KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!!

KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

Ohh man, you include when you mess up too?! hehe

kewl stuff dude.

if I might ask, who are you playing with?

... aside from the info in the credits, I mean.
KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

Ohh man, you include when you mess up too?! hehe

kewl stuff dude.

if I might ask, who are you playing with?

... aside from the info in the credits, I mean.

All of them are players from HK.

Chang's friend
and more... but most of those are cut out of matches against CF and Lau, you can view the full matches here:

and (CF's youtube page.. but it will be damn difficult to find the specific matches.. cuz there are OVER 1000 vid!!)
KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

Heh, not a skill project, but more like Simon's best ass kicking moments ;)

Always loved your RLC use, however i think it's time for you implement more 6Bk -> MST in your game, solely cuz of it's evasive properties, and the fact you can throw from it seamlessly.

Also try this after 3A(CH).....Full.....moon.....death. IF they tech they die.
KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

Very nice stuff. You guys in Asia always have cool vids.

So just wondering, do you guys ever do tourneys? I see Chang's Friend all over the place and his play looks awesome, but it's always in casuals. Also, I'm just curious to know who the top guys over there are.

Keep up the good work!
KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

CNP: Thx for watching.

In Hong Kong, Chang's friend and Lau is the best player we have. But their play style is very different.

Lau gameplay is really solid, and he is a very practical player, he doesn't do more then what is enough to kill you, if he see that you have a weakness against certain moves or set up, he will just keep using that one move until you die... therefore when facing against Lau, the stronger you get, the stronger he become... lol

CF game priority is to go for style point and pulling off amazing tricks with ALL Characters, instead of fighting against his opponent, his goal is to bring out the full potential of every characters he use. That's probably why people enjoy watching his vid the most, cuz they can show how strong each character can become in the hand of a good player.

We didn't host tournament in HK mainly because we know the result already... is pretty much universal fact that these two are the best player we have... so there isn't much point to host. But we also know that there are some really strong competition in near by region (mainland china), so maybe in the future we will host tournament against those guys.

Also I would like to mention, in Asia, Singapore also have some really strong player as well. Player like Remus and Jovian are damn strong players, hopefully I can play them again in the future.
KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!


YOU MADE Knightspirit best ass kicking moments PART 2!!!! LOL!

at least this time it wasn't like 50% me.. with intro me and ending me...

regardless.. awesome vid.

I don't know if people can truly appreciate it.....

like RLC GI.. people who haven't seen your vid will think
1) his opponents are retarded because they are throwing out mid moves and he's GIing them
2) this only captures the times he aGIs but he probably fails more than succeed in aGI.

all i can say is... both 1 and 2 is wrong.

KS truly is the master or Relic stance... it's kinda hard to express how well he uses this stance.. all of us knows that it counters only mids.. and high/low moves will kill it.. but if you look at how KS uses Relic... if you do a low move he'll either 1) outspeed you with RLC A or 2) outspeed/step you with RLC B .... not to mention there's RLC jumps but this is rarely done... if you do high moves.. well you can see the vid and realize what he does against it.... if you simply just LOW guard.. in hopes for RLC [K] blocked (which basically doesn't do crap blocking that low since he can RLC A to beat out nearly all your followups and if he can't RLC A he can RLC GI the rest... -_-.. and yes this is on BLOCKED RLC [K]) it makes things kinda tough.

2) honestly... if you play KS you'll realize how well he uses it and it's not just for the sake of the video.. the video should show he does this often enough to many different characters..

anyways.. another great vid ... of kicking our asses.... lol at least there's more people you beating up this time and not just CF, Sing and I... hahahaha

btw... i got new materials you can work on for you new upcoming Simon's greatest moments lol

KnightSpirit Mitsurugi Ultimate SKill Project!

Simon when are you coming back to T.O and bringing all the HK Trainin' with you?!?!