Confirmed Characters?

That's the way it reads, but no. Just missing connective thoughts that he forgot to let out of his head so we could understand him. I'm not even mad about all the double-posting. The board takes care of that cleanly enough. It's the incoherence that hurts.
Why are you thanking namco? Theres no yoshimitsu in Broken Destiny. Now, im officially hoping it DOESNT come to console.
Both of you calm down. Talim's not confirmed, neither is Yoshimitsu, but chances are 99% that they'll both be in the game. You're getting worked-up because a moron posted a link to an unsourced wiki.
It is most likely that the characters who have appeared in Soul Calibur IV (other than the Star Wars guest characters) will appear in Broken Destiny, no matter how much different people dislike different characters.
Both of you calm down. Talim's not confirmed, neither is Yoshimitsu, but chances are 99% that they'll both be in the game. You're getting worked-up because a moron posted a link to an unsourced wiki.

Never refer to any of my posts.
I bet every SCIV character will be in, besides the obvious.

You need to calm down being the SCBD police.
I like how this looks : D and its cool that they have added Kratos (even though i have never played God of War all the way through) but i just wish they waited until a SC 5 to add someone as famous as him as a guest character and a completely new character. But putting that aside i think this looks pretty cool (too bad i dont have a PSP).
Take the yoshi comment as sarcasm, douche.
I guess you can't tell, on the internet.
You've gotta be more perceptive, dude. Understand things without needing clarification.

Actually... most people use (/sarcasm) or something, because tone, and emotion are notorious for being completly absent from forums. Don't tell people to become psychics, because assumptions are worse than anything.
Actually... most people use (/sarcasm) or something, because tone, and emotion are notorious for being completly absent from forums. Don't tell people to become psychics, because assumptions are worse than anything.

That's why he's gotta be more perceptive.
If he's going to reply to me, (which I've asked him not to,) I'm not going to clarify anything for him.
I'm not going to end imaginary tags..

He'll have to be PhilMissCleoBond.
This is the Internet. You don't get to do that. And why would you? Do I scare you?

Yes Phil, you terrify me.
Like, no joke.. this is me right now:

It was a serious question. I'll rephrase in two parts:

#1 What makes you think you can preemptively blockade a person from replying to you? I've been on the Internet for a decade, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone try that move. The overzealous administrative banhammer or the thread lock are similar, but to roll it out without an authoritave leg to stand on? I'm trying not to call you names here, but it looks pathetic, and you keep restating and clinging to it like it's the most normal thing in the world.

#2 Why? If I don't give you the horror movie shivers, then why single me out with your moon tactics? It's not like I was dogging you. Your name wasn't even on my radar. I referred to you in a lump with some other guy. You'll notice that he didn't elect to puff up his chest and start a flame war.
You have no right to DEMAND any answers to your questions, since I haven't given you permission to ask them of me. But for entertainment purposes, here you go:

#1. I can't literally blockade anyone from doing/saying anything to me. No, I can't shut down your reply button, lock the thead, or ban you, and I have no need to. Actually, I'm pretty sure I respectfully asked you to keep my name out of your mouth, but you just couldn't help yourself. I mean, I'm flattered you want keep hanging on my jock, but if you still wish to reply, it's going to fall on deaf ears. I cling to that notion, because if you haven't figured it out, I just plain don't like you. Allow me to repeat myself:
I Don't Like You, Bitch.
You're up there, on your pedestal. (Put there by yourself, in your own mind, of course,) but you aren't what you think you are. Taking 30 minutes to come up with 6th grade vocabulary words to post in your reply, just so you can seem smart and witty, doesn't really help you maintain your high and mighty image. That about sums you up, right? I'm sure other people besides me are sick of your bull-shit, smart-ass attitude.

Now on to #2: Didn't I say you do give me the shivers? I believe the direct quote was "Yes Phil, you terrify me." So that really negates your 2nd question. But for more entertainment - I'm not on your radar, (Playing up to your high and mighty image, again?) Haha.. And No, he didn't elect to puff up his chest, but I did. That's your problem. You lumped me in with him, when you shouldn't have. You can obviously tell we're not to be lumped together, given our totally different reactions (Or lack there of, on his part.)

And OHHHHHH how cliche of you.
Allow me to add to it.

*splish* *splash* of gasoline.
*Throws down his cigarette*
"Flame on."

Once again, I will not be including any [/sarcasm] tags for you, so you'll have to figure this out on your own like a big boy.

There's an ignore feature- just go to your User CP and look for Edit Ignore List; from there it's pretty simple as to what to do next.
I'm always surprised when people complain about my vocabulary. Did I accidentally make you open your dictionary? Was it "overzealous?" That means someone's excessively enthusiastic. Your giant text would be a good example.

I don't like sarcasm tags either. They're a crutch for people who're old enough to realize that the dripping sarcasm they learned as teenagers is childish, but who are not yet composed enough to have learned sincerity under fire.
I'm always surprised when people complain about my vocabulary. Did I accidentally make you open your dictionary? Was it "overzealous?" That means someone's excessively enthusiastic. Your giant text would be a good example.

I don't like sarcasm tags either. They're a crutch for people who're old enough to realize that the dripping sarcasm they learned as teenagers is childish, but who are not yet composed enough to have learned sincerity under fire.

I never complained about anything. I said it doesn't give off the effect you're looking for.
I've effectively put myself on your radar. Seems like it's working now.
PhilMarionette, I think I'll call you. You can figure out why, as you've been strung up for a few days now, and haven't even realized it.

and @ PlayerRay01: Thanks!

Here's a new avy for ya, Phil.

EDIT - I like how his msg is hidden now. TY again Ray!
you've been strung up for a few days now, and haven't even realized it.
Right. This is quite the trap you've sprung on me. Diabolical.

I never complained about anything. I said it doesn't give off the effect you're looking for.
The effect I'm looking for is that ideas should come out of my head and turn into text. If you can't handle a little polysyllabic articulation, I don't see how that's my problem.