month probably. In the meantime I encourage you to meet some local players if at all possible.
Tell me when you guys do this. I'm kinda in the same boat as him, only I'm not able to go out and search for other local sc players here...yet. I know they're around Florida somewhere.
Tell me when you guys do this. I'm kinda in the same boat as him, only I'm not able to go out and search for other local sc players here...yet. I know they're around Florida somewhere.

Go talk to Suirad. I know he lives in Florida (I just don't know where), and he's a pretty damn smart guy in general.

What kind of training do you mean?
Do you need someone to come to your house wearing a sweat suit and a head band yelling out drills while you are playing?

Your best bet is to train yourself; by getting destroyed by another NM user you have ample opportunities to pick up their tactics and attempt to use them yourself.
Tell me when you guys do this. I'm kinda in the same boat as him, only I'm not able to go out and search for other local sc players here...yet. I know they're around Florida somewhere.

dude i played you, and your NM Roxxors.

ok anyways... tonight i was pretty much pwning everyone that came into my room with NM.
this one dude even turned on his mic and said "....and panda your NM is insane" and he was a decent Yoshi player too.

well i still feel that most of my tactics/moves that i use are scrubby and very dumbed-down... for example... my use of 1A on wake up of the oppenent, hits. however, i know that it will be blocked by an actual NM pro... and pros in general.

so i guess what im looking for are better players in general... -.-
panda: a:G+A is a high move -___- obviously that's not going to hit the ground, so why do it as oki? your opponents must stand up every time they are knocked down or something
Yeah, 1A is a much better choice, even if your opponent does stand up. Plus, if they see you doing 1A too often and start to block low, I would hit them with a mid like 3B instead for mixups. If they jump instead, use 1aK.
1A is bad for mixups offline, unless you mean 1[A]. players with good anti NM/reflexes wil not eat 1A much at all unless it's a whiff punish or counterhit
PANDA: good games yesterday (kinda)

I like that you use 1K a lot and don't stand up after knockdowns immediately, rolling around on the ground is usually good. Don't do CH NSS K > 1A, even online was able to block that. You are really annoying with FC 3B, lol. Lets play again soon.
PANDA: good games yesterday (kinda)

I like that you use 1K a lot and don't stand up after knockdowns immediately, rolling around on the ground is usually good. Don't do CH NSS K > 1A, even online was able to block that. You are really annoying with FC 3B, lol. Lets play again soon.

what should i do after CH NSS K?
2A+B is what I usually do, most people don't know that it's techable to the right so it works from time to time. Other than that, 1K might be guaranteed...idunno.
2A+B always works if you are 2P nightmare.

for 1P nightmare only 3B and 33B are guaranteed. iFC grab is tech trap all directions. 1[A] is guaranteed block. those are best options for 1P nightmare.

btw let me say this straight up
I use 4KK A LOT online. I almost never use this move offline. haha
well you didnt really use 4KK with me... only when i got splat against the wall you like 4KK me twice in a row.

other than that you mostly 6K me from our last matches.
go into versus (don't use training), fight against the CPU, yea mindgames or mixups don't really work on them, but you can see how the CPU punishes your unsafe moves. The rest you have to learn from fighting various other human opponents and characters, online or local. agA is probably nightmare's best move at mid range, try to master it.
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