GS B+K Auto GI Interrupt Punishment List


[09] Warrior
GS B+K acts similarly to a GI and seems to have about the same window of effect, the main differences are that it only GI's mids and you get 45 guaranteed damage instead of a plus frame mixup.

The following is a complete list of moves, per character, that you can interrupt with a GS B+K Auto GI after having blocked a portion of the string.


Raph's 6B,B,B. Block the beginning of the string and you can GS B+K the third hit for free damage. All GS B+K-able hits will be colored RED so you can't miss them.

GS B+K Interrupt Punishment List

-623ABK (will only reach with JI)
-4BA+B (reflects the projectile :p )


The Apprentice:




Darth Vader:


-CL wsA+B (second hit)
-CL 44_11_77B,B
-WS 4A+B,B (must be close for throw to connect)
-WS 44_11_77B,B



-4A+B (second hit)

-FC 1B,B
-A+B (second hit)


-FC3B,B (even if you get hit with the FC3B)
-22_88A,B,B (even if you get hit with the first B)
-Prep B,B,B

-6A+B (second hit)

Seong Mi-Na:
-WS A,A (must be close)
-6A+B (second or third hit)
-2B+K (second hit)
-33_99A,A (must be close)



-11_77A,A (even if first A hits)

-22_88K,A (even if the K hits)
-WindRoll1 B,B,B

-JS 44A,A
-JS 44A,B
-JS 66_99_33A,A
-GS 6A,A...
-GS 4B:B...

-BS 6A,B,B
-BS 33_99B,B

-6A+B (second hit)
-4A+B (second hit)
-33_99B (second or third hit)

Useless against Yoda.

-INT B (second hit)

Yun Seong:

-6A+BB (works even if the first two connect)

If something's not up there, it's likely that the move simply knocks Tira too far away to get the throw, but if you genuinely think something's missing or wrong, just let me know and I'll test it and see.

It's also worth noting that ANY string that can be GS B+K-ed can also be GI-ed in any direction. Since I've come this far, I may even do a general "GI-able strings" thread if there's any demand for it.
Awesome list, this is def enough to scare anyone into stopping their strings early, lol.

It has a LOT of potential to be scary, for a GI with guaranteed damage, this is an underrated move imo.
Holy crap... this is possibly the GREATEST post I have ever read in my entire Soul Calibur playing life.
Can't throw Yoda, she just GI's him.

Great list Rico, thanks for the hard work, it helped me work the counter into my game more.

kudos sir.

cha cha
Holy crap... this is possibly the GREATEST post I have ever read in my entire Soul Calibur playing life.

kudos sir.

Awesome list, this is def enough to scare anyone into stopping their strings early, lol.

Thanks for the thanks. I'm just frickin' happy that people seem to be USING my info. Over at no one gave a damn when I posted this thing and I felt like I'd wasted my time making it.
Nice job. Excellent stuff.

Sophie and Sets (and probably anyone else with an Auto-GI) can also make good use of this list, as those two have better follow-ups after their respective Auto-GIs.
Nice job. Excellent stuff.

Sophie and Sets (and probably anyone else with an Auto-GI) can also make good use of this list, as those two have better follow-ups after their respective Auto-GIs.


Don't let the Sophie players hear you!
Actually the counter is strong primarily against Sophie/Cassy if you are going to go in terms of sheer amount of mids thrown in Tira's direction. Every Sophie I face with Tira, eats at least 3 counters a match. Food for thought, since it doesn't apply to just strings.

cha cha
I have to agree completely. This has become a focus of the my Tira game now. Identifying this already shows a strong difference in my match against Cassandra, Cervy and Lizardman.

Props Awarded.
I wouldn't make it a main focus, as badass and fun as it is to hit, it's also incredibly baitable and can prove to be a weakness in your game if you try and force it. At the matches start I try and weigh the strength and reliance of a characters mids, vs the risk of her counter and then pay strict attention to their retaliations at specific ranges and blocked moves. That is the best way to find a suitable counter window.

Just remember, if your opponent realizes you are looking to do it, they will bait it and she is full launcher CH punishable, bad idea to make it a focus in your gameplan.

cha cha
The main area I've found to use it (besides in these strings if you can fit it in) is in situations where your opponent is in FC and you know he's going to do a ws move. 90% of ws moves are mid so it seems to work out pretty well.
I wouldn't make it a main focus, as badass and fun as it is to hit, it's also incredibly baitable and can prove to be a weakness in your game if you try and force it. At the matches start I try and weigh the strength and reliance of a characters mids, vs the risk of her counter and then pay strict attention to their retaliations at specific ranges and blocked moves. That is the best way to find a suitable counter window.

Just remember, if your opponent realizes you are looking to do it, they will bait it and she is full launcher CH punishable, bad idea to make it a focus in your gameplan.

cha cha

Well said. It is a nice new toy to play with, but it does seem like something best used in moderation. More than anything, I want to use this to play against strings that people do reactionary.
Well its very useful against attacks that you KNOW are coming, or the 2nd hit of an automatic string.

And its good at stopping people from spamming things that they thought would be safe like X's AAB. Doing it every once in a while makes her not want to just throw it out. Its times like that when its really good.

However, I like GS more than JS, so the fact that it usually goes back to JS makes me a bit :( but yeah, still awesome tho.
Thanks for the thanks. I'm just frickin' happy that people seem to be USING my info. Over at no one gave a damn when I posted this thing and I felt like I'd wasted my time making it.
Now see you done almost gone and stabbed my feelings and twisted it in. You're like my right-hand man over there. Just know you're appreciated even if I didn't post a comment.
This is the most epic thread EVER in the history of internetkind.

How does JollySide B+K work? I've accidently done it with success when I meant to do 8B+K alot of the time. What are the conditons for this to connect?
JS B+K puts her in what I like to call "Juggernaut Mode." If you time it right, she'll get "hit" by the move, take a little bit of initial damage, and kind of ABSORB any other hits for a second. Then, if your opponent does another attack (or completes a combo), the auto-gi will hit and you can hit A+K to start a combo or take the free auto-66B damage.

Example. If you JS B+K the first hit of Raph's 6B,B,B and he does all three hits, the last hit should be auto-GIed.

Not eactly the best or safest move. But if you know your opponent likes to spam full combos then it'll stop 'em in their tracks no problem.
Only drawback to JS side is she can be thrown out of it once she activates, once someone learns that, it's pretty useless.
Rico forgets to mention that it's like Nightmare's A+B. It only works on "weak" attacks. It's useful if you're under pressure by several quick strikes but you havta be on your toes. You can A+K if you think they're gonna run in for a throw and headbutt them before it lands.
Rico forgets to mention that it's like Nightmare's A+B. It only works on "weak" attacks. It's useful if you're under pressure by several quick strikes but you havta be on your toes. You can A+K if you think they're gonna run in for a throw and headbutt them before it lands.

Ahh yes, indeed. That's actually why I call it "Juggernaut Mode" because weak hit don't effect her, I just forgot to mention it.

Also, it's worht noting that there is no real list of which moves are considered "weak." Sometimes the logic on what hits and what doesn't is competely ass-backwards if you ask me.
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