GGL's X-play SC4 finals results (televised)

One of the things about the SC4 scene that's surprised me the most is how many DOA players have gotten so good so fast. Ryujin, Tom Brady, Mamba, Offbeat Ninja, EscapingJail, NinjaCW...

Sure is making a good case that DOA wasn't as scrubby a game as we thought. =)

Honestly, it really wasn't. It had problems, but wasn't one of those "easy to be great at" games.
Hey, guys! I want to congratulate all contestants at this tournament, but I also want to be a dick and criticize this community with my unwanted opinion. Basically, you can't let lesser known players win so early on in the game's life. That's like saying Soulja Boy deserves mainstream attention but Immortal Technique is garbage and should stay underground.


I don't think it makes any difference TBH. If anything the opposite end of that opinion is, maybe all that all these new bloods winning early will attract more new players, since it has been proven that they can immediately be competative. It will embolden them to travel to tournies more, the proof is already in the pudding with the number of onliners showing to offline stuff.

Things can only go up from here Vints.

cha cha
lol wow i finally got the audio.


"voldo's gotta use his gaurd meter soon...don't waste it"---as his SG was flashing.

AHAHA... ref was awesome. some classics:

"that was my, i learned this in prison, face."

"somebodys sad. somebodys happy. maybe."

"we like to hug gentleman. that's a little creepy isn't it."

and of course....the best one...

"voldo's gotta use his gaurd meter soon...don't waste it"

man. i was anticipating watching this since it was announced, and i fucking miss the air date. sucks. just watched it online.

mucho congrats to competitive fighting gamers.

seriously though, why the standing only for the FINALS?! that had to be fun. need more hype. know ya'll were nervous, shoulda channeled that out expresionately, but, no worries... next time.

nother thing, wish ps3 peripherals at least would have been able to been incorporated as to not exclude a whole nother community of the same fighting game. sad face.

very very awesome. cheers.
I think this was a really great thing for Soul Calibur. Seeing things like this inspires people to join in and compete. Even if it's only online at first it's definitely a step. If they migrate to this site and hear about all the tournaments and how offline play is superior then maybe they'll attend a local tournament. And most people who take the time to go to a tournament are truly competitive so even if they get their ass handed to them they'll want to come back again and again to prove themselves(unless they run in to someone who brags endlessly and crushes their spirit). If that can happen the community will grow vastly and the more dedicated players we have the more sponsorship we'll get.
Why did the ref look like the plastic version of Tim Allen from Santa Clause 2?
Great quotes:
"An unblockable move coming up here!" (Chargeable move was not charged to unblockable.)
"Voldo showing more defense. Showing his back, though, which is an odd strategy..." (Voldo is the only character who can GI/JI, break grabs, and block while backturned.)
"Throw was blocked." (Throw was broken.)
"Still showing his back."
"Looks like Black Mamba's block meter is showing." (Black Mamba's Soul Gauge was flashing red.)
"Voldo's gotta use that block meter soon. Can't waste it." (Voldo's Soul Gauge is "showing" this time. What does the commentator think it does?)

There was good play, but fake beard face had no idea what was going on. Mention the just frames, the half-charges, the armor breaks. All these commentable facts were just going by unnoticed. I would have liked to see the wacky guy at a table with the two disqualified guys as experts, helping him analyze the match after already having watched it once like they do five nights a week on "Poker After Dark."
Well Mamba, until you PM'd me on this, I had no idea that you were the winner in this whole thing. I just saw people hating on another thread. Anyway, now I REALLY hope you can come over to my house Saturday for my little tourney. I know he's from Cali, but right now he's in New Mexico.

Let me just vouch for this guy. Our top players have been Ivylicious and Chingachgook. We've had a lot of new players come and go in our little group, but this guy came in and was for real, similar to Lobo when he came on our scene. He's a solid player, no doubt. If he can hang w/Ivylicious, he's a solid player. We've had other players who thought they were good, and we had good intentions when we played them, but they ended up dropping it. Not Mamba.

Yes he's the strong silent type. For a second I thought the guy didn't like me, but that's just him. Calm, cool, and collective.

Nats will prove who's better that particular day. Run the nats bracket 4 days in a row and you'll probably get different results every time.

Congrats to the placers. Mamba got to meet Cha Cha, which I'll do on my next trip home to Buffalo. Peace y'all
Will you Seneca :P ? Will you really?


cha cha

Ha ha, yeah, it's my mission in my gaming life to meet other buffalonians. Tell me Cha, is there any other team in the NFL that let's it's fans down more in the closing moments of games, than the Buffalo Bills. We got the broadcast down here in NM, I was up and down the whole game, and I even allowed myself to think they would finish the game the right way. But it's Buffalo. Anyway, hopefully I won't get stuck at the strip club w/my boy next time I'm up there. I do remember talking to you on the phone last time I was there, only to have that very thing happen. Peace!
Seneca, long time no see. I was the Nightmare player from Fredonia that you came a few years ago. I play in Buffalo with Chach now. Hope to see you when you come up again :)
Why the fuck did the announcer have that god forsaken beard?

It's an inside joke. That guy was (badly) impersonating Walter Day. He is the founder of the high score database Twin Galaxies (which I have a few scores on). He was one of the main characters in The King Of Kong: A Fistfull of Quarters, a move G4 has played several times.

Seneca, long time no see. I was the Nightmare player from Fredonia that you came a few years ago. I play in Buffalo with Chach now. Hope to see you when you come up again :)

Whatup man, yeah that tourney was a lot of fun. I wanted to stick around for the "Rock Only" tournament but my boy was having wife issues. Anyway, I think all the legit players took me out. I know I had a close match with Kowtow, and some guy playing Sophi we just beat the crap out of eachother w/him coming out on top. Juan tore me up w/Lizard man.

I was going to try to get back on topic, but nevermind....
lol! omg! if i wouldn have stepped out wit one of my gurls that day of the online tourney(which i had sign up for) THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN ME ON T.V.!