Force Count - 100/600


[09] Warrior
Well recently Someone asked me how do I know when I am wasting my force bar, and then asked me If I watched my force bar. I answered No, I don't watch my force bar, and they asked me why, and I answered them with:

"Because I'm used to glancing at the Life Bars, but I never got used to glancing at the force bar because it distracts me, and I'm often confused at what happened in the fight when I stop reading the Force Bar"

So they asked me again, how I knew when I was wasting force, and I told them, that I count my force bar as a Base Number, and substract Base numbers from my Force Cancels. And they responded with "Wha..."

So I explained it to him, and he was quite shocked from how mathematically I play, well that's the Impression I got.

So I thought I should type up my method as it is a bit confusing for someone that doesn't try to find numbers for everything in EVERY video game they play (Yes i do lol)

So Here is the basic Explanation:

I have 2 base counts(BC), I count from 600, but since I'm now typing this up I thought 100 would be easier for people who are intimidated by large amounts of numbers at once so I made the 100 base count also.
Basically their are base numbers (Force Points) for each Force Cancel, of course the numbers differate between what moves they are canceled from such as B, 6B+K takes less force than 236B, 6B+K. For every Force Cancel you would substract that base number from the Base Count(BC), whether your counting from 100 or 600. For note purposes This is gonna be called the 100/600 method. But 100 has some numbers that result in decimals for some counts such as 3 it still serves for people who are intimidated by large numbers (Such as my brother)

Commands = 100 BC/600 BC
2A+K = 20Pts/120Pts
4A+K = 25Pts/150Pts
6A+K = 25Pts/150Pts

4A+B+K = 33.3Pts/200Pts
6A+B+K = 33.3Pts/200Pts

(WS)B+K = 25Pts/150Pts
2B+K = 20Pts/120Pts
(WS)3B+K = 25Pts/150Pts


Note that this is not the whole move chart, I haven't typed up all of them yet from lack of time, But I will edit later with the full move list. I didn't think I would type it up since it was my personal thing but this is what I go off for whenever I play.
I didn't read all your post so this may sound a bit ignorant but really how does it distract you from playing. Its so close to the HP bar I can't not look at the hp bar without seeing the force bar lol and unless you have a huge tv you'd still see it whilst playing anyway.
I didn't read all your post so this may sound a bit ignorant but really how does it distract you from playing. Its so close to the HP bar I can't not look at the hp bar without seeing the force bar lol and unless you have a huge tv you'd still see it whilst playing anyway.

Well it's pretty much along the lines of the tv's that I'm accustom to in competition it's too small for me to see. With my eyesite and the distance from the tv lol i can't help but be distracted also, I aswell as some other people have been like "I don't see the force bar" and sometimes it's like that lol it's so small in the corner below the life bar that it's sometimes easy to strain yourself to look at to think "well what should i do based off the force amount and options" but just keeping count will just limit that a little