Entire yu-gi-oh collection


[08] Mercenary
Foil Cards include:

magic cylinder
macical hats
toon mermaid
buster blader
maha vailo
black illusion ritual
toon world
tribute to the doomed
man eater bug
axe of despair
chain destruction
blue eyes white dragon
destiny bord(with all sprit messages)
valkyrion the magna warrior
the masked beast
reaper on the nightmare
sinister serpent
toon summond skull
dark magician(LOB)
japinese dark magican
dark magician(SDY)
harpies feather duster
blue eyes toon dragon
blue eyes shinging dragon
thousend eyes restrict
thousend eyes idol
the fiend mega cyber
manga ryu-ran

well what are these worth,i know over $100 any offers are welcolme over that
sorry but the only card worth anything is the reaper of nightmare...which is 5 bucks tops now... sorry to rain on your parade...
is that ur deck? if so that's a horrible deck... u only got like 7/8 useful cards... and the deck really doesn't go together... my old deck would destroy urs...
even if I were interested, i'd need pics of each, for each to see them. How good they are, etc.... especially for like Blue Eyes, or any card that comes in a deck also, because if it's the deck then nobody cares.
what the fuck is wrong with you fools?i havent played yu-gi-oh since middle school, im just trying to sell these damn cards that are just sitting im my closet.if you want em good if not ok but dont talk down on me and shit
what the fuck is wrong with you fools?i havent played yu-gi-oh since middle school, im just trying to sell these damn cards that are just sitting im my closet.if you want em good if not ok but dont talk down on me and shit

Man as im sure you know this site is full of idiots that's why they talk about you. But looking at those foils you have those are nice i know you can get a lot more then trying to sell them on a site like this. You best bet man is try ebay or a card shop but if you decide a card shop just do a net search on your foils and check there current prices as card shops have a tendicy to rip you off. I only play magic atm but i do know my rares and price worth of the yu gi oh cards. If you need any help trying to get price feel free to leave me a messg ill help you the best i can.