Has anyone noticed this yet?


[08] Mercenary
im not sure if this has been found yet, however i noticed that if you use GS twice, (that is, imputting 236236) before you press an attack (IE: KK) he will move forwards twice and you will get a little extra distance.

on the level Virgin Snow, with regular GS KK, you can move the distance of about 1 floor tile,
with 236236 KK you can move a little over a tile and a half, thus allowing you to attack with GS from a greater distance.

has this been found already? O_o?
You can do 236236236 x infinity actually. Not super useful as far as I can tell but it's neat.
yet when i do that there is a pause in between strides. O_o when i do the kick there is no pause at all, he looks like he just jumps forwards or more accurately, slides forwards.

it looks more like your extending the distance of the GS rather than just GS, GS, GS, GS
and it only seems to work when i go 236236(something) never 236236236236...
Yea its not really that useful. But it's always good to play with the few stances he has compared to sieg.
perhaps im an idiot, thats definitely a possibility, but im not sure you guys are realizing what im getting at. ._.; im not talking about doing one GS, then doing another soon afterwards; because i agree, that is not very useful. what i am pointing out is that somehow doing the input for GS twice and then immediately doing an attack out of it cancels the lag time between the two strides. I have found it somewhat useful, but who knows i guess.
GS KK moves forward a lot. There shouldnt' be any difference between 236x2 GS KK and 236x50 GS KK other than the number of crouch dash cancels
well what im saying is that when you do 236x2 GS KK, the lag between the strides is canceled and he moves through both of them as if they were one stride. thus you get a little more range. does that make sense? O_o

i've attempted doing this with more than two 236 and he just pauses for a second in between them. I cant recreate this with more than 2 GS's