4B+K kills Maxi's stances by range, easy to punish often with sbh'BBB if they try to zone in attacking. Hmm, yup, its like a no-no for maxi.

Edit: A no-no for both new to pro maxi players. They are best not to use those at all on certain-not so rare ranges.
Indeed! I use SSH BBB a lot against mash-happy, scrubby Maxis. I've found it's a bad move against good Maxis since he does have some surprisingly long range moves.
Indeed! I use SSH BBB a lot against mash-happy, scrubby Maxis. I've found it's a bad move against good Maxis since he does have some surprisingly long range moves.
Both 66B, 33B, and 66B+K off the top of my head have rather good range (for Maxi), I use them to kill backstep when I play as Maxi so they also work well against Siegfried's SSH stance.
Both 66B, 33B, and 66B+K off the top of my head have rather good range (for Maxi), I use them to kill backstep when I play as Maxi so they also work well against Siegfried's SSH stance.
Don't forget 22B. Probably the best anti Sieg stance move Maxi has at range.
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