I dislike playing against...

Top 5 most dislike for me

1. Natsu because everytime im online i play a natsu player every 2 matches and its annoying
2. Maxi (button mashing to win)
3. Astaroth (his grabs annoy the shit out of me)
4. Pyrrah because many people just spam B or A and her stabbing move (236B i think)
5. Xiba

i don't care for mirror matches since barely anyone uses patsuka online and some of them aren't good but i have been beaten by great patsuka players
Viola & ZWEI. No matter what I just cannot read anything those fuckers do. If that god damn wolf would quit blocking the screen so that I can see if ZWEI is coming at me or not, then I might do better. But fuck those assholes.

All the Maxi hating tears gives me an erection. Maxi sucks. You can play with your feet and still win!
I kind of have trouble fighting Damp because I didn't buy the CE and I didn't play Broken Destiny so I'm not familiar with his moveset... xD Others who give me some trouble is Alpha Patroklos and Xiba...
Despite starting this thread I never mentioned who I IRK most.... I most definitely IRK Xiba... I just find whenever I play him the only word that is going through my head is 'GARBAGE!!!' win or lose... :D
Sieg, Nightmare, Xiba, Leixia, Mitsu, and some Voldo's. Also, Also, Pyrrah is quickly making her way up the list, and I've been seeing her so much I've wanted to stop playing online all together, because again, every match I've gotten with her ends with me getting angry because I fought some dick who spammed her lows, blocked 80% of the time, and so on.

Since I started playing, I have seriously NEVER had a game where the first five I mentioned did not spam me to death. It's actually got me quite angry because they're all I ever see anymore. I never see Viola's, Hilde's, Raphael's, Ivy's, Cervabtes's, even Ezio's hardly around online as I can see, and I thought he'd be the guest character nobody would put down.
Anyways, bitch fit aside, I can say that I hate fighting half of the cast most of the time.Not that I just don't like them, it's just that people like to do nothing but spam with them or do impossible shit out of nowhere.
Viola. She didn't need buffs.
Nightmare. Let's see the 2 combos he has over and over.
Xiba. Spamming 3[ B ] transitions, safe as hell generally.

In general, I dislike playing against anyone who has distilled their mix-up game into 1 mid string with knockdown, 1 low with knockdown, and throws. Get ready to guess between these 3 things the entire game. Boring. Pretty much every Mits online is 4B, 66B, 1A. Considering most of my matches are 3 bars, this can be pretty annoying. [/B]
I guess because I'm the type of player who tries to unconsciously use every string in his moveset at least once a set. My characters don't tend to have a nice crutch to lean on whenever you get panicked.
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