CEVO Xbox360 SF4 tournament, BRACKETS ARE UP!

Im on the EAST coast as well guys. So meaning 22:59 CDT TIME (Since CEVO is set at CDT time for everything) is 11:59pm est time >.> and im pretty sure my clock on my computer and phone wasn't wrong when it said 11:59pm est. Also why are arguing that you guys couldn't play till after deadline time. that just seems silly.
We didn't play after the deadline. We played before it. We played at 12:30am EST which would be 11:30pm CDT. Deadline is 11:59pm CDT, so we had the good part of 30 mins to get our match done and reported. Nobody is arguing either, we are discussing. You should have waited until 12:59am to close the match reporting is what he was saying.
Im on the EAST coast as well guys. So meaning 22:59 CDT TIME (Since CEVO is set at CDT time for everything) is 11:59pm est time >.> and im pretty sure my clock on my computer and phone wasn't wrong when it said 11:59pm est. Also why are arguing that you guys couldn't play till after deadline time. that just seems silly.

What are you talking about lol.

You can tell time right...
How many hours are in a day...
From twelve til' twelve correct???
23:59 would have been 11:59CDT dude...
When you made the post it was 10:59... the system is on CDT so that means it showed me your post at 22:59 and the forums were closed, I could not report...

We were not ARGUING, we were discussing.

You did or whom ever is in control did handle the situation pretty fast, I just felt that all this was not needed had you or whom ever was modding our match had been patient and waited, 30 minute 35 minutes would not have hurt.
You posted up above you are on Eastern Time zone like us... that makes it even more confusing that you don't realize our point, CDT is one hour BEHIND us meaning it's 11;25 now Eastern but its 10:25 Central and since the system is on Central time AND the forums are scheduled to be closed on CENTRAL time we had plenty of time to respond and post our results BUT since you closed the forums an hour EARLY we couldn't whether we were late or on time... the forums were closed premature.

Besides that fact, I just posted 5 schedule times to play against this person hadouken and he has yet to respond, I was off early from work yesterday and free after 4pm so I posted times one hour after another, since this person hasn't responded< I hope I will be the one moving on and not because I'm Home or he is Away but because I've taken the proper steps too get the match started, while my opponent has stayed out of contact, not logged in the past 5 days, hasn't answered by the deadline.

I am sick and tired of this cheating man, you all need a SERIOUSLY LEGIT setup to run this stuff man seriously.

After I made this post now this guy Hadoken sends a support ticket saying I DIDN'T
SHOW UP to play the match that times I SETUP which is a lie, he didn't confirm the match schedule time first, he sent me messages online FIRST THEN sent in a support ticket saying I know showed BUT I have screen shots AGAIN to prove I did show up and that he didn't except the challenge he even exited then posted in the CEVO Forums chat to prove my point. look below.

I didn't want to keep editing the post but it merged my posts together, I added one last picture to show how long he had been offline, we had plenty of time to play our match but he refused then when I posted that I had taken screen shots too prove he cheated/lied he then logged off, he also attempted to go back and forth with me on the CEVO Forums, you can see the time of his last post, either way I was still WAITING to play him during all this and he refused, he just wanted a free and easy win and this has become really annoying all of a sudden


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Alright i get what you are saying, my apologies.


I posted the following in your schedule thread Iceman:

"Its like dealing with a bunch of kids sometimes, lol, Reschedule the match and play it before Deadline date, and Hadouken you accepted the 12:00 (Noon) CDT time 30 seconds after 12:00 (Noon) meaning you accepted after a proposed match, so you are wrong there. Impact, the fact that you didn't check your scheduling thread for the times you posted and kept up to date with them, you are wrong there. Time has been cleared and Match was rest, Play the match before deadline date/time.

CEVO Leite"

Alright you did post a time for May 2nd at 12:00 CDT (Noon)

The Impact Players

Officially proposed match date/time of:
Saturday, May 2nd at 12:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US))

and he did accept it:

terry kineda

Confirmed match date/time of:
Saturday, May 2nd at 12:00 PM CDT (Central Time (US))

but as stated he did accept it after the propose time, which isn't fair to you. and because you didn't keep up to date with your propose times and watch out for it, it isn't fair to him, Its not cheating, its just Miscommunication. SO the match was reset and we be played before deadline date/time.
I appreciate you handling this properly man, but dude knew he got over, like right now, I set a shit ton of match times ranging from 11pm until maybe 2am.. he didn't except any of them, I guess he forgot he is on my friends list from our previous attempts, I let it slide thinking maybe he hasn't been back onto CEVO since he THOUGHT he got the forfeit win BUT he has been back on now.

I setup matches like a day or so ago in case the saturday's matches didn't culminate, he saw them then posted some ubsurd 2am 3am matches ON A SUNDAY KNOWING PEOPLE HAVE TO GO TO WORK AND SCHOOL ON A MONDAY... instead of accepting my 1pm challenge so we can play like in an hour, he posts that he isn't available during the day time BUT he is sitting online right now PLAYING SF4...


This shit is hella funny yo lmao, dude don't want to play me, he knows who I am from SRK, he saw my profile, it has my vids up on youtube, my recent tournaments I've qualified for and tons of shit talk, he ain't seeing me, let's move on lmao.

Once again Leite thanks for handling business I know this shit is annoying bro'


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It said on the scheduling thread that you two played, and that your opponent won 2-0 while he hosted and while you hosted.

So idk whats going on between you two. but this is getting really silly
It said on the scheduling thread that you two played, and that your opponent won 2-0 while he hosted and while you hosted.

So idk whats going on between you two. but this is getting really silly

It's cool bro' man this has taken up too much of my time and effort, I watied all that time to play him JUST so he could enter battle with 2-Bar connection, I recorded the match in it's entirety but it was to frustrating, I logged out so I could be the host to see if it would change, I posted upon CEVO to him about the connect, but it then got worse, I checked my own connection I was still in the yellow with four bars.

Outside the connection issue he won I can't say anything else about it I guess, just a bit salty about it because He wasn't good really, it's just very VERY hard to defeat Ryu in general and adding the connection and the lag EVERY time he threw a fireball or did an air hurricane get just frustrated me.

Either way good shit I guess.

that Semi-Finals Round 3 matches are due tonight (May 4th before 11:59pm est)

Please play/schedule your matches
Alright guys, The Semi-Finals Round 4 matches are up!

Please take a look at the brackets:

Semi-Finals Group A: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=598
Semi-Finals Group B: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=599
Semi-Finals Group C: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=600
Semi-Finals Group D: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=601

and find out who you are playing and what group you are in.

If you were in Group A-D in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group A
If you were in Group E-H in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group B
If you were in Group I-L in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group C
If you were in Group M-P in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group D

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.

Match Deadline for this Round is May 7th before 11:59pm est."

Good luck to those in the Semi-Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.

Also for players that made it to the Finals bracket, you do not have any matches till May 11th at 11:59pm est time, Please make sure to check back around that time if you made it to the Finals Bracket.

Check Finals Bracket here: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

that Semi-Finals Round 4 matches are due tonight (May 7th before 11:59pm est)

Please play/schedule your matches
Alright guys, The Semi-Finals Round 5 matches are up!

Please take a look at the brackets:

Semi-Finals Group A: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=598
Semi-Finals Group B: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=599
Semi-Finals Group C: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=600
Semi-Finals Group D: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=601

and find out who you are playing and what group you are in.

If you were in Group A-D in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group A
If you were in Group E-H in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group B
If you were in Group I-L in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group C
If you were in Group M-P in Normal play, then you are in Semi-Finals Group D

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.

Match Deadline for this Round is May 11th before 11:59pm est."

Good luck to those in the Semi-Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.

Also for players that made it to the Finals bracket, you do not have any matches till May 11th at 11:59pm est time, Please make sure to check back around that time if you made it to the Finals Bracket.

Check Finals Bracket here: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

That Semi Round 5 matches are due Today (May 11th) before 11:59pm est. 10:00 pm CDT time.

Please play/Schedule matches!
Alright guys, The Finals Round 1 matches are up!

Please take a look at the Finals brackets:

Finals Bracket: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.

****************NEW NOTE PLEASE READ****************

We are speeding things up a bit with this tournament since we are now in Finals Bracket and only have 16 players left. So Match Deadlines will now be on Wednesdays at 10:59 CDT time, Fridays at 10:59 CDT time and Sundays at 10:59 CDT time. Matches will be schedule at 11:01am CDT time (2 minutes after deadline time) Please make sure to play your matches before Deadline Date/time, wouldn't want confusion and FFW's going on in the Finals Brackets

Thank you

CEVO Leite

****************NEW NOTE PLEASE READ****************

Match Deadline for this Round is Wednesday May 13th before 10:59pm CDT time."

Good luck to those in the Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.

That Finals Round Matches are due tonight! (May 13th before 10:59pm CDT time)

Please play/Schedule your matches!!
Alright guys, The Finals Round 2 matches are up!

Please take a look at the Finals brackets:

Finals Bracket: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.


We are speeding things up a bit with this tournament since we are now in Finals Bracket and only have 16 players left. So Match Deadlines will now be on Wednesdays at 10:59 CDT time, Fridays at 10:59 CDT time and Sundays at 10:59 CDT time. Matches will be schedule at 11:01am CDT time (2 minutes after deadline time) Please make sure to play your matches before Deadline Date/time, wouldn't want confusion and FFW's going on in the Finals Brackets

Thank you

CEVO Leite


Match Deadline for this Round is Friday May 15th before 10:59pm CDT time."

Good luck to those in the Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.
I have changed one part of the rules to better word it so there isn't confusion. This is what i changed:

BEST OF FIVE (5) FORMAT (Tournament Winner/Loser Finals for the Finals Bracket)
All tournament final bracket matches will be played in a best of (5) five format. In a best of five (5) format, the first player to win (3) three matches will be considered the winner of the match. If by any chance there would to be a tie (Double KO) then an elimination match MUST be played to determine the winner.

The Winners/Losers finals of the Finals bracket is best of 5 matches not the whole Finals bracket

that Finals Round 2 matches are due tonight (May 15th) at 10:59pm CDT time

Please Schedule/Play your matches
Alright guys, The Finals Round 3 matches are up!

Please take a look at the Finals brackets:

Finals Bracket: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.


We are speeding things up a bit with this tournament since we are now in Finals Bracket and only have 16 players left. So Match Deadlines will now be on Wednesdays at 10:59 CDT time, Fridays at 10:59 CDT time and Sundays at 10:59 CDT time. Matches will be schedule at 11:01am CDT time (2 minutes after deadline time) Please make sure to play your matches before Deadline Date/time, wouldn't want confusion and FFW's going on in the Finals Brackets

Thank you

CEVO Leite


Match Deadline for this Round is Sunday May 17th before 10:59pm CDT time."

Good luck to those in the Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.

That Finals Round 3 matches are due Sunday (May 17th) (today) before 10:59pm CDT time

Please schedule/play your matches
Alright guys, The Finals Round 4 matches are up!

Please take a look at the Finals brackets:

Finals Bracket: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.


We are speeding things up a bit with this tournament since we are now in Finals Bracket and only have 16 players left. So Match Deadlines will now be on Wednesdays at 10:59 CDT time, Fridays at 10:59 CDT time and Sundays at 10:59 CDT time. Matches will be schedule at 11:01am CDT time (2 minutes after deadline time) Please make sure to play your matches before Deadline Date/time, wouldn't want confusion and FFW's going on in the Finals Brackets

Thank you

CEVO Leite


Match Deadline for this Round is Wednesday May 20th before 10:59pm CDT time."

Good luck to those in the Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.
Alright guys, The Finals Round 5 matches are up!

Please take a look at the Finals brackets:

Finals Bracket: http://www.cevolved.com/playoffs/bracket.php?id=602

This is what i posted in all your scheduling threads and ill repeat it on here also:

"For every match, please take screen shots or cap matches. Not necessary but we like it if you did, you can by a capture card, or camera or phone, but it has to be uploaded on the computer for if you want to dispute a match, you need evidence behind your dispute.

Good Luck Have fun.

Also, If all matches are finished before Deadline date, then ill schedule the next round matches since we are coming down to the finals. So if I see all matches are done for this round, then I'll schedule Next round matches early.


We are speeding things up a bit with this tournament since we are now in Finals Bracket and only have 16 players left. So Match Deadlines will now be on Wednesdays at 10:59 CDT time, Fridays at 10:59 CDT time and Sundays at 10:59 CDT time. Matches will be schedule at 11:01am CDT time (2 minutes after deadline time) Please make sure to play your matches before Deadline Date/time, wouldn't want confusion and FFW's going on in the Finals Brackets

Thank you

CEVO Leite


Match Deadline for this Round is Friday May 22nd before 10:59pm CDT time."

Good luck to those in the Final's bracket and please! take screenshots.