How to do these Taki's moves


[09] Warrior
I'm having some issues doing some of Taki's moves, like this:

3bK 214

It's basically a fast flip kick that ends immediately into Possession.
I tried doing it but either the 214 doesn't come out, or the 214 comes out 1 - 2 seconds later : an obvious lag.
I see the move demo and it's the 214 comes out immediately right after the 3bK, real smooth.

I tried buffering the input and tried during timings but in vain.

Also, she has this move called Revenge of the Assassin or something, that goes:

66B, During Hit, press A

After much practice, I got it to work more often but even then, in the heat of battle, this move is near impossible to pull off.

3bK~214 : try to input the 214 immediately after the K input. if that doesn't work, try to delay the 214 very slightly until you find the sweet spot. if you're getting it way later, you're inputting way late.

and it just takes some practice to get the timing down for 66B:A. it's normal for nerves to screw with your timing a bit, you just need more experience ;-)
Thanks! I do wish, though, that they could change the control system a bit and make it more user friendly like the Street Fighter series, you know. :)
The movement for 3bK:214 is kinda like doing the 214 after the bK

its really fast just like doing 2b:A 214 PO
Thanks, so the 3bK:214 contains Just Frames? I don't remember the move list indicates it's a Just Frame, though.
There is no JF, you just have to do the whole input as fast as possible. Do it as one move. Don't wait for the move to be executed before you do the 214.
It's not a just frame, but because the bK is a slide input, its a very fast input, so you have to input the 214 sooner than you normally would for a move that uses two buttons in succession. You get used to it after a while, you just have to get a feel for all the moves that go into PO, they all have different timing for the 214, and they all feel very different even though they go into the same move.
Thanks, but she has this other move which has a JF.
It goes something like [66B, During Hit, A]

The timing seems to be very very strict, so any tips for this? The A seldom comes out, though.
Thanks, but she has this other move which has a JF.
It goes something like [66B, During Hit, A]

The timing seems to be very very strict, so any tips for this? The A seldom comes out, though.

I can usually get the A maybe 3/4 times just mashing it.
Try doing it more like one big control stick motion like 3214 with the bK on the 3. instead of 3bK and then 3214. More like one complete motion than two separate ones.
Speed. Just be faster, I guess, is how I do it. As for 66B:A, on a CRT TV the timing for the A is basically when the B impacts, kind of like Sophie's 236B:4.