CaS Challenge: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Guess I could use some pre existing stuff I made since they fit this theme.












The Pestilence

Well... my first pestilence was very very similar another character of mine (Curse) as I said before, so I decided to do another thing entirely different
so I thought him as if it were a version before my "Death", in a putrefaction condition with some organic parts and ribs starting to get exposed

pestilence 1.jpg
pestilence 2.jpg
pestilence 3.jpg
pestilence 4.jpg

Awesome Pestilence rdmunhoz!!! I love the blood effect, the mix of the pattern and sticker...
Did someone notice that everybody version of pestilence usually is the more badass of the horsemen?
There is no way that I could pass up a challenge like this. I know that my creations will never be able to top the superb horsemen we've seen in this thread, but I hope you guys will enjoy the ideas incorporated into these renditions.

For this one I started with the idea of a plague doctor mask fused onto the face of Pestilence, and she sort of turned into a demonic surgeon. The wings, beak-like mask, and weirdly jointed feet complement each other nicely.

Unlike the rest of the thread, I envisioned a bringer of famine as a huge glutton. So I started playing around with the idea of making him little more than a giant mouth, and it eventually turned into this thing...

For this one I tried to make a ridiculously armored soldier with a sword in one hand and a shotgun in the other. The result is rather generic, but no other ideas were coming to me.

I tried to keep Death simple and elegant, and the result is easily my favorite of the four.

"Big Mouth" Famine is pretty cool, very Berserk-like. I like War's shotgun too, and his cammo pattern in a nice touch as well (something I thought about messing with but ultimately couldn't come up with anything). Death looks very pagan, and Pestilence looks close to something I'm thinking about. Overall, you totally underrate your horsemen, there.

Here's 2 of mine, so far:



Decided to use Astaroth for all of his grabs and particularly his CE: I would call it "the touch of death". A fitting name considering the damage potential:

Despite having lots of ideas for these, I actually found myself really burnt out when I tried to work on them....guess Russian Astaroth took all of my creative mojo from me D:

Awesome Pestilence rdmunhoz!!! I love the blood effect, the mix of the pattern and sticker...
Did someone notice that everybody version of pestilence usually is the more badass of the horsemen?

thanks dude... and you are right, pestilence usually is the more badass of the horsemen

How are you getting a reasonable color on the blood without a red channel on the undergarments?

I'll see the color number that I used and tell you... but your death is so awesome!!! You said you didn't have a lot of inspiration for badass male character... well I think you have now hehe
There is no way that I could pass up a challenge like this. I know that my creations will never be able to top the superb horsemen we've seen in this thread, but I hope you guys will enjoy the ideas incorporated into these renditions.

your versions are actually very original, I loved the way you came out the obvious ideas

"Big Mouth" Famine is pretty cool, very Berserk-like. I like War's shotgun too, and his cammo pattern in a nice touch as well (something I thought about messing with but ultimately couldn't come up with anything). Death looks very pagan, and Pestilence looks close to something I'm thinking about. Overall, you totally underrate your horsemen, there.

very nice work as always... that death is amazing!!! I have to tell you I used the same "fire eyes" effect in my WAR hehehe... but looks betters in your death




Since there are lot of skulls and spectres I decided to inspire my death in the ancient greek vision of death, a lady with black hair and white dress whith a candle





Decided to continue with the ancient greek style, but War is the most easy and at the same time the most hard since he must be a warrior with an sword yes or yes. But is difficult to make a charismatic original warrior





My orifinal intention was to continue with the greek setting and so some kind of zombie/ghoul, but she ended looking more like a cyberpunk mutant. But I liked her so...

The White Rider



I always liked the interpretation of the horsemen that says that the white rider is the "anthichrist". Mi original idea was making some kind of satyr/demon with a crown and the bow...but since my mutant chick spoiled all the greek thing I decided to make something a bit different

Discarded horsemen, reason is...well, looking at them one by one were just "meh" but looking them as a group was awful, because, they didn't look like a "group" at all.

So I discarded all them to make a group of ancient themed horsemen, but as you saw, I just forgot that and commit the same mistake again as you saw some lines above XDDDD



War is the most easy and at the same time the most hard since he must be a warrior with an sword yes or yes. But is difficult to make a charismatic original warrior
Agreed! I was really tempted to just go with one of my existing creations, but that's not the point of the thread. He looks pretty great though, probably my favorite of your bunch.
I'm glad you guys appreciated my loose interpretations of the horsemen. This challenge has been a great exercise in finding creative uses for stickers. Here's a bit of feedback on some of the recent entries.

LordDraco: I have to say that the untexturable mohawk on your War's helmet makes him look a little cartoony. He would look more intimidating if you replaced it with something textured like the hero ornament.

chobek: That War is easily one of the most visually interesting monochrome character I've ever seen. Well done.

NeclordX: The sicker usage on your Hunger is fantastic. I think it would look even creepier if you added something over her neck to hide the iris.

Also, I have revisited my rendition of War. Others have already stated the difficulty in creating an interesting armored guy with a huge sword. To avoid making a second captain generic, I tried to make a War that looked more like a commander than a soldier. Eventually it turned into this.

War Mk II:
war mk2 10.jpg
war mk2 6.jpg
war mk2 8.jpg
war mk2 11.jpg

Minor changes were also made to Pestilence. I think she looks much better with her new feet.

pes feet 5.jpg
LordDraco: I have to say that the untexturable mohawk on your War's helmet makes him look a little cartoony. He would look more intimidating if you replaced it with something textured like the hero ornament.
I see what you mean. When I was adding it, I did notice, much to my dismay, the inability to place patterns on it and was disappointed...but overall, I really just like the spiked profile of that item. I might check out the hero ornament, but any time I use it as it is intended, I'm never really pleased with the result. I also like to use the Centurion Plume for mohawks, so I might give that a whirl too, I'm just not keen on losing out on the silhouette value that the spiked version gives.

I still like your first War better in terms of thinking of the 4 Horsemen-- Mk2 just doesn't look quite...terrifying enough, I suppose. The first one also had those touches of modern/classic/archaic implements of war (armor, cammo, sword, gun--he's got it all!) which make sense.