Hello all, I'm new here


[09] Warrior
Greetings everyone,

I'm a longtime fan of this series starting with my first encounter with Soul Edge in a local US arcade in 1996. I haven't been able to ignore this series since that fateful day. Through thick and thin, I've managed to stay up to speed on each numerical entry since Soul Edge became SoulBlade, then SoulCalibur..and so on and so forth.

I'm hoping to really improve my game amongst you experts and tournament veterans. Due to work/school/family etc, it's been a while since I've had any real time to sink into developing a strong skillset, so I'll let the process play out by just trying to have fun.

After lurking here for quite a bit, this site is THE place to be for SC fans. Well, thanks for allowing me to join the community here. :sc1min1:
Hey, I'm new here as well. I've been a SC fan for years and I'm just now getting serious about my game myself - hoping to improve my game with the experts. Best of luck to both of us on our game and welcome to 8way!
Hey, I'm new here as well. I've been a SC fan for years and I'm just now getting serious about my game myself - hoping to improve my game with the experts. Best of luck to both of us on our game and welcome to 8way!

Thank You!! And likewise, welcome to 8way.
Wow, we get lots of new members on here daily...yay we are popular!! Welcome, btw.
Thank you so much for welcoming me. I am from the US, currently residing on the East Coast.

Much appreciation for the kind greetings everyone. :sc1sop1:

Ooh! East coast. If it's alright with you, do you mind telling me where exactly do you reside so I can try to help? =D

@fantasysoul. Pocky Yoshi also says hello to you. Pleased to meet you.