Lost Swords

HA! Easy for you to say. Youre not the one who is having problems. I know how fun Lost Swords because I have the JPN version but the only problem is I can ready sh*t in JPN. But its alright, *resumes playing DOA5U*
There is an English EU version now... you get rewards for playing the beta on it...
It said you can buy the rubbish chests with 400FP. Any know what this elusive FP is?

Game is down for me as well. -_-
Im sorry. Im done with this sh*t. Call me impatient if you will, but I think I have put up with alot of their sh*t this past year. So, until they come out with a real game that actually lets me play and with a real game system, then I will get back into SC. But until then, f*ck this sh*t. Im out.
Consider the sh*t they left out in SCIV and the continual crap that they're giving/not giving to the later installations, I don't know what Namco has become for this series... I have lost hope a long time ago, but I'm still optimistic.
Am i being ignored , or does no one know the answer? .-.
Again,anyone knows how to SoulBreak?

I just assumed that was when the CPU activated their aura thing and you broke it. In which case you just hit them a lot. I've been saving my R1's for those moments.
I just assumed that was when the CPU activated their aura thing and you broke it. In which case you just hit them a lot. I've been saving my R1's for those moments.
I tried that a couple of times when fighting Taki,but still can't seem to unlock her :(.
They're on a rotation. I think Sophitia, Mitsurugi and Siegfried will always be available, but the other ones will be swapped in and out. Pyrrha and Hilde had events some weeks ago before the English release, and I'm betting those will get new events once the Ivy and Taki events are over.
YES!!! finally Taki unlocked!!
Good job! Did it take long?
A few hours,but i wasn't playing consecutively and i didn't know exactly what to do to unlock her (other than doing her quests over and over) in the beginning,so shouldn't take you long :D.

And great....Error code right when i wanted to try her out :L.
A few hours,but i wasn't playing consecutively and i didn't know exactly what to do to unlock her (other than doing her quests over and over) in the beginning,so shouldn't take you long :D.

And great....Error code right when i wanted to try her out :L.

I still don't get why it feels the need to be permanently connecte-oh yeah advertising.
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