Chuck the Blankslide


[10] Knight
A somewhat recent but revered NY/NJ/WWW.COM tradition, this thread is all about CaS mode. That is, Create a Slide.

It can be something simple, like Chuck the Manslide.
Or something more complex, like Chuck the NationalRepublicanPresidentialCandidateSlide.
The original name is Landslide, so you could alter the slide as well, Chuck the Landscurry.

Create your own slide and share in this thread.
let's see

Ones i used:

Chuck the Dickslide
Chuck the Manslide
Chuck the faggot... wait, thats not right
Chuck the StemCellResearchWillEventuallyCureAidsSlide
Chuck the MatsuSlide
Chuck the LandStiff
I remember someone calling him the Playgroundslide.

And I called him the fuckslide once. xD

Vacationing Voldoslide? I dunno. I'll come up with more later.

And here's one from the manliest man ever, Chuck..

Chuck the Flexslide.

Oh and don't forget the Teamslide. <3
Chuck the Uberslide.

What is this so- called tradition anyhow? O_o

Apparently my name is hilarious.

I agree.

Chuck the Slip N' Slide (Thanks to Serge)
Chuck the Dicksucker (Also Serge)
Chuck the ElectricWindGodSlide (Admiral Jason with this one)
Chuck the ChaChaSlide (My friend Evan came in with the assist for this one)
And the most recent one:
Luck the Chanslide (Hacker Mike, haha, what a clown)
Gears of War = Chuck the Rageslide
SC Online = Chuck the Lagslide

Oh and just for old times' sake.. Chuck the Hulkslide.