Ivy's pet Homunculi


[09] Warrior
There's something I've noticed about Ivy's stage. On one side of the stage there's a cage with these two little pink things in it that look like blobs with short tentacles and one eye.

I swear, every time I play on that stage I HAVE to look at them. They're just so funny, cramped up in their little cage like that.

I have decided to name them Fred (The one on top) and Jennifer! (On the bottom)
There's something I've noticed about Ivy's stage. On one side of the stage there's a cage with these two little pink things in it that look like blobs with short tentacles and one eye.

I swear, every time I play on that stage I HAVE to look at them. They're just so funny, cramped up in their little cage like that.

I have decided to name them Fred (The one on top) and Jennifer! (On the bottom)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized those things.

They honestly look like pink ghosts straight out of Pacman (Namco homage?).
If I had the game I'd totally get some screenshots of the little guys if I could, can anyone else oblige?
Hmm, I've never spotted those before. Looking around now, I feel very bad for those! It looks like Ivy is doing mean things to them as you can see an eyeball from one of the critters in a jar in another part of the stage.
Untitled 4-30.png

Another thing I haven't noticed before. It's really hard to see, but some of the Ivy mansion paintings from previous games are in the stage too.

These thing are easter egg. If you wall splat someone in the the griffon statue it will turn are reveal a painting. These paintings were actually in SC3. I think there only 3 of them out of the 4, the other one revals nothing. Although when you wall splat and turn the griffon statue it fells like you're play God of War.

The little pink blob feels so out of place. The stage looks like an elegant and serious place. Then there this thing looking at you. I also don't like the chemistry set, again it feel out of place.
That stage is one of my favourites. You have the people in the background manipulating the mirrors. You can splat people into the giant vase/urns for the gong-sound. Plus the pink pillowcases with eyes are always funny to look at.
If you smack someone into the globe on the other side it'll spin too.
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