Iron CAS

Here's a repost of my two entries:








And my vote goes to Noregrets.
Three reasons why you should vote for me :

1/ I look sooooo sexy in a space suit :


2/I am the only CAS with animated sticker :


3/My boyfriend doesn't want to lower himself by participating in this human competition with bounty to win, but he can be mean to anyone hurting my feelings ,o)) :

I have a few humble suggestions concerning the voting. The first and most obvious choice, is to set up a poll. The second is a point system where each voter picks two choices, a primary and secondary. The primary would be worth two points while the secondary would be worth one. Votes would be cast in a standardized format for the purposes of clarity like the following:

I haven't participated in the actual contest, but I hope my vote still counts. There were so many great creations, and it was really difficult to choose, but I vote Mephie number 1 for his awesome StarCraft II Terran Command Center robot. It's beautiful, creepy, and truly one of a kind. He captured H.R. Giger's cyberpunk look perfectly. I vote Le Bello for a close number 2. I wasn't particularly fond of the dead Cervy, but I loved the white tiger ninja for its clean color palette, strong thematic direction, and humble elegance. The luchadore was also exquisitely designed. It's culturally accurate, and small touches like the feather on the arm make a world of difference.
My vote goes to Mephie for their second character, the cyborg. The face is especially, delightfully, unsettling and as a whole I like how it seems to aim for both a futuristic and worn-down motif simultaneously.
I'm voting for Leona.

After looking through this thread multiple times and seeing all the ridiculously nice tricks people pulled off which are technically incredible and show a great deal of patience, Leona's just stuck in my head. There's no gimmicks (coming from the guy with a giant bird and a Predragon...shut it) really it's just a very good, crystal clear sense of character that comes across. Untied hair, flowing skirt and the exposed feet create a carefree, easy going look and this is backed up by the colours (which might even be the default colours, I'm not sure) and pink floral pattern. The armour gives her an added sense of strength and power to compliment this. The fighting style is the icing on the cake being energetic and mobile- which the outfit lends itself to nicely.

There is a ton of fantastic ideas in this thread, there really is and it's hopefully a sign of things to come.
I vote Le Bello for a close number 2. I wasn't particularly fond of the dead Cervy, but I loved the white tiger ninja for its clean color palette, strong thematic direction, and humble elegance. The luchadore was also exquisitely designed. It's culturally accurate, and small touches like the feather on the arm make a world of difference.

I'll pay you later =|;}D But thanks! I'm glad you liked them. Being honest, the Cerveton was a rushjob that I wasn't overly pleased with, whereas the other two I'm thinking of keeping as actual additions to my roster. So I'm very glad you can appreciate the simplicity of them. And I was wondering about that feather, so thanks again!
I think I'll roll with Vilarcane's alien. That way, Pocky Yoshi can avoid getting abducted from aliens......never to be seen again ^^;

Jokes aside, the others were so good. But the alien grew on me.

Edit: The voting ends tomorrow.

Voting poll? Check first page.
I have a few humble suggestions concerning the voting. The first and most obvious choice, is to set up a poll. The second is a point system where each voter picks two choices, a primary and secondary. The primary would be worth two points while the secondary would be worth one. Votes would be cast in a standardized format for the purposes of clarity like the following:

I haven't participated in the actual contest, but I hope my vote still counts. There were so many great creations, and it was really difficult to choose, but I vote Mephie number 1 for his awesome StarCraft II Terran Command Center robot. It's beautiful, creepy, and truly one of a kind. He captured H.R. Giger's cyberpunk look perfectly. I vote Le Bello for a close number 2. I wasn't particularly fond of the dead Cervy, but I loved the white tiger ninja for its clean color palette, strong thematic direction, and humble elegance. The luchadore was also exquisitely designed. It's culturally accurate, and small touches like the feather on the arm make a world of difference.

Anyone's vote counts. Creator's can't vote for themselves.

As for how the vote works? Sure 3 entries would make things complicated at first, but it's to show off the talent by presenting your skill and giving yourself a fighting chance. Just pick your favorite design(s) from the artist and cast your vote.
I think I'll roll with Vilarcane's alien. That way, Pocky Yoshi can avoid getting abducted from aliens......never to be seen again ^^; [2] hehehe

well... I loved that cyborg and my wish would be to be able to vote on both, but I'll vote for vilarcane alien!
for me, any one of these two that won deserved it
I vote for Chobek skelton sam, nice theme, and nice touches.

Suffice to say there are many other designs that appeal to me as well...
Ugh, so hard. On one hand I want to vote for Vilarcane, because the design is amazing, but then the presentation went above and beyond, and hrmmm.

So after looking at Vilarcane's alien along side the others, my vote goes to...Vilarcane, because the expressions.

The expressions.

This was a very difficult choice. I wish that I could have voted for LordDraco's robot, Floptop's dragon, Rdmunhoz's Chinese warrior, and everything from Chobek.

However since I only have one vote, it will have to go to Vilarcane's space prostitute. Her outfit may not have been as complex or cohesive as some of the other entries, but the ingenuity and comedic value won me over.
I will reveal odd choice award soon. Although it's pretty clear who won this CAS challenge.

Winner of the Iron CAS Tiger lily greaves is Vilarcane. Congrats. Check first page since I tallied up everyone's votes.

Edit: odd choice awards winner will be quoted. So if I quote you, prepare to have Pocky Yoshi's opinion on why you get his award. People's choice award winners do not get quoted however. Reason? Common sense says it would be unfair. So basically, Vilarcane won't be quoted.
Well, i said she'd remove her top if she'd be the prom Queen, didn't I ?
You are so sweet you made her cry...
Now, she asked me to ask you : who wants a date ?



And remember, all there is to a good CAS is thinking outside the box, here i found a combination everyone can use to make all kinds of aliens : a bulby head, a skelton body, the eye bandage, and a pitch black eye sticker at smallest size and slightly rotated...
I already made another alien design (see my thread) and feel free to build upon it as you see fit...

Again, thank you for your votes, it goes straight to my heart 8wayrunners !
Nuff said...
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