Ivy - Frame Data - SC6



Character Notations​

  • SE = Serpent's Embrace
  • SL = Spiral Lust
  • SS = Summon Suffering
  • CS = Calamity Symphony

Horizontal Attacks​

Biting Raven 12 8 -8 -2 +2 1%
:A: :H: Cancel with :G:
Biting Raven 12 26 -12 +2 +2 3%
:A::A: :H::H: :LH: (Triggers if the 1st strike misses and the 2nd strike hits)
Goverance 12 26 -8 +6 +6 4%
:A::K: :H::M: NCC
Dancing Wisp 24 22 -12 -4 -4 1%
:a-small::6: :H:
Dancing Wisp ~ Serpent's Embrace 24 22 -2 +10 +10 1%
:(A)::6: :H: :SS:
Danger Range 16 22 -6 +2 +2 1%
:a-small::4: :H:
Cataclysm 16 12 -16 -12 -2 1%
:6::A: :H:
Cataclysm 16 44 -4 +6 +6 7%
:6::A::A: :H::M::H: NCC
Dashing Wind 16 30 +2 +6 +6 3%
:6::A::K: :H::H:
Tempting Tezhas 20 18 -16 -4 KND 4%
:6::(A): :H:
Tempting Tezhas (CH) 20 41 -16 KND KND 4%
:6::(A): :H: Shifts to attack upon hit
Raven Gash 18 18 -6 +12 +12 1%
:3::A: :M:
Dancing Tezhas 22 16 -12 +0 +0 1%
:3::(A): :M: +4 on tip hit
Ancient Worshipper 16 10 -10 -2 -2 1%
:2::A: :SL: TC [8-]
Ancient Wheel 26 12 -18 -4 -4 1%
:1::A: :L: TC [10-]
Ancient Wheel 26 27 -14 -2 -2 3%
:1::A::A: :L::L: NCC / TC [0-]
Dancing Insanity 20 20 +0 +8 +8 3%
:4::A: :H::H:
Dancing Insanity ~ Serpent Embrace 20 20 -4 +4 +4 3%
:4::(A): :H::H: :SS:
Serpent's Venom 54 100 KND KND KND
:2::1::4::A: :H: :UA: / Cancel with :G: / TC [7-46] TJ [47-73]
Ancient Worshipper 16 10 -10 -2 -2 1%
FC :A: :SL: TC [0-9] TC [17-]
Menace Slice 20 30 -4 +8 KND 1%
WR :A: :H: TC [0-5]
Deceitful Raven 22 14 -16 -2 -2 4%
WR :(A): :H: TC [0-5]
Rising Raven 28 20,22,24 -12 +4 +4 1%
:7:*:8:*:9::A: :M: TJ [7-27]
Scars of Memory 12 26 -8 STN STN
BT :A: :H:
Screams of Paranoia 22 8 -14 -6 +4
BT :2::A: :L: :GI: 15-21 [:L:] / TC [16-54]
Screams of Paranoia 22 32 -14 KND KND
BT :2::A::B: :L::M: NCC / Combos on :GI: / TC [0-13]

Vertical Attacks​

Ode to Undine 16 12 -10 -4 -4 2%
:B: :M: Cancel with :G:
Ode to Undine 16 28 -10 -4 -4 5%
:B::B: :M::M:
Ode to Undine 16 28/35 -8 RE RE
:B::B::B: :M::M::M: Shifts to Clash upon hit / Never combos
Poisoned Destiny 16 32 -20 -10 -10 4%
:(B): :M::M:
Raven's Egg 22 30 -8 KND KND 4%
:b-small::A: :H:
Eclipse Raven 26 24 -10 +6 +6 3%
:b-small::(A): :H::M:
Darkside 20 20 -8 +4 +4 2-3%
:b-small::6: :M: Stun on tip hit
Warning Mood 18 14 -8 +0 +0 2%
:6::B: :M: TC [16-31]
Warning Mood 18 40 -4 +0 +0 7%
:6::B::A: :M::H: NCC / Gives stun if only the last hit is a CH
Warning Mood ~ Serpent's Embrace 18 40 +4 +8 +8 7%
:6::B::(A): :M::H: :SS: / Gives stun if only the last hit is a CH
Warning Immortal 18 34 -8 +6 +6 9%
:6::B::B: :M::M: NCC / Can be delayed / TC [0-15]
Ivy Lick 12 20 -20 -10 -10 2%
:6::b-small::8: :H:
Ivy Lick (against midair opponent) 12 41 KND KND KND
:6::b-small::8: :H: :TH:
Silhouette 12 36 -14 +2 +2 4%
:6::b-small::8::K: :H::L:
Ivy Lash 22 14 -16 -2 -2 9%
:6::(B): :M: TC [18-41]
Biting Ivy Inner 22 26 -11 -2 -2 10%
:6::(B)::2:*:8: :M::M: -16 at middle range
Aqua Clipper 20 22 -16 KND KND 9%
:3::B: :M: :LH: (Triggers upon hitting opponents from the back)
Dominance 20 22 -6 +2 KND 5%
:2::B: :M: TC [20-29]
Poison Leaf 28 18 -6 +2 +2 9%
:1::B: :L: TC [29-51]
Poison Ivy 28 30 -2 KND KND 8%
:1::(B): :SL: :SM::SM: TC [29-51]
Rushing Raven 22 18 -14 -6 -6 9~15%
:4::B: :H: Gives knockdown at close range / TC [13-19]
Dashing Wings 20 45 +3 KND KND 10~12%
:4::b-small::8: :H::H::H::H::H::SM::SM::SM::M:
Venom Lash 20 31 -18 -10 -10 4%
:2::1::4::B: :M::M: TC [7-17]
Venom Lash ~ Serpent's Embrace 20 31 -8 +0 +0 4%
:2::1::4::(B): :M::M: :SS: / TC [7-17]
Aqua Worshipper 18 16 -10 +0 +0 2%
FC :B: :M: TC [0-4] TC [16-]
Ivy Masquerade 18 18 -20 -6 KND 2-3%
FC :3::B: :L: TC [0-] / :LH: (Triggers on backstep counter)
Ivy Masquerade ~ Spiral Lust 18 18 -10 +3 STN 2~3%
FC :3::(B): :L: :SS: / :LH: (Triggers on backstep counter) / TC [0-]
Pride 18 26 -12 KND KND 9%
FC :1::B: :M: TC [0-16]
Cagemaster 20 16 -14 KND KND 9%
WR :B: :M: TC [0-13]
Cagemaster 20 27 -12 -6 -6 9%
WR :B::B: :M::H::H: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit
Akasha's Cage 42 28 -10 KND KND 9%
:7:*:8:*:9::B: :M: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit / TJ [7-40] TC [40-58]
Akasha's Cage 42 44 -16 KND KND 14%
:7:*:8:*:9::B::B: :M::M: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit / TC [0-12]
Akasha's Cage 42 55 -12 -6 -6 14%
:7:*:8:*:9::B::B::B: :M::M::H::H: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit
Reverse Immortal 18 16 -6 +4 +4
BT :B: :M:
Deep Immortal 18 18 -8 +2 +2
BT :2::B: :M: TC [13-]

Kick Attacks​

Night Swallow 12 12 -8 +0 +0 1%
:K: :H: Cancel with :G:
Starving Spirit 16 12 -8 +2 +2 2%
:6::K: :M:
Starving Spirit 16 38 +4 KND KND 11%
:6::K::B: :M::H: Cancel with :G: / TC [24-60] / Becomes :M: when used at a distance / NCC
Blade Sharpener 16 14,28 KND KND KND
:6::K::(B): :M::H: :UA: / Cancel with :G: / TC [24-60] / Becomes :M: when used at a distance / Never combos
Rage Kick 14 16 -6 +4 +4 2%
:3::K: :M:
Rage Kick 34+ 27 +2 KND KND 9%
:3::(K): :M: :LH: (Always triggers vs. male opponents)
Charmer Silhouette 16 12 -14 -4 -4 1%
:2::K: :L: TC [11-]
Queen's Pleasure 16 10 -16 -2 KND 2%
:1::K: :L:
Ivy Sweep (against downed opponent) 16 25 KND KND KND
:1::K: :L::L: :AT:
Evil Sparrow 18 22 -6 +8 +8 2%
:4::K: :M: TC [6-19]
Charmer Silhouette 16 12 -14 -4 -4 1%
FC :K: :L: TC [0-4] TC [10-]
Nail Cross 18 14 -12 -4 -4 1%
FC :3::K: :M: TC [0-]
Rising Cross 12 18 -8 +0 +0 2%
WR :K: :M: TC [0-6]
Rising Mind Shatter 26 22 -6 KND KND 4%
:7:*:8:*:9::K: :M: TJ [7-32]
Reverse Night Shallow 14 14 -6 +4 +4
BT :K: :H:
Deep Silhouette 18 18 -14 -4 -4
BT :2::K: :L: TC [13-]

Dual Button Attacks​

Revelation 38 30 +10 KND KND 15%
:A+B: :M: :BA: / :LH: (Triggers upon Impact counter)
God Whisper 22 12 -12 +0 +0 1%
:6::A+B: :SM: TJ [20-32] TC [32-]
God Whisper 22 33 -6 +4 +4 6%
:6::A+B::A: :M::SL::M: TC [0-22]
Suppressed Exile ~Spiral Lust 36 - - - - -
:3::A+B: :SS: / TC [14-]
Metal Fencer 34 22 -18 KND KND 9%
:2::A+B: :M:
Metal Fencer 34 18 -22 KND KND 14%
:2::A+B::B: :M::M:
Razor's Bite 30 20 -12 KND KND 9%
:1::A+B: :L:
Spiral Punishment 28 18 -6 +4 +4 5%
:4::A+B: :M::M::M: :GI: 4-25 [:M: non-kick horizontals]
Spiral Punishment 28 50 -24 KND KND 13%
:4::A+B::B: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M: Combos on GI
Creeping Ivy 22 20 -34 KND KND 9%
:8::A+B: :M: TC [8-22] TJ [22-54]
Creeping Ivy 22 35 -24 KND KND 14%
:8::A+B::B: :M::M: TJ [0-40]
Hailstorm 22 47 -20 KND KND 23%
:8::A+B::(B): :M::M::M::M: TJ [0-53] TC [54-79]
Lost Pledge 20 36 +2 +10 +10 9%
FC :3::A+B: :H::H: :BA:
Banshee 26 24 -6 KND KND 9%
:B+K: :M: :LH: (Triggers upon whiff punish) / ~BT / TC [18-66]
Embrace of Guilt 28 37 -4 +4 +4 9%
:6::B+K: :M: :AT: / Shifts to attack throw upon close-range hit / TC [26-35]
Embrace of Guilt 28 37 -4 +10 +10 9%
:6::(B+K): :M: :AT: / Shifts to attack throw upon hit / TC [26-35]
Fear's Void 30 30 -8 KND KND 9%
:2:*:3::B+K: :M: Cancel with :G: / TC [25-66] / :LH: (Triggers upon hitting crouching opponents)
Dancing Gnome 24 36 -10 KND KND 8%
:1::B+K: :M::M::M::M:
Dancing Gnome 40 46 +6 KND KND 8%
:1::(B+K): :M::M::M::M: :BA:
Heel Explosion 74 80 KND KND KND
:4::B+K: :M: :UA: / Cancel with :G: / TC [74-]
Stinging Souls 28 26 +10 KND KND 9%
:8::B+K: :M::M: :BA: / TC [9-14]
Stinging Souls 28 26 +10 KND KND 9%
:9::B+K: :M::M: :BA: / TC [11-16]
Fear's Void 30 30 -8 KND KND 9%
FC :2:*:3::B+K: :M: Cancel with :G: / TC [25-66] / :LH: (Triggers upon hitting crouching opponents)
Asylum 20 42 -17 -7 -7 12%
WR :B+K: :M::M: :GI: 14-48 [:H::M::L:] / TC [0-7]
Viper Tail 26 24 -4 KND KND
BT :B+K: :SM: ~BT / TC [18-66]

8-Way Run Moves​

Damned Mark 20 24 -8 +2 +2 4%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::A: :M:
Sparking Blade 20 36 -12 -4 -4 10%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::(A): :M::M: :LH: (Second hit triggers upon counter hit), the first hit is -20~-18 on block if blocked alone
Wolf Lash 26 18 -12 +0 +0 4%
:(8):*:(2)::A: :H: :LH: (Triggers upon whiff punish)
Cursed Soul 24 24 -8 +2 +2 4%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::A: :M:
Insanity Light 28 34 -24 +8 +8 4%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::(A): :M: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit
Insanity Feast 28 44 -24 KND KND 4%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::(A)::6: :M: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit
Elder Gnome 16 18 -8 +4 KND 2%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B: :M:
Elder Gnome 16 41 -12 +14 +14 9%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B::B: :M::M:
Nocturnal Sylph 16 20 -12 2 2 9%
:(2):*:(8)::B: :M:
Nocturnal Sylph 16 40 +4 KND KND 10%
:(2):*:(8)::B::A: :M::H: TC [31-71]
Drowning Madness ~ Serpent's Embrace 24 23 -4 KND KND 9%
:(2):*:(8)::(B): :M: :SS: Can't block in SS, using a move makes it -4 cancel with :G: = -24.
Cursed Heavens 18 22 -12 KND KND 9%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::B: :M: TC [4-12]
Wondergale 16 18 -4 +4 +4 2%
:(6)::K: :M: TC [6-17]
Wondergale ~ Serpent's Embrace 16 18 -6 +2 +2 2%
:(6)::(K): :M: TC [6-17] / :SS:
Mind Shatter 16 24 -6 KND KND 4%
:(3):*:(9)::K: :H:
Mind Shatter 16 24 -2 KND KND 4%
:(3):*:(9)::K::4: :H:
Mind Shatter 26 33 +0 KND KND 9%
:(3):*:(9)::(K): :H:
Mind Shatter 26 33 +4 KND KND 9%
:(3):*:(9)::(K)::4: :H:
Royal Huntress 24 18 -18 KND KND 4%
:(2):*:(8)::K: :L: TC [7-15] superTC [16-24] TC [25-] / -4 on tip hit
Diving Raven 28 26 -18 KND KND 9%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::K: :M: TC [6-12] TJ [12-36]
Freeze Gaze 18 35 -8 +4 +4 3%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::A+B: :M::M:
Arid Land 26 40 -10 KND KND 2%
:(2):*:(8)::A+B: :M::M: :GI: 5-16 [:M: horizontals and thrusting verticals]
Crucifixion 48 42 -6 KND KND 4%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::A+B: :M:
Crucifixion 72 70 KND KND KND
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::(A+B): :M: :UA:
Raging Gnome 34 37 -4 KND KND 19%
:(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B+K: :M::M::M:
Exile ~ Spiral Lust 40 20 9%
:(1):*:(4):*:(7)::B+K: :M: :SL: / TC [37-]
Sliding 20 26 -22 KND KND 9%
Run :K: :L: TJ [6-27] TC [27-47]

Special Moves​

Serpent's Embrace​

Serpent's Embrace 30
:2::1::4::K: :SS:
Violent Spirits 18 12 -14 -8 +2 1%
SE :A: :H:
Violent Spirits 18 40 -4 +6 +6 7%
SE :A::A: :H::M::H:
Wind Embrace 20 16 -6 +2 +2 2%
SE :6::A: :H:
Wind Embrace 20 58 -6 KND KND 5%
SE :6::A::A: :H::H:
Lamenting Tail 24 51 -26 KND KND 4%
SE :4::A: :L: :AT: / TC [9-46]
Mistress' Justice 22 36 -16 KND KND 9%
SE :B::B::B: :M::M::M:
Howling Spirits 22 68 +12 KND KND 20%
SE :B::B::B::B::B: (just) :M::M::M::M::M:
Landing Embrace 38 33 +10 KND KND 19%
SE :4::B: :M: :BA:
Ivy Sting 14 24 -12 KND KND 9%
SE :6::B: :M: Shifts to follow-up attack upon hit
Charging Serpent 16 18 -8 +0 KND 2%
SE :K: :M: TC [6-17]
Charging Serpent ~ Serpent's Embrace 16 18 +0 +8 KND 2%
SE :(K): :M: TC [6-17]
Stinging Souls 49 41 +4 KND KND 9%
SE :4::B+K:*:B+K:*:6::B+K: :M::M: :BA: / TC [3-11]*[9-14]*[3-11]
Redemption 12 20 -20 -10 -10 2%
SE :8::B+K: :H: :AT:
Redemption (Against Mid-air opponent) 12 51 KND KND KND
SE :8::B+K: :H: :AT: Shifts to attack throw upon hit
Blind Obsession 12 36 -14 +2 +2 4%
SE :8::B+K::K: :H::L:
Released Souls 74 60 KND KND KND
SE :A+B: :M: :UA:
Reeling Mind 18 20 +8 +8 +8
SE :A+G: or:4::A+G: :H: Put the opponent BT
Summon Suffering 20 65 KND KND KND
SE :3::7::6::2::3::1::A+G: :H: :TH:
Calamity Symphony 18 84 KND KND KND
SE :3::7::4::6::9::1::6::A+G: :H: :TH:

Spiral Lust​

Spiral Lust 56 KND KND KND
:3::A+B: :M: :UA::SS: / TC [14-]
Exile 4 20 -8 KND KND 9%
SL :B: :M: TC [0-7]
Exile (delay) 4 25 -8 KND KND 9%
SL :B: :M: TC [0-7]
~ Serpent's Embrace 24 - - - - - -
SL :G: :SS: / TC [0-21]


Dominion Throw 18 55 KND KND KND
:A+G: :H: :TH:
Primal Dominance 18 50 KND KND KND
:4::A+G: :H: :TH:
Heartless Guide 18 55 KND KND KND
Left side throw :H: :TH:
Sunset Cradle 18 KND KND KND
Right side throw :H: :TH:
Sweet Dominance 18 70 KND KND KND
Back throw :H: :TH: Does 58 when throwing with :6::B+K:
Lash Of Atonement 28 30 -14 +16
:3::A+G: :L: :TH: / TC [18-49]
Lash Of Atonement 28 30 -14 +16
FC :3::A+G: :L: :TH: / TC [18-49]
Vile Condemnation 28 50 -14 KND KND
:2::A+G: :L: :TH: / TC [18-49]
Vile Condemnation 28 50 -14 KND KND
FC :2::A+G: :L: :TH: / TC [18-49]
Summon Suffering 20 60 KND KND KND
:3::7::6::2::3::1::A+G: :H: :TH:
Summon Suffering 20 65 KND KND KND
:3::7::6::2::3::1::A+G: (just) :H: :TH:
Calamity Symphony 16 80 KND KND KND
:3::7::4::6::9::1::6::A+G: :H: :TH:
Calamity Symphony 16 84 KND KND KND
:3::7::4::6::9::1::6::A+G: (just) :H: :TH:
Reeling Mind 18 20 +8 +8 +8
SE :4::A+G:*:A+G: :H: Put the opponent BT/ :TH:
Summon Suffering 20 65 KND KND KND
SE :3::7::6::2::3::1::A+G: :H: :TH:
Calamity Symphony 18 84 KND KND KND
SE :3::7::4::6::9::1::6::A+G: :H: :TH:

Reversal Edge Attacks​

Existence 46 35 -8 Clash Clash
:B+G: :M: :RE:
Existence 66 45 +8 Clash Clash
:(B+G): :M: :BA::RE:
Darkside 52 20 -7 +4 +4
:B+G::6: :M:
Screeching Spirit 15 -2 KND KND
RE :A: :H:
Screeching Spirit ~ Serpent's Embrace 15
RE :(A): :H:
Fires of Insanity 10
RE :B: :M:
Fires of Insanity 13
RE :B::B: :M::M:
Fires of Insanity 17
RE :B::B::B: :M::M::M:
Fires of Insanity 20
RE :B::B::B::B: :M::M::M::M:
Fires of Insanity 24
RE :B::B::B::B::B: :M::M::M::M::M:
Fires of Insanity 28
RE :B::B::B::B::B::B: :M::M::M::M::M::M:
Fires of Insanity 32
RE :B::B::B::B::B::B::B: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M:
Fires of Insanity 48
RE :B::B::B::B::B::B::B::B: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M::M:
Queen of Blades 16
RE :K: :M:
Forward Step
RE :6:
Side Step
RE :2:*:8:
Back Step
RE :4:

Gauge Attacks​

Guilty Throne 34 80 -16 KND KND 10%
:A+B+K: :M:×8 :GI: 4-32 [vertical] / :AT:
Serpent's Embrace - Guilty Throne 12 80 -16 KND KND 10%
SE :A+B+K: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M::M: Invincible[10~] / :AT:
Soul Charge 6 - +0 +8 +8 0%
:4::A+B+K: :SM: Freezes on 3rd frame / 50F recovery / 56F total
Heartless Confession 16 36 -6 +4 9%
:2::3::6::A+B+K: :M::M::M::M::M::M:
Heartless Confession ~Serpent's Embrace 16 36 -2 +6 9%
:2::3::6::(A+B+K): :M::M::M::M::M::M: :SS:
Deadly Catalysm 16 38 +4 KND KND 7%
:SC::6::A::A: :H::M::H: :BA: / NCC
Deadly Firestorm 20 23 +8 +10 +10 3%
:SC::4::A: :H::H: :BA:
Deadly Firestorm ~Serpent's Embrace 20 23 +2 +8 +8 3%
:SC::4::(A): :H::H: :BA::SS:
Death Glance 18 68 +1 KND KND 16%
:SC::6::B::B: :M::M: :BA: / NCC
Unseen Connection 16 45 +2 +10 +10 5%
:SC::6::(6)::K::K: :M::M:
Unseen Connection ~ Serpent's Embrace 16 47 +6 +14 +14 5%
:SC::6::(6)::K::(K): :M::M: :SS:
Decaying Land 26 78 -8 KND KND 24%
:SC::(2):*:(8)::A+B::B: :M::M::M::M::M::M: :GI: 5-16 [:M: horizontals]
Deadly Screaming Mandrake 18 36 +4 KND KND 7%
:SC: SE :A::A: :H::M::H: :BA: / NC
Wind Embrace 20 17 KND KND KND
:SC: SE :6::A: :H: :UA:
Mourning Spirit 20 64 - KND KND KND -
:SC: SE :6::A::A: :H::H: :UA:
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