Gaming habits [IRL while playing]

I tend to swear and curse a lot.

The Dutch is the only language that uses diseases to curse, which is awesome. You guys would be shocked to hear how we can curse.
Besides being focused on the game, swearing (mostly about my inability to block that damn i20 low online) and asking specific questions about happened situations are my main habits.

I tend to get a bad feeling in my stomache when I meet rage-quitters and 2-bar-spammer, but I think I´m not alone with this one.
Wow, not a lot of bud smokers out there... i thought more people would mention that habit during gameplay. Like a few other people have said, i laugh a lot if i'm just getting dominated. It's really a compliment more than anything, because i don't take gaming so seriously.
As useless as it may be, I trash talk the AI (CPU, whatever). I don't trash talk human players, but when the game itself pisses me off, I'll call it cheap and throw a fit.

I've also been known to plead with God that I beat such and such opponent/level/challenge/etc. Again, this is something I do when I'm alone, not when someone's there watching or playing.

Finally, when I'm feeling cocky, I often quote movies, wrestlers, videogame characters from other games and others with awesome catchphrases. This I tend to do whether someone's there or not. In fact, it's more fun to do when others are around to catch the references.
ummm haha whenever i played halo which ever direction i moved i would lean in so you would always see me going back and forth

on soul calibur ive picked up the same thing
youll see me duck my head a little bit every time i duck
I smoke lots of cigarrettes.
(Pot and SC don't mix well for me)
I curse a lot and trash talk online(Luckily i have no mic)
And very often when i think i've analyzed my opponent i think of a move that would foil his tactic and say
"aah i've got something for you!"
Mostly i forget the move during the match, do it at the wrong times, he changes tactic etc...
When I'm serious, sit in comfortable position and play to win.
If I'm chillaxing, I just sit in an more comfortable position(lying on my belly)and just have fun.
But, sometimes I do both lol.
I bitch on my mic with my les paul between my legs readied for the inevitable lag loss that sends me to the back of the line to wait :(

Also I chew an obscene amount of orange gum during the play.
Is it wrong to chronic masturbate mid-match when you knock someone's clothing off? If so then I don't do that EVER. .... ever... lol.
Bad language, usually I swear in Japanese. I also clench and unclench my toes. I have gotten foot cramps while gaming from this.

I sit on the floor, with my legs in front of me, with my arms and an arcade stick or controller under my legs.

...I'm not weird.
i start out normally, then I always start having some beers. I always drink the same amount. When I'm halfway thru with them, I'm beastin and crackin jokes and having fun. By the time I'm done, I'm ready to snap my controller in half, especially when there's terrible lag. I know to expect this online, but when it's bad it tears me up inside.
I bite / pick at my nails to the point of them bleeding alot, even if I'm doing well. I just get bored, I guess. :l