[Houston, Tx] Home of the Calibur House!

Whats up dan i remember you from back in sc3 days.
JD - if you run into the tag zoddo13 on xbox or psn its me. Whats your tag?
Zoddo- My tag is JDxDestroy ,

Kenmasters- DanMan said to let you know that himself Cox and I will be making it to Planet Zero tomo to play with whoever else is into Sc5. Maybe more from our group will show so it will be a good turn out. Hope to see all you guys there.
Zoddo- My tag is JDxDestroy ,

Kenmasters- DanMan said to let you know that himself Cox and I will be making it to Planet Zero tomo to play with whoever else is into Sc5. Maybe more from our group will show so it will be a good turn out. Hope to see all you guys there.

Cool, thanks for the heads up, I'll hopefully won't be too busy with stream commentary and playing UMvC3 to play some SC5, I really want to learn this but so much is taking up my time.
GG's to everybody that made it out last night. It was fun getting a chance to play with all the new blood for SCV and I'm looking forward to the next meeting.

KenmastersX- It was nice meeting you last night man. Hopefully we get a chance to get in some games the next time.
Late reply, but GGs to everyone at Planet Zero the other night.

Ken: It was nice seeing you again man. Hopefully we'll get some games in next time we meet up.

Zoddo: You interested in coming down & playing sometime soon?
Houston/Pasadena, I Will be holding a game day tomo at my place, Please confirm if you guys would like to try and make it. It be nice to have a head count.
Just created this account, new here.

A bit of backstory, just moved to Houston for a job, and haven't played a SC title seriously since SC2/early SC3(SC4 made me want to punch babies). Looking for a good group to play with(and this will sound dickish), and not some shit talking kids. I am super rusty, and the online modes, while fun, are not making me better. Plus, I miss the days of SC2/SC3 matches in my friend's living room. None of my Houston friends play SC, so I'm seeing whats out there(why does this feel like a dating site profile?), definitely leaning more towards the casual side. I read about the Weds. matches at PlanetZero, how has the turnout been for those, and all I have is a PS3 stick, are there some loaner 360 sticks available there? Since you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and my mains in SC2 were Maxi, Ivy, and Taki, my new main is Natsu since they have changed Ivy and Maxi A LOT since those days, and I can't stop my fingers from trying to play them like it was SC2. I also play a bad Voldo, left over from in SC2 when his leap UB move was stupid broken, to beat me, duck.

TL:DR - New guy in town, looking for some matches.
QirexDEV- Welcome man, interesting enough now that you point it out it is kinda an awkward dating site lol. Anywaaays, We do have a good little group who trys and get together often to play SC mainly. BboyTekken holds gatherings at his homemade arcade at his place dubbed "AA meetings". Myself from time to time will also host at my place on my 2 setups. We have pretty solid players who give each other some good practice. As for the smack talk..I doubt anyone will pull your strings until you've been around enough to were its all just for goofs. So your in the right place. Were abouts in the Houston area do you stay?

P.S Planet Zero was kinda Meh...10$ entry to a shady unorganized tournament with no prize for the winner... Our group who entered took top 4 :P Doubt I'll be attending that anytime soon again.
$10 bucks entry for no prize is pretty lame, glad I didn't go last week then. I'm living in Kingwood right now, so a bit away from Pasadena, but thats no worries. I'm not worried about a little good old fashioned smack talk, I just don't wanna listen to a crowd of people mimicking 14 YO's on XBL. Homemade arcade, eh? Sounds pretty awesome. Let me know next time you guys host something, it def sounds fun. My PSN ID is the same as my tag here, QirexDEV, so if you see me on, feel free to invite me to some games and stomp me.
Wadup ICE...theres' gonna be a tournament at Monster's this Sunday so me & Cox are going to that. Not sure about the other Houston players though. But yeah...we'll have to make a Dallas or S.A. tournament sometime soon man.
Whatsup Qirex...lol yeah thats' the place man. I'm not sure on which system they'll be playing on, so bring your stick just to be safe i guess. I'll get more info on when it starts/how much it costs & give it to you later today.
jHaha, yeah, I love it when people get the name. One of my favorite game series, now if only Formula1 cars would start floating...
jHaha, yeah, I love it when people get the name. One of my favorite game series, now if only Formula1 cars would start floating...
For sure man, my name was YoshiXL originally, after WipEoutXL, then i just changed it to Excel later because nobody got it lol. Anyways, i really need to get out there and play some more people, i just really dont feel like paying to play the game anywhere.
Fuck I missed a Houston tournament for SC? Damn a day late and a dollar short. I'll see you bitches sometime this week. I got some family stuff starting tomorrow and will probably be going to Final Round this Thursday but everything in between I'll be free. Y'all let me know what's going on and I'll see if I can make it ya heard me? See y'all later...scrubs.
Fuck I missed a Houston tournament for SC? Damn a day late and a dollar short. I'll see you bitches sometime this week. I got some family stuff starting tomorrow and will probably be going to Final Round this Thursday but everything in between I'll be free. Y'all let me know what's going on and I'll see if I can make it ya heard me? See y'all later...scrubs.

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