[Dallas, TX] Live it and Breathe it! (Check first post for info)

Games tonight at the House! Starts around 8:30ish. See the first post for info. Post/Hit me up if you plan on attending!

- I.C.E.
GGs to everyone who was on Soul Calibur. I was grinding it out myself so I really didn't get to roam around as much as I would have liked.

Sorry for not getting on the stream until like 1 or 2 in the morning... People were probably already sleep by then... lol... Next week I'll try to do better.

- I.C.E.

P.S. There is a ranbat at Fight Club in Ft Worth tomorrow. Check the first post of this thread for info on that gathering.
GGs last night to everyone I played against with Natsu and Cervy. Also, shout outs to ICE and the Goons regulars for making me feel at home (also EP, great to see you again bro after all these years). I'll be back next month, and I should be at Bar Fights in a few weeks.
oh wow, i need to watch this thread a place to play, learn and practice, tho plano is far from me since i live in arlingtown.
If you ever get a chance you should definitely come out to the House in Plano (a good number of very talented players play there), but for something more local and good for beginners hit up Fight Club in Ft. Worth. FC has gatherings every saturday, and we have our gathering at the House on friday.

- I.C.E.
Oh not too much around here, yep still up here in Wisconsin. Life has its ups and downs but I'm still standing. Decided to get more into SC. Noticed your name on the thread so I figured I would drop in and say "whats up".
I appreciate the thought sir... Hopefully we'll get some games in at some point in our travels.

Dallas Peeps: It's friday night so you know what that means... Games start around 8:30pm... Hope to see some people out! Check the first post for all the relevant info.

- I.C.E.
this site seems more stable than srk. i swear, i login, try to post something, and a message prompts, telling me i have to be logged in to do that. psh. anyway, seems like we'll be trying to host next weekend over here. we'll try to alleviate the stress on the goons.
So I know this is short notice but I was wondering if anyone from Dallas was going to be driving to Final Round? I would eternally grateful if I could join you all and will be more than happy to put in for traveling expenses. If so please P.M. me and we can make arrangements where I can meet y'all at.
I think everyone who is going from Dallas is flying... Sorry mayne!... Hope to see you out there.

- I.C.E.