"Clean Hits"

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[10] Knight
Certain attacks, i.e Patroklos 236B, or Raph 236B, get the "clean hit" property on fastest inputs, and get some extra damage. Other moves, i.e. Raph 8A+B, Hilde B+K, will also have this property occasionally, but I can't figure out why.

Is there anyone with enough of an understanding of the "Clean Hit" system to indicate what they are, why they happen, how they impact the moves, and how to reproduce them consistently?
Clean Hits are assigned to moves in A, B and C "levels." The higher the level (A) the more often they will come out as clean hits compared to a lower level (C) attack. Clean hits are random.

Look for the flash of blue on the character. It's really easy to see if you do Xiba's 8K over and over.
Depending on your philosophy, using Clean Hit A-rank moves in combos may be better than using full guaranteed damage.

Just a little helping hand, really.
MystSilver is correct. It is completely random however as she said some things contribute to this e.g. Just Guards or Guard Impacts.
I wouldn't call them insignificant.

If you can get an extra 30 points of damage per match "randomly" but you are guaranteed the base damage.... that can be pretty significant.
Yeah, not a good system for competitive play. Example from Company of Heroes, which is an RTS more people should have played, because I maintain it was the best yet made. Seriously. In CoH there were Snipers. Snipers were "camouflaged" (effectively invisible except to detection) and could one shot kill an infantry unit. What was the best way to counter a sniper? Get your own sniper, and set it to hold its fire and wait. Once the enemy sniper fires again, its position would be exposed, at which point you could order your sniper to snipe theirs, in order to "counter snipe". What was the issue? Snipers had a 5% miss chance, and were also comparatively very expensive units. So let's say your opponent brings out a sniper, you see it and decide to buy your own, thereby slowing the build order you otherwise would have done. You strategically place your sniper, and wait patiently. They fire, you get your chance. You miss. Now your sniper is revealed and they snipe you. Now you're behind on your build order and still have to deal with their sniper, all because of a random system mechanic. Not fun. A random Clean Hit system has the same impact on matches, though it isn't as apparent as the sniper issue.
Street Fighter has clean hits? I'm not sure I follow... what is the random Street Fighter mechanic to which you allude?

If you have to ask, then you haven't been paying much attention to Street Fighter. This mechanic has been in fighting games for a long time.
If you have to ask, then you haven't been paying much attention to Street Fighter. This mechanic has been in fighting games for a long time.
Thank you for being so helpful. This is a constructive way for a community admin to reply. I see you take your avatar literally.
kinda funny how if its in SF.. all of a sudden its a deep and strategic concept.
Either that or it's a shit concept but it just happens that SF's community is comprised entirely of burly lumberjacks that don't give a fuck.

Any way you slice it, apparently we suck.
Thank you for being so helpful. This is a constructive way for a community admin to reply. I see you take your avatar literally.

What do you expect me to say when you come here and write off this mechanic as being dumb when 's from the game that your avatar is from that you weren't even aware of?

I see some who don't like the concept, but seeing as it's been in a game that's been played competitively for over 10 years, I can't be too upset with it. We'll see how it plays out.
I expect civility and maturity from community leaders, Malice. I don't know you, and only recently registered for these forums, so perhaps I should have expected this as an established character trait if I knew more about the community. Nonetheless, I've been a mod or admin for numerous community sites in the past (including being a strategy mod for the now defunct soulcalibur.com forums, and an admin on gamereplays.org), and that kind of response is unbecoming of a person in your position. I politely asked for clarification, and you were snide. Not a good first impression for a new member.

Also, I thought the allusion was to SFIV. The difference between things like variable super start-up in SFII, and the Clean Hit system in SCV, by the way, is that one is an obvious bug, and the other was a deliberately included mechanic. I can understand a bug adding elements of randomness to a game, but I do not believe that they are a solid design choice, for reasons I clearly articulated above with my analogy.

I don't approve of Namco adding deliberate random system elements to a game in which I will be competing in tournaments. I wouldn't approve if Capcom did it, either. You, apparently, don't approve of people who don't know everything you know.
MK9 = All trades are random on who wins.... yet ( One of the biggest tourney games of the year )

Many fighting games are incorporating random things in these days... I think they think it makes for a more exciting fight when you add that bit of randomness in there ( Like ooo what if this happens here then wow! ) I personally hate it, along with yoshi's tekken moves being all completely random now... but at least this system isnt that bad, and it is a way to make new people use the better moves for their character...

Get used to the snoddyness if you plan on staying here for any amout of time, its how 80% of people roll here...
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