Help vs Aeon, Cervantes, and Nightmare

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[08] Mercenary
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to Soul Calibur and I'm having a bit of trouble fighting against Aeon, Cervantes, Nightmare, and Algol using Pyrrha. Is it possible if I can get tips on how to fight them?
...not that I'm offering any tips... but I'm pretty sure the proper experts here will be able to give you better advice if you spell out and elaborate exactly where you're going wrong with your pyrrha matchups against the casts mentioned.

ie. I'm eating a lot of damage from all of them, Aeon flies and breathes fire.. HAX!! ...cervantes is supposed to be dead.. so why is he smacking me around... aeon has one too many axes... nightmare's sword is too long compared to pyrrha's etc etc etc... ^__^

obviously, you'd want to put a more valid set of points compared to mine... otherwise we wouldn't know where exactly you need help on.. ^_~
Oh sorry about that. Better explain better lol

Cervantes: Most Cer players I run against start the match in guard state. I try to bait him to move but doesn't. I go for a grab and breaks it. I try to attack and get stuffed. I guard his attack so I can counter attack but when I counter attack knowing I can beat him out with a faster move, he somehow wins (sounds like a frame trap but he's using his normals). I would space him out a bit but the fact that he doesn't move really makes that irrelevant.

Nightmare: All of the NM I played so far knows what they're doing. It's more of how to go about getting in on him, what moves to look out for and what should I use besides 236B and 66B that would be good pressure wise.

Aeon: I just have no idea about how to go about this match up.
Cerv: If they're blocking a lot, use 6BK. It's one of your fastest moves and the second attach hits low. If you begin throwing this out a lot you're going to make him start blocking low and you can catch him off guard with simple overheads like BB and 66B. I'm not an expert on this character but his horizontals seem better than his verticles and he has slow low attacks. If you two are gonna turtle it out, you have the advantage, especially up close. You can also throw him off by beginning 4A+B your unblockable, and canceling to get him to move.

Nightmare: Closing the gap on Nightmare is difficult, you really need him to move first and then close in and stay there. If you want to actually poke from a distance without moving, 6B+K is probably your best best. Don't forget you can double angel step to cover more ground. And always be weary of the ground throw, especially near the ledge.

Aeon: Not too familiar with this character. I do know that if you're in the middle of blocking his BBB you can easily sidestep the second B and punish heavily with 88BAK. Your range is pretty much the same, only you're faster. Play a standard Pyrrha game by punishing his mistakes and be aggressive when you have him on the ground.
You can 236B:4 a lot of Aeon's most common moves on block, including:
3B (normally not very punishable by most characters when used from tip range because it's only -14, but that isn't the case here)
11K (it's seeable and they shouldn't be abusing this anyway)
22AB (they can delay the second hit if you try to punish the first so it's a bit of a mix-up, but both are stab punishable)
66A (you can't stab this, but it is a free CE on block if you want to spend the meter, or just AA if they don't do it from tip range)
WR B (another CE on block)
66B (if they try to get cute with SW/flight transitions, you can step both SW K and A+B+K and punish with 22BAK)

He also isn't very good at punishing stuff on block (including stab) without meter for 6B BE. I'm not sure what he gets but I don't think it's much if he has zero bars.**

On the other hand, Aeon is pretty good at punishing whiffs, so be mindful of your ranges.

There's no way this match-up isn't dog-shit awful for Aeon.

**feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here
I've had a lot of vs cerv experience lately ... I'd say he is an extremely powerful character. I haven't really played any of the previous sc games, but he is definitely a strong char in sc5... a lot of knockdown options, a lot of safe options ... very strong anti step options. the only real thing going for pyrrha in this match up imo is her punishment. recognize what is punishable and stabbing on point is the key. a single combo will cost you 30-50% life if you guess wrong. his aB is an extremely powerful punisher at 40 dmg ... more than a non-jf stab .. so choose your moves wisely .... I think a lot of people will be maining or having cerv as a secondary in sc5. -_-;
236B is your punish of choice
33k is your step punish of choice
66B will make him do stuff, guaranteed. -6 on block and they're in crouch state. Good option is to block or step after this is blocked.
6BK and 1K break turtles. Sometimes throws do too. Sometimes 4B.
When they flash red, a lot of moves formerly unsafe, become rather good. B+K,B ; 3B ; 66B+K,A,B ; 4AB

aB is -18 on block, blow him up with pretty much anything.
BBB - Last b on block gives you almost anything also
His hopkick is +2, it's a frame trap. Step clockwise and blow him up.
Super can be ducked on screen freeze as long as you haven't pressed butons
igdr - block and blow him up
gdr be - He's at huge advantage, hold block and wait for the BT B+K or throw mix and deal with it

BBB - A+B gi the last hit on reaction, easy. The whole thing is NC which is silly, and safe on block, more sillyness.
66A - Try to make him wiff this by back stepping and 11B. On block, you can press BB and will safely deal with most of his options (typically a second 66A), if you get hit, hold block a sec.

Good round start is to run up to him and block, outside of Aga, his openers leave him open to stabs if you're close. Staying close to him, so his potentially safe moves (because of range) are not stab proof. AA BB will deal with his K's (kicks and fists).
Watch for gimmicks such as A+B gi, if you're stab happy, he won't use it often
For the most part, stab after everything until you get a feel for what is safe. He can't hurt you much if stab is blocked.
2A and 4K close range will make him turtle.

Thanks a lot guys. I recently re-picked up the game and this will definitely help me out. Cervantes is SO good.
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