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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message https://tinyurl.com/SUPPORTSCV and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    It's been a while. how's it going :D ?
    that's cool i'll see u in dustloop then XD

    I feel that SC V don't meet my expectation tho
    i prefer SC 4 much more :/
    Or will you? I may not bother with dustloop again.

    I also like SC4 better than 5. It's a shame because they had some good ideas but some important game systems were badly implemented
    the only thing I do in dustloop is looking for video link lol

    IMO in SC V I hate they remove so many moveset,
    I feel that they forced players to play character like " This is how u should play ". so when I watch a match video and yea no different or nothing special,all looks the same even played with different player like no other way to play a character lol. ;/

    U play GG so u should understand lol
    Bored. How are you anguished one?
    I played both for DS. Even though I'm getting a 3DS soon I don't plan to get overclocked because I always put remakes as my bottom priority compared to original titles. The games are very good though. Most people prefer the first game but I like DS2 better personally. I'm sure the upcoming DS2 anime is just a big promo for DS2 Overclocked lol
    Damn, and I just bought DS2. Fuuuuuck. Ah well, I did like the whole voice acting. Made it feel more alive. I do enjoy DS1 more, but the thought of watching yourself or your allies die on a website makes me like DS2 more.
    yeah since I played the original DS I didn't have voices so I'm just comparing the DS versions to each other. DS2 Overclocked hasn't been announced yet but everyone is expecting them to do it
    lets kick some ass and REP VA!!!
    sure thing I'm da bes. have I played you before?
    maybe online if your XBL but otherwise im just a SoVA player that has nobody to spar with.
    aww well hey at least you played da game and thats all that matters in my book =)
    How are things with you?
    great, picked up leixia and she has resparked my interest in this game, not that I ever stopped playing :P but playing boring mode pyrrha and switching to another character with variety is really refreshing

    Once I recover enough from surgery to be completely lucid (and once I finish the first one I started), I'd like to start on a String Defense Guide for Algol. Same deal as the other one I did; it's a small encyclopedia on how Algol can best beat every string in the game, stickied and locked to editing by everyone but me, with a discussion thread for people who have things to contribute or correct.
    Hey Tiamat, may I put some of our matches on my channel on Youtube? thks!
    Hi Tiamat. I just want to point out a minor typo in 'Algol Combos and Tech Traps' thread. You listed:
    66B BE > 4AB (75) 25% meter
    Should have been:
    66B BE > 4BA (75) 25% meter
    It´s ridiculous, isn´t it? But, after 44B, it´s possible to do FC B8 (BE), 3B(BE), etc (you know the next moves). It´s the highest damage you can do if you have an entire bar. Very good after a guard crush also.
    Well, let´s see what happens after the patch. Thks!
    Hm... I was reading your post 'Algol Combos and Tech Traps' and I saw that you posted 1A > 2K (38), but would 1A > 1K (43) be better? It seems to always hit.
    Also, I couldn't hit NM with: 66B > 3B BE > QI A+BB BE > 3B BE > QI B > 3B BE > QI A+BB (155) while I have no problems doing it against Tira (haven't checked the rest of the cast).
    Hey Tiamat, how´ve you been?
    Did you discover how to perform that combo of Algol? Seems only CPU can do that.
    Anyway, thank for yout help. Hugs from Brazil.
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