Challenge- Seven Deadly Sins


Envy... with envy my first thought was of a woman aging without grace ... seeing the youth and beauty of other women around her she tries to hard to compete with makeup and hair die. There is a real bitterness to this kind of aging that is based on Jealousy ... and it is a loosing battle ...all others become the enemy because you are holding on to a lie.

-and then I took it a step further-

I think I might have gone a little too specific on this one... but I think ( an aging woman myself, only the bek half enters challenges) I understand, and have empathy at the same time I am repulsed...
So I went with a kind of Baby Jane thing... From 20ft she might seem cute but ... on closer inspection ... yikes.


  • envyface1.jpg
    114.6 KB · Views: 216
I am getting very confused with my group of sins... I may have to make two different sets ...with Gluttony, Lust , and Pride I tried to simplify the colors and even human features of the bodies emphasizing the function of the sin... Then I had a blast making a big ugly wrath .... but he doesn't quite fit... neither do these next two...
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Not the most original ... but fun... My concept of greed comes from humans trying to "take it with them". Honestly I thought of Egyptian rulers buried with their fortunes and their servants first.However, the wrapped mummy seemed to have a different connotation ,and, I liked this kind of opulence a little more... I used the skull mask over the skeleton on this because I really didn't like the angry demonic eye sockets... the skeleton is great... but I wish the skull were more accurate. I like using skulls a lot ... but I don't always want them to be evil .... sometimes I want to go for fragile or in this case vacant. So at the risk of seeming cartoonish I used the mask instead.

Envy is next... I will make that a separate post.

It is a cool one, i like it, but somehow, i think you should change the color of the skull to match the rest of the costume, or give it a funny makeup like on your envy, it would add the final touch to an otherwise nice CAS.
I am not so fond of the last one, but it is kinda whacky, with the cat in the mouth lol
It is a cool one, i like it, but somehow, i think you should change the color of the skull to match the rest of the costume, or give it a funny makeup like on your envy, it would add the final touch to an otherwise nice CAS.
I am not so fond of the last one, but it is kinda whacky, with the cat in the mouth lol
The cat in the mouth isn't mine ... I just like it ....(on page 5) It is Yoshariolll's :) If you see the rest of the pics it makes more sense ... the cat is just a cute little surprise ... it caught me off guard and had me laughing.
I might play around with the colors on my greed a bit ... for some reason they seem off .... what I have here doesn't look like what I see on my tv .... it pops different...

I tried shoving Pac Man into someone's mouth but I couldn't shrink him enough. All I wanted were his feet dangling out but alas it wasn't to be. :(

You made an Envy without using green (excessively)!? Blasphemy! I like the idea behind it, though, and your Greed. Your Pride is still may favourite with that ridiculously cute face. :D

What is this thread I don't even..

Tits, penises, marshmallow men and kittens being eaten. Don't fight it, just let it happen. Let it wash over you like a disease riddled torrent of filth. Then seek out some sort of counseling. Urgently.




Concept and inspiration:
Gluttony: The idea is the corpse of a fat person with his gut taking ages to decompose. The village folks found his body clutching his last meal.

I wanted a fat dead person, beyond that I just got simple unrelated ideas. His shirt was split open due to how fat he is. The claws represent cutlery he installed on himself for ease of use (since he's always eating). The chain is to support his belly. The thing on his chest is supposedly a bib splattered with sauce.
The kilt (as well as the pattern) is an after thought just so that the chain isn't flying and to show his hip size.

Don't like it overall, but whatever. I'll probably just reuse the head somewhere else.
This board never fails to amaze me. Fantastic work all around. Anyways, I finally got off my lazy ass and made a few renditions for this challenge. Enjoy.

Greed 1.jpg

Greed 2.jpg
Greed 4.jpg

Envy 4.jpg

and her twin sister envy
Envy 2.jpg

Lust 4.jpg

Lust in a gimp suit and a chastity belt to keep her urges under control
Lust 2.jpg
Lust 1.jpg

Sloth 2.jpg

Very little effort went into this rendition of Sloth
Sloth 1.jpg

The final three were recycled from the horsemen challenge

con 1.jpg


war ver3 5.jpg
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Envy... with envy my first thought was of a woman aging without grace ... seeing the youth and beauty of other women around her she tries to hard to compete with makeup and hair die. There is a real bitterness to this kind of aging that is based on Jealousy ... and it is a loosing battle ...all others become the enemy because you are holding on to a lie.

-and then I took it a step further-

I think I might have gone a little too specific on this one... but I think ( an aging woman myself, only the bek half enters challenges) I understand, and have empathy at the same time I am repulsed...
So I went with a kind of Baby Jane thing... From 20ft she might seem cute but ... on closer inspection ... yikes.

I adore this! even before I read the description I knew that this was based and Baby Jane so I instantly understood what you were going for

He is visually so awkward that it makes me happy... and I love his face!

I really like that chastity belt ... the placement of the gear... and I like twins representing greed and envy... that creates such dynamic narrative!
Overall very nice ...and ...
I really think it payed off using (all?) your objects for the mirror ... it makes it seem precious because it is so intricate. and attracts a lot of focus .