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  • I like to visit here... hoping for a glimmer of activity.

    Sadly, silence alone haunts these hallowed halls.
    Kurisu, you really need to let this grudge against Lobo go.
    What do you want Lobo to do? And what will you gain from it?
    You're losing respect from me, my friend.
    ooooo ha i was gonna ask if i'd played you before but then recognized your psn hows it goin? sure we can play il be pre busy during the week so proly friday or mayb earlier. *-*
    Pocky Yoshi wishes to spar with you.
    Next time I get on Soul Calibur four...
    And maybe in the future we'll get some Asuka mirrors in T6.
    Since I know you're an Asuka fan like me.
    I'm not a mod, so I don't even worry about infractions. Though I will say feeding into those guys just makes things worse. I'm not saying ignoring them will make them stop, but yeah.
    woah epic confusion here. I remember reading a thread a while ago saying Kurrisukapsu was making a new account or changing his name or w/e to king_waste. Just wana say I don't know who he is and have nothing against him first.

    But I looked at some of the messages here and 2 are mine which I remeber posting on that guy named Jorns profile? So who's account is this? 0_0
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