Diablo III

Been playing the Beta, I absolutely love this game.
Will take me some time to get used to the new mechanics and macros, but iz alll goooooooooood.
Demon Hunter is my main and Wizard will be my secondary.
I will back to sanctuary hunt for more foul demons LOL
Already purchased the digital copy,and wait for my collector edition being shipped.
My beta isn't working anymore for some reason. I got to use my Wizard for one day, uninstalled it and reinstalled it and I keep getting some error saying I don't have a license too it. I'm so hype about this!

I'm making a Female Wizard and Male Barbarian like I had on Diablo II. I didn't know they had macros now, that's awesome!

How much does the collector's edition cost?
Original price should be 99 bucks .But since it has tons of pre-order you probably don't wanna order it from amazon or ebay now .Try walmart,gamestop...
Finished the game with just Wizard today, was pleasantly impressed with how awesome these new skills look like! I might actually make Wizard my main now... but she did seem a bit weak when it came to a hoard of enemies.
Think I'll just be getting the original game when it comes out. Collectors seems cool, but not worth the $100 IMO.
Finished the game with just Wizard today, was pleasantly impressed with how awesome these new skills look like! I might actually make Wizard my main now... but she did seem a bit weak when it came to a hoard of enemies.
Think I'll just be getting the original game when it comes out. Collectors seems cool, but not worth the $100 IMO.

Played the open beta, like the new companion system. Basically, how they're chatty. Will probably join ya in picking it up at some point and play the monk. Maybe a female monk, just for Russian accent hotness.
Anybody who bought the game have a spare guest pass? I really want to test the game out on my comp before I buy it.
I was looking forward to this game. It's a shame about the online singleplayer. I refuse to support games that have DRM that ridiculous.

Oh well, at least there's Torchlight 2 to look forward to.
A note about the Demon Hunter: If you use the skill that passively builds up crit towards your next attack, get it up to 100%, then use Fan of Knives, it will devastate groups of enemies.
The range glyph is your friend, young Padawan.
I think we should use this thread to post our battle tags so we can match up and do some questing with 8wayrun buddies.

My Battle tag is LordSturm#1970.

Also, for those of you requesting guest passes, I have a few spare ones. PM me and I'll give you the access codes.
So how epic is this game? I wont be able to get it until the middle of june. :(

I see my bro playin it all the time and it looks fun as hell! I got to play a couple of the first quests with my wizard but I didn't get to make it too far.
This game is badass, i don't even have a computer than can run it smoothly but it's all i've been playing thanks to a certain someone getting ir for me.
For those of you looking for a guest pass I have already sent one out, which means I have two remaining. Some tips for stress testing with your guest pass:

The guest pass runs until the Skeleton King boss in act 1, just FYI, probably 1.5-2 hours of gameplay. If you're using the guest pass to test your PC I suggest playing the Wizard, since that class has the craziest particle effects and is probably a good stress test for your system. Also, play with as many people as you can to test the multiplayer, if the feature is available in guest passes.

I'm not going to be staying up much later tonight but I'll be available for games during the late hours the rest of this weekend if folks are interested.
I have to say.. WTF blizzard.

Okay first of all, my computer was released in december 2010, so it hasn't even been 2 years yet, and my computer is too slow for D3. The issue is that it has an on-board video card which means that it pulls processing power from the CPU in order to have graphics. Even still, the game practically demands a top-of-the-line computer with megatons of RAM, ridiculous video card, and at least an ICore 5 or better. (mine's an Icore 3)

I'm saying WTF to this because when D2 was released, you could practically play on a 10 year old computer with few issues. I played D2 on a fucking basic pentium processor with zero lag.

Another issue I have with this game is the fact that it's severely dumbed down from D2. I created a wizard character, and I couldn't believe that leveling up doesn't grant you the ability to choose to raise your attributes as you please, nor does it let you selectively pick which skills to invest in and how much. Now, when you level, you just "gain new skills" as the game goes on. Fuck that. Now all the characters are straight up cookie cutters. Someone else's high level wizard will end up being almost exactly the same as yours. In D2, a single character had many different ways to build it up. For example, a summon necro was NOTHING like a bone necro, a Javazon was NOTHING like a bowazon, etc.

I should have known this was coming. Video game developers are on a trend to dumb everything down to the point where they lose the older veterans as fans. D2 was something special, and now D3 is just another run-of-the-mill hack n' slash game where all you have to think about now is point and click. Especially for a game released in 2012, they could have done 10x better. This game is total ass and I'm taking this POS game back to get my money back.

Even if I DID like the game, I'm not spending hundreds of dollars on a decent video card and doing open heart surgery on my laptop just to play this game. I've never taken apart a laptop before and I would probably fuck something up permanently.

The online only doesn't even bother me that much, but it's still a major flaw IMO. Not everyone wants to play online.

There are other RPG's out there that are WAY better than this royal piece of crap.

This is what happens when Blizzard hires a brand new team to work on a sequel.