Despising characters discussion. Start!

Don't forget Cervantes. His is the worst of all. Lol
Really? I am constantly staring at his back when I quick step his verticals.

Now Rugi and Asteroth for sure.

Viola's most annoying stuff only seems dodgeable with moves that jump to the side like Natsu's and Maxi's 2B+K otherwise I don't have a problem.

Imagine if Maxi had Rugi tracking. My inbox would stay full lol.
To be fair, Maxi and Astaroth aren't the only ones who lost appeal to me. Ivy lost her appeal. In my opinion, she was so cool in SCI, II, & III but by SCIV, she just went down. She isn't all that better in SCV even though her outfit looks way mor better then thee IV one and her moveset is pretty fun. But personality-wise and story-wise, I don't see where she can go now. I mean, I think SCIV gave her a rather nice ending considering her sword saved her. What more can they do with her in SCVI?
I also think Aeon lost his appeal. He looks awesome in SCV but story-wise, eeh... Can't see him going anywhere either... but yeah, as for the Maxi comment, I'm hoping that they either find something exciting for him to do other than being Astaroth's rival or drop him and come up with a new character to represent the nunchaku style.
And I also want to add Cervantes. I mean, I did like him in SCII & SCIII but after that, that's when I personally lost interest in him as a character. I really don't know what more they can do with him. Even his moveset doesn't interest me like it used to...

And yeah, Raphael definitely ran his course too soon. I'm still trying to adjust to his vampire persona but it just is too... I can't explain it but I'm hoping this new story to finding Amy (*cough* Viola *cough*) will spruce him up and make things interesting again since Amy is really important to him.
agree 100%
Mistu= why does the Japanese make their ninjas and samurai characters broken!? Fatheads
Rock= copy character... that's it!
Lizardma= shittier copy character

Voldo= weirdo that's it
Pyrra= stop saying sorry you masochist girl!
Kilik= Why? Just Why?
I think the trophy for worst character of all time goes to Angol Fear. Euuughhh... (at least Link pulls off the anime-esque look). Justin Xiber is a close second, I guess (voice is not high-pitched enough). Third would have to be, ummm, Scheherezade, Navi's long-lost sister.

I despise them as characters. Despise them. Take away Scheherezade's OBNOXIOUS voice/pitch away and Xiba's obsessive compulsive disorder, and they might (MIGHT) fall off the list (Angol can go eat a malfested dick for all I care).
I can curse in 8WR?

I loved Taki. I hate her replacement with a passion that burns with the heat of a thousands suns. Natsu's a cheap little bitch with her bombs. She needs to get nerfed NOW! Anyone who plays Natsu and just bombs the whole time should have their hands cut-off...

I hate Cervantes as a character. Mainly due to the fact that he's a butt-pirate. That's actually the only reason I hate him. Pirates can suck a dick. How dare they compare themselves to... never mind.
There aren't very many characters one can say that I actually hate. I've never had any sort of liking for any character that specializes in rods or staves, or whatever other similar weapons there may be. They've always been so spammable, and while Siegfried is good for dealing with them, that I have to do so at all is a total bitch.

I never have, do not, and never will like any of the Alexandras. Great fanservice, but in-game, I end up yelling at them the most. Also, that there's so much hate for Rothion in the world of shipping saddens me. Why must he be killed or made out to be an abusive monster? Greece was Orthodox for Pete's sake, and during the events of the Soul series, it was run by the Ottoman Empire. The Greek Orthodox Church was okay with divorce if the marriage was hurting more than helping, and I'm pretty sure that, considering how fans usually... erm, portray Sophitia, the two splitting up on generally acceptable terms would not be very far off at all. Just give some other idea to cover up the differing tastes, and nobody really gets hurt.

Tira I have a very much love-hate relationship with. Her voice does switch between the screeching scratchiness of a cockatoo that sucked down half a tank of helium to that of a cat that just got kicked in the ovaries, but I also like how her fighting style always has a bit of a whimsical air to it, no matter which persona she's dealing with at the time. Also, she's fun, in the fanwork area of things, to make as someone's little dog.

Cervantes is a gay pirateer who can go suck a chode. Maxi doesn't get that bouncy in battle without bouncing on some cock first, either. Note that I don't harbor any sort of hatred against someone for being gay, but damn. Hate, hate, hate.

I've got a genuine dislike for guest characters on the whole. I'm kinda partial to Tekken, as it's one of the first fighting games I've ever played, but even with Heihachi in Soul Calibur II, I still never liked it. My favorite guest character to smash around was Link, though I admit it was mostly to watch the looks of horror on the faces of fanboys and fangirls- fangirls especially- who watch as I smash that elf into the ground with Nightmare. Ah, good times.

In this latest installment, I really, really abhor Patroklos. Such an easily manipulated retard, and I can't stand such outright stupidity. At least when he takes control of Soul Calibur he mans up and matures some.

On the flipside, I see that many people seem to have this burning hatred for Ivy and how she apparently looks like a man. Honestly, I think it's ridiculous to say that she looks as such right now, as she'd lost the styles that were masculine after Soul Calibur II. I liked it a lot, as it showed a rebellious, taboo side of her that wasn't just how little she ran around in, but that she dressed like a man for her second-player costumes. It showed that she was defying the standards, that she was well beyond her time, and that she could still look classy while doing so. Besides, her being the outrageous lesbian she is, dressing like that and putting on a wrap to flatten her chest would be an excellent way to pick up chicks.
People think Ivy looks like a man?

I could have sworn she just sounded like one. Seriously in SC4 it sounded like Rupal was her VA. She's somewhat more feminine now but at this rate we'll never get back to the glory days of 2 and 3 where she actually sounded like a British Noblewoman.
Pyrrha- its her personality man.
Algol- just annoys me
Patroklos- everythings malfested.
Ivy- Only reason I no longer love her is because of the mad style change. I had to completely relearn her, so I no longer like the style as much, but I like her in every other aspect
Voldo- his just to damn confusing when some is good with him. but i respect those players
ZWEI - Hate him. What more can I say about a useless loser in the story, that has no character ever since he was rejected from some sort of unheard of final fantasy knock off. His design looks dumb and his weapon is too "magical" for soul calibur... please get rid if that bastard....

Tira - Only hate her SC5 design, and over flurty in her voice. She was supposed to have 2 personalities. Bi-polar NOT Bi-sexual.

Natsu - Attitude annoys me, and uses modern terms like ''suck'' in a post medieval game. -_-

Ivy - (After SC3) turning into a man. Her voice is horrible in English.

Pyrrha - Annoying cry baby. No character. Unrealistic personality. Annoying voice.

Patroklos - Synonym for Generic 1Dimentional Hero. Unoriginal voice. There is nothing likable about him.

Algol - No real motivation to even be alive.

Shura - Generic - Overrated and obnoxiously Slutty. She's the worst character I've ever seen.

Hwang - Overrated and stale personality.

Setsuka - No relevant story use. "Japanese" but not asian.

Rock (SC4) Ruined character, costume was less detailed and is constantly unhappy... for no reason?

Maxi - Synonym for redundant.

Seung- Mina - I miss her but her voice and preppy attitude was annoying as hell.

Xanghua - Boring character, slave to Kilik yet doesnt marry him? What was her actual purpose?

Taki - Boring to me, and only adored for her fanservice

Xiba - Horrible. (Zero)Dimetnional, when I asked for a monkey king I wanted a Monkey.
I normally shy away from character bashing, but eh, I'll vent.

Algol - Do I REALLY have to explain it? He should have never been created.
Amy - I don't like her. Enough said.
Ivy - She's nothing but fan service.
Kilik - He's always a cheap piece of crap that puts Mina on the backburner in every way. And now he's an Edge Master? He can go to hell, and take his horrendous voice with him.
Leixia/Xianghua - They're the same friggin' character. The annoying ass Ling Xiaoyu wannabe with an aggravatingly bubbly personality and a voice that's like listening to nails on a chalkboard. I don't like their designs or stupid fighting styles either.
Natsu - Everyone else has covered why I hate her. Anime Naruto girl design, dick personality, cheap as hell, and just a disgrace to Taki in every way.
Patroklos - I didn't like Siegfried that much as the main character, but this asshole takes the prize. There is nothing likable about him. He starts off as a douche then instantly flips the switch into JUSTICE boy and is still annoying as hell. His campy storyline sucked too. He's the typical young, asswipe male protagonist that plagues far too many Japanese stories.
Pyrrha - Her voice. Her unrealistic personality. She's so damn depressing to listen to. Does she want to commit suicide? I can fetch her the glass of water if so.
Voldo - Because he's Voldo.
Xiba - I cannot possibly find the words to describe this... thing.
Z.W.E.I. - Fantasy bastard who looks like Bryan Fury's love child.

And for the record, as much as I don't like said characters, I could really care less. I don't let them ruin the game for me.
I can't stand Pyrrha. I like Pyrrha Omega, but god, her personality when she's not malfested....AYYYE.

Talim and Xianghua bug me, too.
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