How would you fix online with an update?


[11] Champion
So if it's not apparant I hate online...yet play it a's a vicious cycle.

So what would you do with a 1.04 patch to make the game more online friendly?

My ideas:

  • ditch the 1-5 star rating and give an accurate latency display
  • show where the person is
  • lobbies that show case all online people so you can pick and choose (non-ranked)
  • latency filter option
  • player notation (the ability to mark a player you've played, with notes: EX: disconnects a lot, bad connection, lag spammer. This would be to simply avoid repeats with someone who wont result in a good match)
  • latency display at all times so you can visually see the lag shifts to help adjusting to it midcombat
  • buffer option!!! Street Fighter 2 HD has the option to increase buffering so that it's easier to play with lag. Soul calibur already has a strict buffer, add that with the fact EVERY match has some lag to a degree and you will inevitably face late punishes (I GIed a person today, threw ICS and got smacked in the face today...WTFH?!?), broken combos due to stall (lots of 22K, 214K's turn into 22K and a whiff that makes me look stupid), and the ever popular barely noticeable lag block that is just delayed enough to allow the hit you blocked to become an unexpected smack in the face. SOOO...we get the option to have more buffer room and we can prime our moves earlier so we can at least have a flow to a guarantee and not have to worry about timing it between lag and the strict buffer.
  • Alternate combat settings. Soul calibur is a game where 1 mistake can be a HUGE ordeal. With lag often grantign the wrong person priority by a mere 2-3 frames it can be the difference between an RO, 1/3rd life combo, etc... However a better player will do better over time and can make up for flukes occurred in the adjustment to lag (I will often lose to scrubs online but win in rematches because I have a knowledge of how much to predict the lag and will often out spam them versus trying to win legitly when lag is interfering). So have matches that have 200% health, wider arenas for less RO, longer time limit (40 seconds is silly at times :P). Maybe even gradual life gain to allow some slack for expected faults in the connection? Obviously this would be an option like special battles and not the default.

What ya think?
the list focuses on a different area.

The 1.04 wish list is there to focus on the broad spectrum of all problems and whatever extra one would want (like tag team).

This focuses on one problem...the anti-competitive issues of online.
wow. i really want to call you a moron, and i'm really not the type of person to just lash out without good reason.

you clearly state "The 1.04 wish list is there to focus on the broad spectrum of all problems..." how does this not fall exactly into how you just described your other thread?
well i guess if the community is gonna get all uppity I'll cease this. I feel the wishlist falls on preference for direction for game where as this falls into finding a solution for a specific problem that is very hard to address. We could easilyfill 2 threads on completely seperate discussion on these.

We can argue all day about nerfs and buffs on characters and extra playmodes, but solving the lag issue is a bit more daunting and outstretches what would be "cool". There's no simply answer, so discussion would be needed. Thread 1 = BROAD small tidbits on various topics...this is a focused topic thread to specifically narrow the spectrum of discussion to that single issue since it wont be solved in one quick post.

Now tribaL...if you REALLY wanna break it down to eTard status and bitch about the threads existence...don't be the first dumbass who bumps it to the top fo the forums with your own post when a discussion hasn't even formed to keep it alive. A simple request to merge is all that's needed, but I'm sure emulating your condtion of head in ass syndrome through a key board is much more appropriate in your social circle
but solving the lag issue

Unless the SC4 network code is just trash, you can't really "solve" the lag issue without re-wiring the communication infrastructure with fiber.

However, actually giving me my ping/ploss numbers would be nice.
Actual ping numbers would be nice to have. When I play online, I have my computer running next to me sending out pings to various servers and visually showing me my latencies. Then I know if its me at fault or the other guy's connection, or just something between us. If I'm consistently up there, then, its just time to do something else instead.

A disconnect counter would be great and teach certain lamers a lesson.

But, you can already flag people that you don't want to play against (at least on Live you can). If someone is spamming, lag abusing, excessively trash talking, foul mouthed or whatnot then I just give them the ol' negative feedback. Though I tend to have a reasonably good memory about these things and whenever anyone is suspect, I check to see if I rated them poorly before and avoid them if that was the case. But, having that built into the game where its easy to see would be great.

A scrollbar on the player matches would be awesome too. Its stupid that it only shows you 5 matches, and generally the same 5 matches if you refresh and don't want to play any of those people. A filter to show rooms with only 1 person currently in it would be great too (I'd much rather play the game than sit around waiting/watching).

Showing where the person is, probably isn't the greatest idea. Some people like to remain anonymous about such things, and a lot of people don't bother filling that information in or fill it in with nonsense.
Unless the SC4 network code is just trash, you can't really "solve" the lag issue without re-wiring the communication infrastructure with fiber.

However, actually giving me my ping/ploss numbers would be nice.

And increase the speed of light...
And increase the speed of light...

True, but since we can't do that we're left with cutting down on packet loss and type conversions.

I don't really know how much a command buffer would help. I get that the idea is when the game is lagging you could put in commands and they would still come out later, but if you're putting in commands and things simply aren't happening, it's due to packet loss. A command buffer isn't going to fix packet loss because those packets just aren't getting to the server. Alternatively they might not be coming out because your requests are getting timed out due to excessive ping, but again, a command buffer isn't going to fix that problem.
the best way to fix online is remove it LAWL MIRITE?! </elitist douche>

Or one could remove all offline modes... turning online into the only way to play... (I'm not in any way seriously suggesting such) But seriously, let's get back on topic here.

-Fix the annoying bug that lets people "overfill" a room. If its a 2 person room... it should be impossible for there to be 3 or even 4 people in it!

-Make it remember your custom match settings and your last room settings.

-Add in a ban button to permanently get rid of someone annoying who just keeps on re-entering your room and won't take the hint.
Protip: Online isn't actually a series of tubes that you can just fix up, by calling a plumber or using some draino.
yea lke the man said , the only major prob with onlne is lag wich isnt a quick fix.personally i think they should get shot of all the flashy stuff and have lots of blood instead. and smaller arena's so i can RO people quicker. and have stewie off familyguy and as a guest character
Very simple.... Online is just fine the way it is. A mere addition of a filter which would allow you to search for optimal connections would aid in playing much smoother matches. FPS's have this option...well...I know Halo does anyway.
yeah in no way am i trying to ask for ideas to fix connection, they wouldn't do that for SC4 and it'd be a lot of money for no profit. I'm just asking for ideas to improve the experience by adding features to help avoid latency issues as much as possible.

Seems xBox has some better features though than PS3 for online.