[Las Vegas, NV] What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

I'm a stone's throw away from Ted's now... so 4pm works for me just fine. :)

PS. Does anyone have a camera/tripod setup? This gathering screams recording. Lol.
yo fellas!!! we might have to make it 6pm ish.... My good friend is singing the National Anthem for NASCAR this coming weekend and he invited me to the private rehearsal tomorrow at 2:30pm. so i don't know how long i'm gonna be. we're gonna have dinner there too so it'll be around 6pm ish when we can finally meet. is that ok??? and yes bring a camcorder i'll be recording too. i'll keep you both posted on what's going on. I totally forgot about it till he called me today reminding me about tomorrow lol. sorry for the troubles
after talking all that shit, you can't make it???? FIGURES. you should take a real hard look at your quote REVAS... seems like someone is afraid of losing.
Sora- GGs bro. seriously. lol even our ALT battle was pretty crazy. lol I should of recorded our matches. Playing you seriously makes me better. I wish REVAS was here to show us his, "unbeatable cass" LOL LOL

3-2 Rayikin (Yun) Sora (Kilik)
17-12 Rayikin (Yoshi) Sora (Ivy)
Going good. still got some boxes to put away and we're kinda goin over small stuff (oven no work >_<). Pretty nice place though. Might need to score some chairs though. Only got a small couch in the living room. i'll tell you guys when it's ready. what days are best?

Also Im lookin to train on MvC3. I need offline practice to get ready for EVO and I have a LOOOOOT to practice (Im so scrub). My friend's really good but he refuses to get technical like we do or really train specifics so I don't learn shit from losing to him.
Im lookin to train on MvC3. I need offline practice to get ready for EVO and I have a LOOOOOT to practice (Im so scrub). My friend's really good but he refuses to get technical like we do or really train specifics so I don't learn shit from losing to him.

If I played the game I'd help you, but I hate 2D fighting games lol I've never really been a fan. I think REVAS or Sora might play a little. I'm sure they'd get a few games in there with you. But I'm always game for SC4.
i guess no ones wanting to game after creating all that "HYPE". all good. I'm not gonna waste my time waiting for you guys anymore. Or organizing when the next time we gather is gonna be. Not to mention there's only 3 people even worth fighting. Revas, Sora and Tony. The number of skilled players are dwindling. So, consider this my retirement of the game and being a part of this dying community. It was nice knowing all of you. I'm sorry I didn't have the pleasure of shutting REVAS' up. But he decided to make plans on the same day he challenged me lol

If you guys wanna get a last stab at me, the last day i'll make myself available is March 9th. If I not, all good. And it was a pleasure knowing you all.
Sorry IFB. I wasn't trying to hurt anyones feelings. If you wanna unleash some anger, you'll only have till the 9th to whoop my ass. but i'm sure you'll be playing MvC3.
I wouldn't mind some SC4. Be nice to play a game I actually know what the fuck im doing. (I am the biggest gimick player possible with mvc3)
So today is the last day for me. I had the pleasure of meeting REVAS yesterday. There were some epic matches. We played 2 FTs Me winning the 1st 5-3 and REVAS winning the second 5-4. we started playing another one but I had work and it ended 1-1. But the TOTAL score card I think REVAS had up on me by a few matches.
Shit. i cant make today, I'm helping someone. Why the date on retiring though? Pretty sure when I throw a small gaming kickback your ass will show. I'm gonna bother you for squandering talent if you recluse.