GS B+K Auto GI Interrupt Punishment List

Ahh yes, indeed. That's actually why I call it "Juggernaut Mode" because weak hit don't effect her, I just forgot to mention it.

Also, it's worht noting that there is no real list of which moves are considered "weak." Sometimes the logic on what hits and what doesn't is competely ass-backwards if you ask me.
I like that name. I'm gonna start using that.

Agreed. The weak attack stuff is lame but it's cool storywise that Tira and Nighty share what is basically the same ability. In a vs Edgemaster session I found that Yoshi's entire 4AAAAA gets absorbed by EC.....even the JF version. From my posts on CF where I tested EC at first I'm thinking it'll be cool to see what it works on.
I can never use the A+K Auto GI successfully. Any tips?
It doesn't GI thrusting type attacks, namely 6B's. Anyway, it's timing usage is reminiscent to a regular GI, only you can hold it [A+K] to GI slow moves. If successful, release A+K and shake off Tira's headache (if any) to continue the offense.

Otherwise, tag it after 1K, 3B, 66B, 2AB to teach aggressive opponents a lesson or two.
Sad news to confirm. Since GS B+K is considered a throw SK can Force break it. It sucks but this does work in your favor one way. If the SK is Force break happy it'll limit his damage potential. Plus he needs at least 20-30% Force just to do the break. Do as you see fit.

EDIT: Some weird news I just now found. GS B+K actually has a damage variable to it. It's based on how much life you have at the time. 100-41% it does 45 damage. Around 40% it does 55. Slightly lower it does 60 then slightly lower it does a max of 65 damage. You get more life restored with the increases! It's pretty nice but you better hope they do some mids so you can come back.
Seperate post to avoid wall of text.

Currently testing the aGI's window. It starts at frame 2. I'll keep testing down until I find the last frame.

EDIT: Alrighty assuming Astaroth's A+B impact data is for opponent in close range then GS B+K is an 11-frame aGI that impacts from frames 2-12.
The news about the Apprentice makes me a sad panda. That makes him the only character that can break that grapple; ghey. How big is the frame window for the break?

Anyway, I was playing a few people during that SFIV lock in (didn't get to play Steve Harrison though :( but I did get to see his mean Nightmare). I was noticing the damage dealt off her GS B+K grab (which I got a lot off that day) varied. Wasn't sure why though. Interesting that it's health dependent.
Also don't forget that its better than a normal GI because it heals you. Really nice list thanks. This is my favorite move.
this could help!! it would be like "OH NOES!!! GRIM REAPER!!! " later " my throat's sore!"
hey it's mikosu!!!
ur my idol in using tira!!!
the one BifordusMaximus posted in youtube!!!
u were so cool!!!
Oh my. -blush- Thank you so much. I was too defensive since you can't block certain lows on reaction online and Bifordus does some crazy ish lol. Welcome to the forums and enjoy all that is Tira! I'll be watching you.
Ahh yes, indeed. That's actually why I call it "Juggernaut Mode" because weak hit don't effect her, I just forgot to mention it.

Also, it's worht noting that there is no real list of which moves are considered "weak." Sometimes the logic on what hits and what doesn't is competely ass-backwards if you ask me.

Since it wasn't posted in this thread, Tira's JS B+K catches the exact same 'class' of 'weak' attacks discussed in the Nighty forum when they talked about this move. Both Tira and Night can catch ANY move that does 10 damage or less. This would include most AAs and BBs, as well as a few other notable moves. It catches Algol Bubbles. I don't think he'll ever be close enough (or dumb enough) to get caught by the next part, but it gives you free GS transition at the cost of like... 5 damage... I guess? It SHOULD be able to catch most of Talim or Taki's rushdown options, I think... but I haven't had a chance to try that out.

And yes, that's why it TECHNICALLY absorbs Maxi's 236K... but not in the way you'd like it to. =(
Since it wasn't posted in this thread, Tira's JS B+K catches the exact same 'class' of 'weak' attacks discussed in the Nighty forum when they talked about this move. Both Tira and Night can catch ANY move that does 10 damage or less. This would include most AAs and BBs, as well as a few other notable moves. It catches Algol Bubbles. I don't think he'll ever be close enough (or dumb enough) to get caught by the next part, but it gives you free GS transition at the cost of like... 5 damage... I guess? It SHOULD be able to catch most of Talim or Taki's rushdown options, I think... but I haven't had a chance to try that out.

And yes, that's why it TECHNICALLY absorbs Maxi's 236K... but not in the way you'd like it to. =(

This thread's about GS B+K. The effect of JS B+K is already in the auto-GI thread. You know this ABI. For shame!
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