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  • Thank you for voting! ♥
    If you would like to be a judge for the show go back to the thread
    and follow the instructions! ♪ :sc2cas1:
    this is just a temp avy. new custom Avy and Sig in the making !!! stay tuned ! >:D
    Sorry for the confusion man Im the same person i jsut keep changing my psn acct names because i cab't make up my mind i apologize for this ive hopefully changed it for the last time. I play in the tourney under my kurisukappsu psn but then ill be changing for the last time ever lol. Sorry for confusing you.
    Ah thanks. This Yoshi is why "Pocky Yoshi" was born just so you know.
    Plus I was introduced to Pocky when I got my hands on SCII lol.
    I'd like to, however, I am in ths US. Nevada, next to California. So, we'd probably have a horrid connection.
    Hey, today when we got "failed to connect" message, what did you do to make it work? I have the same problem now with some other players =/ it was good until that crappy 3.0 firmware was released...
    hello there! do you still play online? if so, wanna play a few matches? we should have a good connection! (i´m in sweden)
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