Dampierrina Le-Bella


[10] Knight
Well, I just started 8-Way, this late... and saw that everybody is posting some very lovely created characters.
So why not post my absolute favorite I've done for my first thread?

I bring you Dampierrina, the female or "gender-swapped" Dampierre if you will.

I'd also like to show off my H.A.L.B. which is a female Z.W.E.I.
H.A.L.B. is short for Halberd as Z.W.E.I. can be short for Zweihander.

And here's Xiva, the gender-swapped Xiba.

What do you all think?
Are there any gender-swaps you've done?
picture is ok, but from too far away, but i kinda like the idea, and it is rather well executed...
Cute my dear !
Wow, those are friggin' great recreations of their outfits. I'd like to see a genderswap of Cervantes, but his armour's tough to imitate.
Wow, those are friggin' great recreations of their outfits. I'd like to see a genderswap of Cervantes, but his armour's tough to imitate.
I tried Cervantes and had a migraine.
I did a Mistyrugi (female Mitsurugi) but it looks awful.
But I very well might get abck to a female Cervantes, I am just hoping that Hilde's 2P outfit is released in time so that I can use her hat for it.
...Is there even a term for the opposite of rule 63?

In any case, they look nice :P

I'd go with "Il Bella" instead though, to play on that broken Italian shtick Dampierre has going on. Sounds right to me at least, heh.
H.A.L.B is perfect, Dampierrina is ok.

The colours need swapping around a bit if you're going for accuracy (consider Sett's design in my 'Challenging CaS Challenge' thread.)

I'd like to see a male Pyrrha though. Or a female Xiba, as that Zweigirl was spot on.
H.A.L.B is perfect, Dampierrina is ok.

The colours need swapping around a bit if you're going for accuracy (consider Sett's design in my 'Challenging CaS Challenge' thread.)

I'd like to see a male Pyrrha though. Or a female Xiba, as that Zweigirl was spot on.

Challenge accepted!
I will get to one of them later today, say an hour or two!
.... you posted in a separate thread about Alex ... I ' m not sure but I think it might have been mine...

if it was ...

I think I used the cat ears... no I'm wrong I think this version is bat wings ... a lot of the wing is hidden in the body...

Thank you SO much!
I was looking for that again and lost it and was just like "NOOO!"
I much and highly appreciate that you found me and consulted about it.
It was your Alex, yes.
Thank you very much for the help. :)
No problem...... but If you are making him (or a gender swap of him :) ) try the rabbit ears instead ... I think they work better we just didn't update our pic. Good luck!!!
No problem...... but If you are making him (or a gender swap of him :) ) try the rabbit ears instead ... I think they work better we just didn't update our pic. Good luck!!!

Thank you!
And I think that's a great idea, maybe I should make an Alex and Alexa!
Clockwork Orange is after all my all time favorite movie so this is awesome.
WOW.!!!! I love your Dampierrina and I really like the equipment, the patterns and the colors that you used to create her....!!! And your H.A.L.B the female edition from Z.W.E.I is very nice...!!!! I want to see more... Keep it up...!!! ;)