[Chicago, IL] anyone out here play?

Waaah. I can't be the only one posting here. =(

Classes start next week! Back to skool, gaiz! ^_^
Sad faces are sad in this thread. And WI isn't lookin much better.

We need real SC games friend. See you on SRK... :p
I'll send you the address probably some time later today. We should be playing Friday, if that's good for you.
... GAH!!!! *stabs lostprovidence* T-T I have school friday! Well. I might be able to go!
But i'd have to be there after school which would mean i'd be there at about 5-7. :D I can spend the night!
Sent you and AmyDivinesWrath PMs, Luff. Going to class now. Won't be back on until later tonight.
Um we have a problem. My mom doesnt wanna drive me all the way to chi-town just to stay for a couple of hours. I'd have to spend the night somewhere. ._.
Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably spend the night at Hawkeye's as well.
Just for people who may want to play, we're trying to get together on Fridays as that's the time most of the core group has off simultaneously. PM me if you want details. If you want to play but can't make it on a Friday, still just PM me and lemme know; I'm sure I could arrange something.
Hey guys I might be joining you in Feb. I need to save money for a new phone and plane flight but after I've got that I can start paying to take trains down to Chicago =).
I like how luff can't even travel or play calibur with folks in his own area lmfao.


i better see you all at my tournament next weekend.