Iron CAS

I would also like to see future challenges based off of more esoteric and difficult items. However there is still some fun to be had with obvious items like the tiger lily set.

Don't worry, I'll pick something more challenging when I can. Anyways, keep on submitting 8wayrunners. You all have until May 26th.
On the next ingredient I'm going to do the other characters related to that knight I made =)
Maybe the black mage... or her brother... who knows =p

That thing is TERRIFYING, yet exceptionally well made. Kudos to you!

Le Bello is having trouble understanding this part:

I'll leave the judgement and arrangement to Le_Bello

What am I doing?

A brilliant idea though, Pocky. Superb twist to the usual contest idea and brilliantly executed no doubt. I'm interested in seeing what people do with the secret ingredient, and maybe, if it's a difficult to use item, steal some ideas reward some intuitive designs.

Would that I could enter myself! Alas, I lack a device for capturing images of a digital nature. Buona fortuna to all entrants.
I just want to say, whatever items you pick for future Iron Cas, please be sure it are deafault items (not from dlcs), because wouldn't be fair if just those who bought the dlc could do the challenge.

Thanks for this post. I'll be sure to add this...though Pocky Yoshi should of done this earlier haha.

@Le_Bello. To be honest, I'm not sure. But, Pocky Yoshi without a doubt will need your help to look after this thread and yours as CAS competition. Aside from rdmunhoz's eyecandy contest thread....
@Le_Bello. To be honest, I'm not sure. But, Pocky Yoshi without a doubt will need your help to look after this thread and yours as CAS competition. Aside from rdmunhoz's eyecandy contest thread....

Well then, if there's anything you need, drop me a line. Or pick me up a curve or, something. Get in touch, I guess is what I mean.
It won't be visible, but thanks to the latest DLC you can now imagine my character with flowers in her hair as well :P
I signed up a while back, but this is my first post.

I've been doing some CAS based off of the demons mentioned in the Ars Goetia. A bit of challenge given the rather bizarre descriptions of most of them.

This one here is Haagenti, a president of Hell who takes the form of a large bull with the wings of a griffin. (s)he is said to have the ability to transmute all metals into gold, and can turn water into wine, and vice versa.


Wow, this thread is really bringing in the newcomers! And by the looks of things, you've got quite a bit of talent there. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

Thanks, and I dare say that there is a lot of talent in this thread, and the other challenge CAS threads. I may definitely post in the 4 Horseman challenge, and possibly Le_Bello's when the next round happens.
WOW, I'd have to say Chobek wins. I don't think I'll be able to make anything even close.

Looks like some kind of Hindu/Indian goddess. Very impressive, very eye-catching.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok people... you can stop making your CaS now...Chobek just kicked our asses
first of all... thaks for the "eyecandy" hehehehe
well... I created this guy with two purposes, to answer a request in my thread and participate in this nice challenge

Zhao Ling - chinese
Very nice. It's interesting to see how you combined distinctly western armor with distinctly Japanese equipment to create a convincing Chinese warrior.

I think I followed the rules...Tiger Lily Greaves no DLC ...right?
I tried to base the design on the greaves themselves. Using the color of the unchangeable blue gem and the embossed pattern on the knee elsewhere in the figure.
I don't know what it is, but I like it. Also, the no DLC stipulation only applies to Pocky-Yoshi's selection of the key ingredient. Individual submissions can use as much DLC as they like.
I don't know what it is, but I like it. Also, the no DLC stipulation only applies to Pocky-Yoshi's selection of the key ingredient. Individual submissions can use as much DLC as they like.

That is correct, now let me add this to the first post.

@everyone else. Secret ingredient must be there, but you can combine it with whatever you like. Including DLC.

Edit: Also you're allowed up to 3 CAS of showcasing. So far everyone is sticking to 1. I mean, are you guys afraid to make another?

This is a CAS contest to see who rocks the item best.