League of Legends

such low cs for a 45 min game. would really say he was support no sightstone and with 100 cs.
AP GP is gimicky only time i see it in Dominion. His ult and Lichbane procs can hurt that's about it.
i'm tired of all these "support" nidalee that don't really support. the player just picked an ap carry and went bot. so when i feel like going ap nid on those rare occasions because we already have tons of cc and tankiness on our team then i got everyone on my team going bat shit. these bad nid supports are giving my nid support a bad name and it's annoying. same thing when i see terrible nami's. makes me almost feel bad that he's using the same champ i love so much.

does anyone else get those matches where you lose or win purely based on skill. as in both teams are evenly matched. both teams are really good in every position. its literally an actual GG. i seem to rarely have these.
Nida support isn't that good since it has no CC and no engage potential so I can see why they get upset since there isn't much kill potential for the adc with her as a support.
Nida support isn't that good since it has no CC and no engage potential so I can see why they get upset since there isn't much kill potential for the adc with her as a support.
it's not that. like i said. only pick her when like 3 or 4 members of our team have cc. and that's not the reason people don't like nid. nid has coverage with her traps to reveal people along with wards. and she has a heal. but with her spear she can be a good support in lane fights because that heal and sped up attack speed can make a HUGE difference. but the problem is that most nids don't ward, they take the adc's cs, and the take the team's kills. they aren't playing the "support" role that they opted for playing. that's the issue. i've played support nid and have dominated both times i've played her down bot. she's good and going against bot supports like blitz and leona. if you burst them down then they can't really initiate.
Well it kinda is, I didn't say that you picked her when there is no other CC in the team but when thinking about just botlane most if not all supports have an engage tool. Heck, some (Sona, for example) have a heal and an engage. So there are much better supports out there. I personally dislike Nida supports for this reason.
Nida support isn't that good since it has no CC and no engage potential so I can see why they get upset since there isn't much kill potential for the adc with her as a support.
dont you mean "last hit" Nidalee? support is a foreign word to such a champion.


the point with nid supports is to shut down kill lanes. poke down the adc or the tank that way if they try to go in they will be at a disadvantage due to their health being too low. other supports don't have really good poke and heals except sona. and nid can easily out trade a sona. the next best anti engaging supports, imo, are alistar, Janna, and maybe nami if she can land that bubble. but everything here is a case by case basis. and with nid i don't do that last hit stuff that she has been known for thanks to wannabe support players. i can normally gauge if a person would die from my spear or not and if the kill is secured. basically, what i do with any support i play. if i need to take the kill because no one else can then i will. i've ks'd as many times with nid support than i have with any other support. which is 1 or less a game. and if i ks it's either in a team fight or in an attempt to save someone. but like i said. i use nid to poke down people and get rid of their engaging potential. can't really do that safely with any other support except maybe fidd. which i've been seeing quite a bit as a support. that 3 second fear, man.
Welp. I just went top Vayne vs Leona. She DESTROYED ME.
Her new swimsuit has filled her with confidence.

Btw what was this player's name? I just came back to the game and I'm kinda lost. Been playing some bot matches and ARAM for fun/to reacquaint myself with random champs, could use some inspiration. I am aware of the sites out there with guides, just wanna get a feel for what others are up to.
Her new swimsuit has filled her with confidence.

Btw what was this player's name? I just came back to the game and I'm kinda lost. Been playing some bot matches and ARAM for fun/to reacquaint myself with random champs, could use some inspiration. I am aware of the sites out there with guides, just wanna get a feel for what others are up to.
Nervous Virgin. They main Leona top/jungle.
So I've had Eve for a couple months now, but never really used her. I've been playing what I've been comfortable with in the jungle, Shyvana mostly with a little Nasus and Sejuani. Been in a slump with them lately so I decided to actually try Eve out against some people.

Dear lord why haven't I done this sooner! Eve has such presence early game to get the snowball rolling for your lanes. I think I found a new jungle main.

On a completely different note though. Worlds starts Sunday! Who's going to be watching and who are you guys rooting for/ who do you think will win? Me, I'll be rooting for Vulcun but I'm pretty sure the tournament is going to go to Korea's SK Telecom T1. They seem pretty unstoppable right now.
I think SKT is going to be overconfident just like Azubu Frost was last year and lose. Koreans are really good but this is the first international tournament there has been in a while and nobody can really say who is better than who.
so found my new mid main after searching and applying tryouts. so far it's orianna. even as first pick i can choose her and not worry about being countered. not to mention she excels at doing what i do best and that's supporting. gonna start just locking her in if i get first pick in ranked. can't trust these other mids and i can just tell my jungler to help other lanes cause it's easy to farm with ori without being in danger.

and i'm rooting for cloud 9 since my other teams didn't make it to the championships this year.
Yay! Started out 6/2/1 with Shen, ended up 6/6/6 and lost. Next game I started out 5/2/7 with support Elise and ended up 5/10/11 and lost cause of a troll adc(built movement speed items only....), a feeding Annie mid(13 deaths) and a feeding Garen top(17 deaths). Fun....
I've never particularly liked Shen, considering that your team actually needs to have some degree of reaction whenever you taunt an enemy, and 99% of the time my team doesn't have that.
Nasus is so OP right now but every time I see him played he rapes the lane phase but later in the game he gets stomped on because the fool using him always tries to build offense. Full defence all the way and massive Q damage is the way to go.
Nasus seems to fall off somewhat late game, rather like Garen. They are useful in laning phase but later on they fall off.
Late game most people will have full builds, and offensive Nasus' will go down pretty much instantly if he is built full offensively (like how most Nasus players build).
You guys are playing some pretty bad Nasus, if he falls of late game.

Nasus is BY FAR the best late game champion in the game... but he has one of the worst early games. Build entirely defense, and spend your entire time farming your Q. If you are any good, you should have 350-450 Q at 20 minutes (my record is 465 at 20 min). You build entirely defense, so you are extremely hard to kill. Then with your farmed Q, you can wreck people; and with his passive life steal, you'll be getting back health as you do your Q every 1 second with cooldown redux.

In addition to that, with Wither and Ghost, its impossible for people to run away from you.

I don't know ANY Nasus players who build him offensively. Building him defensively makes some of his laning phase harder; but Nasus is a champ where he can lose the laning phase, and late game he will still stomp people if he farmed his Q.