Crazy Youtube Thread! Ver. 1

dont know if this all are reposts but...enjoy XD i post some lol vidz ^^

(warning FF4 spoiler^^)

ok thats all for now =)
XD hahah no problem =) "ha! get serious" XD hahah
i love it ^^

ok here another few one lol

XD hahah 6 o clock in the morning andim screaming XD hahah lol
Thats actually Donald McDonald which is the Japanese version of our old friend Ronald. I guess Ronald was to hard to say lol.
luvable cupcake song

jeff dunham and bubba jay

best counter-strike match ever


they're all baddies

more dbz goodness
XD lol nice links folks hehe ^^ now its my turn :p

(hamster a dientist nananana lala) XD

(lol scary womenO.o)
(lucky star meets death note ^^)
(dont know if this is a repost but i think its most epic daigo FTW!)
XD enjoy rofl
I usually don't support overused jokes that cam from 4chan, but this is a pretty fresh take on them-

Lazer Collection 1 & 2

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