League of Legends

3s are fine. most of the stuff is viable. some champs are broke though. Wu, Singed, Cass, Jayce imo are broken most of the other champs can be dealt with.

edit.. ya im on NA
AP Champs aren't that great on 3v3s. Some are okay though, like Akali.
well TT(aka. 3v3) has the same requirements as 5v5. you have a top laner. and you can have a jungler and a solo bot or you can run a duo bot. the basic lineup is one ap and two ad. normally all of them do damage. i haven't had a problem with jax, trynd (especially no problem's with trynd), and cho is easy to go against too. it's mostly about player skill and who can shut down who first. a lot of times people have issues with closing games out. this is a problem on Summoner's Rift too. this is what allows for comebacks. people get to cocky or caught up in trying to finish a build or just only cares for kills. when you waste time like this then the other team will get full builds and then how many kills or deaths happened in early-mid game won't matter anymore. that lead will be lost and with it your potential for an easy win.
AP Champs aren't that great on 3v3s. Some are okay though, like Akali.
a lot of AP champs are good in 3s.
God Tier and Tier 1: Kayle, Lissandra, Leona, Cassiopeia, Cho, Elise, Eve,Kass, Lulu, Syndra, Fizz, Karma,Zyra,
Akali is terrible. unless the people you are against are worse.
I used Akali once in ranked 3v3. I did really good.
Like 6-0 or something but my friend's were dropping it badly so we lost.

A Cho(Fully stacked) that get's going is ridiculous in 3v3. He just tank's so much more than what 3 people can dish out. Especially in a teamfight and yes I know don't go for the tank first. Obvious!
Yeah AD champ's run 3v3.

Also why am I the only Karthus 3v3 user? xD

I have a really good w/l with him in 3v3. Revive, Exhaust/Ignite. E takes up whole lanes and press R to incinerate.
Yeah AD champ's run 3v3.

Also why am I the only Karthus 3v3 user? xD

I have a really good w/l with him in 3v3. Revive, Exhaust/Ignite. E takes up whole lanes and press R to incinerate.
karth has no hard cc. he has a slow with won't mean much with all the gap closing champs that are normally picked for 3v3. i use annie a lot in 3v3s and liss. especially, liss. in fights she can completely remove someone from the fight before they can even do anything. done it time and time again. my other 3v3 champ is irelia. Aviator Irelia.
karth has no hard cc. he has a slow with won't mean much with all the gap closing champs that are normally picked for 3v3. i use annie a lot in 3v3s and liss. especially, liss. in fights she can completely remove someone from the fight before they can even do anything. done it time and time again. my other 3v3 champ is irelia. Aviator Irelia.
all you need is blackfire in 3s and you can remove anyone from the map as an AP.
Only recently gotten into this. Been playing alot of Ashe and Katarina but I really do look forward to Jinx. I have a thing for crazy girls apparently.
Only recently gotten into this. Been playing alot of Ashe and Katarina but I really do look forward to Jinx. I have a thing for crazy girls apparently.
Everyone and their mom is looking forward to jinx. Last time I was excited for a champ was nami because she was a mobile support champ with sustain. Until they come out with another support then it's hard for me to look forward to any champs.
Okay... Jinx is broke as shit.
Isn't she just?

It's quite funny because apparently they nerfed her hard in the PBE yet she is still so strong. What do you max first? I normally max her W first because its really strong, especially at level 1.