[Mar 17, 2012] SoulCalibur Impact: UK, EMEA Final and PARTY (Hampstead, London)

I'm a Namco forum moderator so I do have direct contact with the UK guys so I'll let them know and see if they can sort something out for you Ring.
Thanks, that would be great! I wasn't sure who I should I talk to about this.
Thanks, that would be great! I wasn't sure who I should I talk to about this.
No problem man but could you do one thing to make things easier and could you message me an email that you use so they can contact you and for reference? I'll also contact one of the main guys in France about it too.
It's under control, you won't have a finalist lost in London :)

If some of you intend to come in a group from far away, feel free just to send me a PM so that I can add you on the guestlist and guarantee entrance.

In case the news hadn't spread, Odashima-San (game director) will be at the event too !

Edit: When I mean entrance, I do not mean a spot for the tournament :) I mean getting into the venue for the event :)
I know but thats not fair....i dont get why Austria isnt on the List. We are not Germany nor Switzerland! I tried to register in Germany but its only for german citizen. Ok, we dont have much players but the few we have are really good... and the community is growing since sc5 came out. Maybe someone should tell namco that Austria is a own country lol
Im looking forwards to meeting all of the other finalists. This is going to be some epic gaming experience.
My first time traveling to another country for a tournament. :)
Is anyone going to be landing at Heathrow between 5pm to 8pm on Friday? I'm picking up the Taiwanese and SG guys at the airport and we're going to taxi it back to the hotel (to get there about 10pm). I used to live in Hampstead, so I can show them around a little (supermarkets and whatever). It'd be good for you guys to all meet up at the hotel (if you're staying there) beforehand - you'll feel less lost :p

The organisation is a bit weird for this event, should've designated a welcome group + information for finalists.

PM me on here and I'll get back to you.

Bakanoobsama also qualified for the Netherlands. And I read on Kayane's twitter che got an invite. So you could add them to the list of participants
A fella called "Terrificy" won the Danish championship for the third time in a row, so he's competing for Denmark. Guess you can add him to the list. Also, they have (as far as I can tell) a full list up on the Facebook event.

EDIT: I heard that the Norwegian competitor can't get into England due to some passport issues, by the way. Don't know if it was just joking small-talk while playing yesterday, or if that actually means that there are only going to be 17 competitors.
Hi all,

Just to confirm that the Norwegian competitor won't be able to make it - same for the Russian finalist - due to some visa problems.

Therefore the tournament will be organized as a 16/double-elimination bracket. Positions will be determined by draw (by Odashima-San, game director) at the begining of the EU stage.

FYI - Finalists are not left alone in the nature, they are all accompanied for their travel by a local Namco Bandai Games staff member.
@Tyzaa - Ah, my bad. Is someone already tasked to look after the Singaporean and Taiwanese finalists in that case?
In principle yes: Australian SoulCalibur Product Manager is flying in with his finalist and should take care of them. I've just asked to confirm that to be sure.

But there is no harm in you going to meet them if they are your friends - I just don't want people to go and think we're abandoning people in London ;)
I'm glad Namco chanced the format to double elim (they said single elim on the website originally)
can someone give me a run down on who getting nerf and buff in the patch? namco staff mentioned this stuff throughout the stream.

I caught that

cervantes mostly stays the same,
natsu gets bad news,
leixia gets nerfed in 22k not having knock down

Uto possibly mentioned ivy getting buffed but I only saw that in the chat box, not hearing his actual words.
First of all: THANK YOU to all of the people that attended last Saturday. It was completely epic, even from a organizer's stand point.

Global pictures of the event: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.338534922856513.76125.157579717618702
Photobooth pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.354383447938327.79381.157579717618702

Here is the video of the final clash between Hyrul and Akire:

For the guys in the US, the WW finals will be held in Las Vegas on the 10th of April, and our buddies at NBGA are organizing party buses from LA for you to attend. More information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/374913685862226/
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