[Las Vegas, NV] What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

Hey guys, I'm also going to be in Vegas on Thursday and would be interested in playing some Calibur before Evo. Where are you guys meeting?
Well if ted doesnt respond, i guess ill just do my house. Any one with TVs they can bring should. What time would be best for all this?

Once again I'd prefer teds simply because i think it will span more people. Naturally pm me for my address if we do my house. I'll be checking every hour. The area is next to green valley ranch casino.
Cool, whenever I have a car I should be able to make it down. I can pick up any people from out of town from their hotels if necessary.
I asked sora to talk to manta. I dont know if anyone else is in town yet.

IFB: Can you bring ps3 if sora brings tv?
I'll bring my ps3. Still dont have my fricken buttons though :(

Sora dont forget the HDMI cable
Thanks for the games today, gents.
Koichi: Thanks for the drive, btw, I checked regarding hosting a session at my hotel room. It's not possible cause there's no AV mode on the remote. And when I checked with the hotel, they said it's a no go. :/
Well my house tomorrow. I'm aimin for 8:00, rough figure but I need some time with the ex. Throw me your RSVP and I'll pm you the directions, cross streets are Windmill and Green Valley PKWY. 10-15 minutes from the strip off the 215.

Sora if you could bring your TV and maybe someone bring a 2nd ps3.

I'll be spending my day studying since I'm still getting owned by Cas and Rayikin is giving reach arounds to his Warble shrine for super GI/JI powers. Think I'll spend an hour or 2 in practice doing nothing but standard Ivy combos till I stop fucking up basic shit that I do online but mess up offline. CL A+BA+K66A+b....why did you ever leave me!?!

Hopefully gonna get my buttons tomorrow and when i crack open my stick i'll see if theres any stealth mods i can give to my joystick.
K. Im gonna be out a for a bit, REVAS knows my address info if i dont get back to you in time. Few of the guys know my number as well.
Gonna text all around to confirm who's coming.

IFB, I need your address again.

Might or might not be able to bring that TV.
Seems like not enough will show and everyones jet lagged, so tonights cancelled. Maybe tomorrow. Are we all gonna go to day 1 of evo anyway? We can probably do some matches in area 4.
If im not using it yes. God I'm gettin pwned by Cassandras. I hate that hitbox defective bitch. I find my self doing nothing but turtling.
yo, IFB! good luck tomorrow. i hear you have Hajime for your 1st match. You've played me enough to get used to Yoshi's silly tricks. Haj is technically better then I am. He probably won't JI you like I do tho. lol Hajime knows how to fight Ivys. Ask Sora hah I guess the best way to beat him is to do random shit hahah that's the only advice i can offer, man. sorry :(
All you have to watch for Hajime is that he likes Dragonfly. A LOT. Crouch low under dragonfly and stand to block his B. Don't use 214B on him since he knows how to punish that, and hard, nor should you use CL A+BA+K. Sword stance antics will work on him, especially 22K. And as always, make sure you space yourself enough to not get nut punched; spacing is KEY in beating him. Other than that, he's a solid player, ain't gonna lie. He's beaten me more times than I've beaten him, but he -can- be beat.

I'll tell you this as well when I see you later. Good luck.
Proving day, Think my game plan is CL spacing, and up close a lot of 1K and 6B8 to counter flying and get out of range of nut punches. I think I'm gonna adopt 1K spam over my patented 6 spam.
Lost respectably. G1 i got owned by the yoshi. I started with a horizontal CH attempt and both times he did the UB Super dragonfly and owned me. 3rd time though I air grabbed his ass. I wasnt really focused when i did that fight, took me a while to stop autopiloting and realize i was fighting a person who wont fall for my gimiks. I did avoid the nut punching though, but still got handed.

G2 I fought a Tira and got in my groove. Played pretty well (few mistakes), but I went undefeated

G3 played a Raph and it was a REALLY close fight and I missed my opportunity 2nd match to win it all when we both had no hp and he got the poke first. I lost, but it was a really good fight and I got some very nice iCS's in there.

Very glad I played well unlike yesterday where I looked like a complete scrub.