Left 4 Dead

hey babies, whats the cheapest way to get l4d2 that you guys know of? gamestop is offering $5 off if you preorder in addition to the money you put down, but if there's anything better i wanna know before i ~seal the deal~. thanks and muah

btw i've put dibs on ellis because he is adorable.
becky: Right now Gamestop is best bet. As the game gets closer to release. Newegg and Amazon may have deals or prices closer to release.
Yo guys.

I played more PC single player infected Demo.

Tired of the AI "breezing" through the chapters...before I switched over to Infected I put it on Expert. I finally got to be the ultimate dick in L4D2.

On Chapter 2. I started getting Tanks. Now this may be a demo thing but when the Tank incapped a survivor I lost control momentarily and he roared at the survivors, during this time the survivors UNLOADED into me. So note, if you get Tank. Your infected buddies are going to be much more important...assuming this ISN'T just a Demo thing.

Also...I've started discovering infected ladders, in chapter 1...Rooftop smoker, good hunter spots...and the thing is Smoker can basically go rooftop hopping to catch up survivors so no, Smoker is far...FAR from useless. The first attack possible to coordinate which is RIGHT outside the safe room door of Chapter 2, is a fucking death trap since infected can spawn from the last area(rooftop smokers, high damage hunter pounces, through the fence boomer/spitter, or around the corner spitter/boomer, around the corner charger, and behind car Jockey.)
Becky, will I get some chances to play LFD2 with the famous Zach Efron? BTW, is it me or is the XBL demo of LFD2 is extremely laggy? Hopefully the real game won't be that laggy.
On Chapter 2. I started getting Tanks. Now this may be a demo thing but when the Tank incapped a survivor I lost control momentarily and he roared at the survivors, during this time the survivors UNLOADED into me. So note, if you get Tank. Your infected buddies are going to be much more important...assuming this ISN'T just a Demo thing.
It's also important to remember that you're not actually playing versus. Things are different for the co-op infected. Hunter pounces don't knock back survivor teammates for example. The hunter being able to jump without pouncing is probably just for co-op because it was in the first game. The AI tanks in the first game would incap someone and then stay on them until they were dead. Now they move onto the next target when they incap someone. The pause is probably to give survivors a little time to attack to make up for them not staying on one guy anymore.

The roof hopping, which I hope stays, might be gone too. Dead Air got really screwed over when they put a lot of extra invisible walls in the multi-player version that weren't in the campaign. I hope it stays that open, though, because that's my favorite part of that first level.
alex, hopefully! there should be a fuckton of people playing when this comes out, so maybe we can get one of those fabled 8-person games going. as for laggy servers, dizzynecro has a fix for that to put the game on a local server somehow, but idk how to do it. he should be able to tell you.

ty rek darling. amazon currently has $5 off and free shipping, but best buy does have a free $10 giftcard when you preorder, if anyone has procrastinated like me.

the tank thing sounds interesting, and seems like it would actually encourage teamwork with the tank.
It's also important to remember that you're not actually playing versus. Things are different for the co-op infected. Hunter pounces don't knock back survivor teammates for example. The hunter being able to jump without pouncing is probably just for co-op because it was in the first game. The AI tanks in the first game would incap someone and then stay on them until they were dead. Now they move onto the next target when they incap someone. The pause is probably to give survivors a little time to attack to make up for them not staying on one guy anymore.

The roof hopping, which I hope stays, might be gone too. Dead Air got really screwed over when they put a lot of extra invisible walls in the multi-player version that weren't in the campaign. I hope it stays that open, though, because that's my favorite part of that first level.

Yeah, thats another thing. it isn't VS. But still, I feel obligated to report whatever I find. Just in case, it would for whatever reason make it into the final versions VS mode.

And I 2nd the notion of roof hopping...without it, I really don't know how Smoker or Hunter would set up or stay alive for more than one pull/pounce. I remember when those 2 maps opened on 360, I was pretty disappointed (namely, Death toll Chapter 4. The town. I expected more rooftop room)

Alex: Valve is doing something with the dedicated servers (most likely prepping them for L4D2) so for the time being. Host your own games. After you start a lobby, goto edit game settings and switch "Official Dedicated" to "Local"

on L4D, its a bit trickier...basically start and cancel the game with the A button multiple times, eventually a countdown timer will start and you won't be able to cancel with A anymore. And you'll be the host.
Be careful to take little breaks between mashing A for L4D1, if you mash on too long without stopping and its not starting the countdown the game tends to freeze. so do it in bursts of like 6ish presses then wait a sec, then do it again until you get a countdown. If you get the countdown you cant cancel so dont worry about trying to catch it.

I REALLY hope the hunter superjump sticks around.
whats the hunter super jump?
You can jump the distance of a pounce without actually doing an attack pounce. That makes it quieter to get around, and much more importantly it's instant so you don't have to crouch for a second to do it.
The gamestop near me is having a midnight release, so see you monday night!

Thanks for the avy Rek.
The gamestop near me is having a midnight release, so see you monday night!

yeah i went to go preorder today and there was a sign up on mine, too. apparently its a joint one for assassin's creed 2 but who cares about that shit
hopefully i will have it then too, although i work the next day, we shall see how it rolls out.

i played some of the demo last night with randoms (i didn't want my mic in and you guys were all playing l4d1 anyways) and heard some lovely quotes that you've probably all heard but idc, makes me happy. and most of them are ellis because he's my new boyfriend.

by the equestrian statue in second stage:
ellis: HORSE!
nick: nice observation.

witch cries:
nick: i think i hear my ex-wife.

spitter in sight:

startling a witch from far away, running from it and friendly firing in the process:

when ellis is incapped he cries just as fantastically as francis does, and the captions rarely change which is hilarious to me, so it looks like this on the screen more often than not

yeah, i'm really excited for this game :)
The gamestop near me is having a midnight release, so see you monday night!

Thanks for the avy Rek.

My friend JUST told me mine was, which sucks cause its too late to ask off...Its up to fate to have Monday off now.

Regardless, it will be there when I come in from work Tuesday Morning. Or some heads will roll.

Dizzy, you're welcome.
Coach: Those zombies wearing armor...I WANT ARMOR! *about to cry*

UNCLE PHIL! You played as War Machine and The Shedder...You HAD armor!
MW2 is fun and all, but my heart belongs to the infected side now.

RE: Your Brains

ONE BAD TANK! Tank finally has boss battle music!
I just checked my e-mail, and apparently there's a mandatory Live update...on November 17th.

...What? Is there something I'm missing here?