Create A Soul Mode Patch Ideas

Just fix the conflicting equipment/compability issue for a start.

Some obvious examples : Why cant you wear samurai haori on top of a warrior's kimono? Makes no sense. Why can't you pair Samurai Hakama with Baihu Coat? No sense either.

I also recall something about teh armband equipment. It should belong to the special equipment section instead of the arm section, lol.

And if its possible, make hair for males avaliable for females and vice versa.
The biggest things for me:

Fucking remove conflicting equipment:Go back to the style of SC3. Let us combine a dress and skirt to make a new dress.
Also, if I select a dress for a female character, and then give her an armored tasset, it's because I want her to be wearing armor and a dress. The armor should not cancel out the bottom half of the dress.

Dear fucking god, the clipping.
It wasn't even this bad in SC3.

More slots please.
At first, I though 50 was fine,. but now I'm starting to realize that it isn't enough.

I like the hairstyles now, but I need more variety.
Bring back the 2P hairstyles from SC4. Add the 1P hairstyles from SC4.
And, obviously, add new hairstyles.
Also, unisex hairstyles, please.

I'm getting tired of using the same 5 faces. Especially since I mostly create female characters.
No cutesy faces, "sexy" faces, and most definitely not any "ohmygodwhatthefuckingfuckisthatthing" faces.
Just neutral, versatile faces that could be used for any creation.

The current options are nice, but I need some kind of middle ground.
The male voice options have these middle-ground options, to a point.
But the female voices don't. You're either cute, annoying, or sexy.
The "Reliable Leader(female)" voice would be considered a middle ground, but I honestly find it very obnoxious.
The serious voice sounds too young to me.
Also, for the love of god, FIX THE PITCH EDITING. Most of my characters have identical voices because I can't change the pitch without it sounding weird.

Also, bring back the 2P equipment from SC4 and add in the 1P equipment.

Alrighty, that's it lol.
What I would love:
Get rid of the conflicting clothes message. Jesus. I cant remember SCIV being that bad.
1P+2P SCIV Gear + SCIV DLC gear.
More faces.
Beards and moustaches that go on the face. (i:e 20 or plain faces with the ability to add facial hair.)
The ability to have 2-3 colours on hair.
Contact lenses. (Cat eyes/reptile eyes /pure white/Union Jack that sort of thing)
For shoulder pads/gloves etc the ability to have either left only/right only/both L+R would be nice.
More classic outfits.

Basically I want a wrassling game's CAW in this game.
Please give us an option to ban them from our Player Lobbies and filtering them out of our Ranked/Global matches. I'm sick of fighting Size 1 Devil Jins that can crouchdash under my mid attacks.
please make eye wear, hats and capes adjustable.
In SC:BD you could adjust the size/placement on all eye-wear some hats and even some shoulder equipment.
this made for some cool little touches like glasses on a mask or a hat tipped to the side.
a small thing for sure but a cool feature none the less.
Yep, that's what I was gonna say.

Also, what mokamoka said.

Finally, what I would most love to see is voices from classic characters. I can't tell you how annoying it is to have an assortment of equally unsatisfying voices to use on my Taki CAS. And aside from the more serious problem of her style not being included, I don't know how anyone could make a Talim with those voices.
Let us edit Dampierre and Aeon. They should also bring back Dampierre's BD P2 costume because it's pretty snazzy. As for Aeon, if he requires too much tweaking to allow editing (though I always wanted to put him in a santa hat for some reason), just give him a more humanoid (think Necrid-esque or even just a pre-Lizard Aeon) form that can be geared up. Astaroth has had both humanish and monster forms, share the love with Aeon.

Let Yoshi wear one arm peice. Let Nightmare change Chest Armor. Let Regular Characters use Tattoos. People already do ridiculous things with the main cast, putting abitrary limitations on them doesn't make sense.

Let us equip anything regardless of clipping. Definitely limits what we can make. While some people will no doubt make some obnoxious creations, its not like they haven't been able to this with things like ThunderGod's Drums...

Let us choose what breaks.

SCIV gear.

nice sneaking is zas at the end lol, almost didnt notice it

i would also like to resubmit my long standing request for some bacon related item
The biggest things for me:

Fucking remove conflicting equipment:Go back to the style of SC3. Let us combine a dress and skirt to make a new dress.
Also, if I select a dress for a female character, and then give her an armored tasset, it's because I want her to be wearing armor and a dress. The armor should not cancel out the bottom half of the dress.

Dear fucking god, the clipping.
It wasn't even this bad in SC3.

More slots please.
At first, I though 50 was fine,. but now I'm starting to realize that it isn't enough.

I like the hairstyles now, but I need more variety.
Bring back the 2P hairstyles from SC4. Add the 1P hairstyles from SC4.
And, obviously, add new hairstyles.
Also, unisex hairstyles, please.

I'm getting tired of using the same 5 faces. Especially since I mostly create female characters.
No cutesy faces, "sexy" faces, and most definitely not any "ohmygodwhatthefuckingfuckisthatthing" faces.
Just neutral, versatile faces that could be used for any creation.

The current options are nice, but I need some kind of middle ground.
The male voice options have these middle-ground options, to a point.
But the female voices don't. You're either cute, annoying, or sexy.
The "Reliable Leader(female)" voice would be considered a middle ground, but I honestly find it very obnoxious.
The serious voice sounds too young to me.
Also, for the love of god, FIX THE PITCH EDITING. Most of my characters have identical voices because I can't change the pitch without it sounding weird.

Also, bring back the 2P equipment from SC4 and add in the 1P equipment.

Alrighty, that's it lol.

great minds think very much alike <3
So many amazing ideas and contributions. Namco better be reading our forums and jotting down ideas. We could be looking at some amazing future DLC's to come!
Pretty much everything I want has been covered from more hair, separate faces & facial hair, to no floating gear (epaulettes for example). One thing I do want that has been touched on to a point. Can we have the ability to turn off equipment break? It would be cool to pick what breaks off, but I would rather just have the ability turn it off all together. I like the way my character looks and hate ending up fighting in my damn socks. At least I don't fight in my underwear anymore. We spend a lot of time on our creations and like to keep them as we made them.
Not sure whether amount of armor has to do with the amount of armor breaking, but in CAS, I find the tendency that the more armor pieces you place on your character - the higher probability all will break at once.
Mine is kind of long but this thread is really appropriate so why not share...? I'll split this into 2 posts. This one will explain the technicalities and my other one will talk about the "creative" aspect of CAS. So here I go... :)

-Definitely More CAS slots. 50 was somewhat a good amount in SCIV but in SCV, it really does feel very limited. Whatnot with the future CAS clothing, it would definitely be a good move to include a form of DLC that doubles or even triples the amount of slots for the CAS slots (even use pages even necessary). Personally while I'm on the topic, I too am in favor for the folder option. Basically, you click one slot and when you select the slot, it'll then take you to 2 more slots which can represent 1P & 2p outfits for your selected slot. Then, you create your character and dress them, then once you are done, you can save and move on to the second slot and create his/her 2P outfit. Then once you are done making both outfits, it'll give you an option to pick which slot you'd want to use to represent the main folder slot And finally when it comes time to pick your character on the gameplay modes, you go to the CAS slot and select the folder, then choose which outfit you want to use. I hope that made sense... lol

-Fix the Float. I agree with everything Hotaru99 said and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who noticed this problem. I won't go into detail here since Hotaru pretty much summed up my thoughts exactly.

-Part Compatibility. Again, I agree with Hotaru99. The thing I noticed with this game is that it has way more incompatibilities then SCIV did. Examples are like how you can't use the waist ribbon with say the mini skirt or chiffon skirt, in fact, you can only use them with pants... That makes no sense to me so please fix it where as you can equip that item with a skirt. Same thing with the apron, that item should really be compatible with dress and tops. There are more examples but this one in particular really got under my skin. The fact that you could NOT equip the black stockings with the stiletto heels. I don't understand this at all. I've been waiting for the time when CAS would have normal high heels for the female and when they finally include them, you can wear them with stockings or leggings (well you but then the legging will "cut-off" at the ankle). So yeah, I highly request that they ic these compatibility problems.

-Specularity. Hotaru99 is right here as well. Although I didn't notice it at first until I tried to use a pattern on the Chinese Dress & Hualin Gloves, the black would look like a dark purplish color instead of black black. So I can vouch for this notice.

-Using Textures on certain Special Objects. It is upsetting that you can't use textures/patterns on special objects like the Cylinder (I use this one quite a lot), cones, etc. Please make some option where we can add those things to the special objects.

-Add more slots for Special Equipment and stickers. Though I think this happened because the stickers use a lot of data & polygons so I understand that. However, if that isn't the case, I think it would be cool if they added more slots for special equipment and stickers.

-Have a Leg slot for stickers/scars. Like Sha said, I think it's pretty ridiculous that the only way you can put scars on the legs is by selecting "Place by View" and holding down the square button and using the D-pad to move the scar/sticker all the way down. It's pretty time consuming so it would be better if they made a slot that was for the lower body/legs of the body. While on this topic, I too think they should add numerical numbers on the sliders of the scars/stickers.

-Adjustable items. Like what Sha said, in Broken Destiny, you could adjust certain equipment like caps, glasses, etc. They should really bring this option back for SCV.

-Clothing Break Option. Like another user said, I would love if they made a patch that gave you the option to turn on/off the clothing break option. Think of it like Mortal Kombat with the blood. You had the option to turn on or off the blood. So I would love to see this kind of function implemented into Soul Calibur regarding the clothing. I personally work hard on my creations and it's really displeasing when I'm reduced to wearing almost nothing at times. While I'm on the subject, can we also have the option to choose which items will break off? And with that not, would it be possible to make the breaking off less... "disintegrated". Like what the other user said, when Patroklos gets an item break, the only thing that breaks off is his shoulder equipment but he gets to keep his surcoat. So yeah, can they make the break more realistic looking. Example: Tears, Rips, missing sleeves/pant legs, etc. And you can work on this for as long as you need, there is no rush! :)

And that takes care of my personal technicalities. I pretty much agree with what everyone said. Now for my post about the "creative" aspect.
I can't tell you how annoying it is to have an assortment of equally unsatisfying voices to use on my Taki CAS. And aside from the more serious problem of her style not being included, I don't know how anyone could make a Talim with those voices.
I have the same problem. The closet voice to Taki's is the Veteran Knight, and even that's not very accurate.
And Talim....oh, my poor Talim. I gave her the Young Lady voice ._. The only one that "fits".
I see Talim while playing as her, but I don't hear Talim ;-;
Hell, even if they just brought back the voices from SC4, I'd be relatively happy. At least then, there would be 2 somewhat fitting voices for Talim. As well as a proper emotionless voice that doesn't spout strange statements like "I'm hungry" ._.

snip of win
I love that folder idea. Don't worry, you explained it coherently lol.
So now for my suggestions regarding the creative aspects.

-More hairstyles. Please for the love of Pete, please add more hair! Bring in all the 1P & 2P hairstyles from SCIV into SCV. My personal favorites were Oriental (Xianghua), Pompadour (Setsuka's 1P), Ponytail, Unkempt (Mitsurugi 2P), and Curled Pigtails (Amy). But yeah, bring back ALL of the SCIV hairstyles. And while we're at it, bring back all the SC3 hairstyles! A lot of them were pretty awesome. I personally liked
  • Males: Crew Cut, Martial Artist, Medium Hard, Spiky Long, and Long Shaggy.
  • Females: Medium Length, Medium Straight, Geisha, and Looped Ponytail.
But yes, bring back all of them. From both SC3 & SC4. Oh and it would also be cool if you offered Natsu's 2P hair for CAS, that's a cool style! And then of course, create new original styles. But please don't make them all anime crazy, please make some normal traditional ones too please...? Also, I am in favor of being able to make the hair from scratch. Pretty much like how Tekken 6 does it where you pick a front, back, side (left), and side (right).

-More Faces. Yes, like everyone else has said, along with hair, they need more faces. For the males, I'd like to see young male faces that have facial hair or rather, make a patch that has a separate slot for facial hair like it was in SC3. For females, they really need some more normal looking faces. I find myself only using faces 1-4. The rest are just... Bleh, so please, make more normal girl & woman faces. In the next game, why not make it where you can edit the face like you can in games like Guitar Hero and WWF. It would be awesome to mold the faces how we want them to look. I'm also for more eye options. Like being able to color one eye say blue and the other one brown or, having the option to having no eyes or soul less eyes and so on. Mortal Kombat Armaggedon kind of did this with it's Kreate a Fighter so it can be done.

-More Textures/Patterns. Personally, I'd love to see a Fishnet and lace textures. Since they don't have any fishnet and lace stockings in the game, why not make it a texture/pattern that you can apply to items like Gloves, black stockings, or knee socks? Those are really the only ones I can think of for new patterns/textures but I'm sure there are more that can be done.

-More Stickers. I personally want to see a Lace-Up (the kind you see on corsets) and stitching thumbnail stickers. Like the texture/pattern subject, I'm sure there are more that can be made but those are 2 that I personally want to see.

-Soul Blade/Soul Edge, Soul Calibur, Soul Calibur 2, & Soul Calibur 3 clothing. Yes, I say this quite a lot when it comes to this topic but I'm just being honest. I really would love to see ALL the previous outfits worn by the main cast be donated to CAS. Of course, I'd want to see them broken down into pieces instead of being 1 whole outfit. I'd love to see clothing like...

You get the idea. But yeah, bring back EVERYTHING for CAS. Us creators would really appreciate and put them to good use!

-Return old equipment. In addition with the main cast outfits, they should bring back all the clothing from SC3 since they kind of brought back everything from SC4. Imagine clothing like the Ethnic & Dancer Skirt, Gladiator Boots, Stringed Boots, Gambler's Robe, and many of the other items all remastered. Plus, with the addition of stickers/patterns/textures, you can do so much more with the older clothing. So yeah, definitely make DLC returning the SC3 clothing. You can call it like SC3 CAS pack 1, 2, 3, etc.

-More Special Equipment. Yeah, bring objects like carrying pouches, daggers, etc. Also bring back all the stuff from Broken Destiny like the bombs and whatnot.

-More authentic/traditional clothing. Things like more armor, Japanese attire (Samurai/Geisha/Ninja/Modern Ninja suits), Chinese (Robes/Cheongsam/Emperor/Empress/Dancer/Opera), Tribal, and all that good stuff. You know what i'm talking about lol.

-More Weapons. And also bring back old weapons. Also the ability to color more of the weapons. And also, for when it comes to coloring the weapon slashes, the ability to make the slash color full on black.

That's all I've got for now but I'll add more if I think of anything. :)
All I wish for:
WAY more faces. (and nice one, please)
WAY more hairstyles.
More shoes. (and not stuff that make my CaS' legs look lik ham)
Less bulky clothing.
Less floating stuff.
Less "Sorry, this little belt is incompatible with the shoes" for no reason.
Less fan service.
SCBD clothing.

... Damn, I feel like a spoiled child writing his Xmas list.
Not sure whether amount of armor has to do with the amount of armor breaking, but in CAS, I find the tendency that the more armor pieces you place on your character - the higher probability all will break at once.
Actually everything breaks off at once, no matter how many things you put, except the socks & lower garments (pants, skirts, shorts, etc.). That will always stay on. Before it was everything and you were left in your underwear. Now at least you're left with pants, but I just wish to have the option to turn equipment break off. Being able to choose what breaks off is cool, too.
Actually everything breaks off at once, no matter how many things you put, except the socks & lower garments (pants, skirts, shorts, etc.). That will always stay on. Before it was everything and you were left in your underwear. Now at least you're left with pants, but I just wish to have the option to turn equipment break off. Being able to choose what breaks off is cool, too.
Or items having a 2nd Mesh with the break mode. For example, for glasses, the lens broken, for armor, cracks and so