Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr 09


[09] Warrior
Sorry for the long delay.

Lot's of new combo, set-up, tech traps in this one. (Including my favorite Yoshi combo in the history of Soul Calibur! Difficulty 100000000%!! Surprisingly, it is preform by someone aside from CF)

Anyway, enjoy.
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Very nice video as usual from the Hong Kong Soul calibur community.

I liked how Lau used the dropkick in a wall combo. Manly :)

I forget where the awesome Yoshi combo was, but it was incredible when I saw it. Keep up the good stuff!
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

I've never seen that glitch at 4:29 before.

lau and his sieg 2KKKKK wallcombos lol
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Seig 2kkkk combo was done by "Ball" not Lau.

There was a video where Lau did a drop kick and ring himself out instead. But that video was deleted by accident...
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

I think the two Sieg clips were

Chang's Friend and Ball

Astaroth's clips were all done by Alex with exception to the final scene which was me.

Yun, Yoshi, LM = Chang's Friend

Mitsu = Knighspirit

Kilik = Fai

NM (SC2) = me

NM (SC4) = Sing

Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Alex also play 1p regular color mitsu
And the guy who did 66B -> ............... yoshi insane wall combo was Keroro. Not CF
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

wow i love watching how you guys improve each month awsome video
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Simon, your music choice is wtf..

I heard something that was very hero/super robot-ish.. what song is that?
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

damn lol. any idea how to make it happen?

Make someone's armor break as they are about to get rung out.
I don't know, somehow i think the game reads ring outs as attacks for the purpose of the lifebar, that's why ringing out a dead opponent plays back the death sound as well.. My guess is that its been that way since forever, but in SC4 they overlooked it and thus the glitch. I've seen it happen a ton of times, ringouts leading to opponents getting stuck on the floor, to various levels of severity.. some of them just break off their armor and appear back in the ring.. other times they get stuck on the floor until you hit them.
Once I remember someone got stuck on the edge, and couldn't move, couldn't get hit.. we were thinking we'd have to wait till time out.. Until suddenly all 3 pieces of armor broke REALLY LOUDLY.. it was kinda painful to the ears.
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Here's the track list:

1) Super Robot Wars Alpha - DaiRaiOh - Shippu Jinrai
2) Super Robot Wars Alpha - Jam Project - GONG
3) Super Mario RPG - (Rawest Forest Remix)
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Simon, your music choice is wtf..

I heard something that was very hero/super robot-ish.. what song is that?

Ou... haven\'t i played that song quite a few times.... Gong~
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

so like simon...wtf... STOP BEING A STRANGER!!!...like talk to me once in a while...zzzzzz

btw....and stop letting..yo ass get beat by CF...if i see 1 more vid of you losing....I'M gonna cry T_T...where the hell is your canadian fighting spirit?.....
ohh ya.. nice vid ahah
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

so like simon...wtf... STOP BEING A STRANGER!!!...like talk to me once in a while...zzzzzz

btw....and stop letting..yo ass get beat by CF...if i see 1 more vid of you losing....I'M gonna cry T_T...where the hell is your canadian fighting spirit?.....
ohh ya.. nice vid ahah

Dude, you make it sound like I WANT to get my ass kick...

I did some totally ass kicking shit in the video too man, didn't you see that part where I jump over Lau NM and ring him out?

And believe me, if there was a day I suddenly turn super saiyen and dominate everyone in HK, I will be sure to tell you about it first.

P.S What's wrong with the music? You guys don't like it? I thought it was pretty cool. (specially the Mario song)
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Cool music and suitable music are two completely different things though.

I approve of Hero music in my Soul Calibur, although there are likelier candidates.
GONG belongs in any video played in the Sacred Warrior Hall... Sync the "GONG" to the wallsplat accordingly ^^
Mario in my Soul Calibur = NOOOOOOOO THIS NOT SMASH lol.
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Dude, you make it sound like I WANT to get my ass kick...


And believe me, if there was a day I suddenly turn super saiyen and dominate everyone in HK, I will be sure to tell you about it first.

Not happenning anytime soon.

Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

wow, very very impressive. I love how accurate you guys use TC/TJ moves to counter highs and lows. Sure is flashy. I'm from HK too but am living in Japan. I would love to play you guys whenever I return for visits :)
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Cool music and suitable music are two completely different things though.

I approve of Hero music in my Soul Calibur, although there are likelier candidates.
GONG belongs in any video played in the Sacred Warrior Hall... Sync the "GONG" to the wallsplat accordingly ^^
Mario in my Soul Calibur = NOOOOOOOO THIS NOT SMASH lol.

Really I thought the Mario song was approriate... didn't you notice there was a lot of "Jumping" near the end of the video? LOL

Anyway, I guess next month I will return back to using anime song then.
Not happenning anytime soon.


Geez... Lau thx for the support!!
wow, very very impressive. I love how accurate you guys use TC/TJ moves to counter highs and lows. Sure is flashy. I'm from HK too but am living in Japan. I would love to play you guys whenever I return for visits :)

Feel free to contact us whenever you return. (You could also join our facebook group)
Hong Kong SC4 - Highlight of the month Mar-Apr

Simon... I love the mario song.. hahhahaah
but next time , use the song I sent you.... arhahahahahah